"'Till there was you"、これもアリーの挿入歌です。変人Johnがアリーの誕生日に歌ってました。ミュージカル曲だからでしょう、iTunes Storeで検索するとそれっぽいアレンジがたくさんヒットします。でもね、昨日も書いたけど私はミュージカルは苦手。で、1曲1曲試聴してやっと見つけ出したのが、セクシーながらも優しさが滲み出ているRod Stewartバージョン!うーん。ステキ…。あと、クラシックバージョンも気に入ったので、ついでにダウンロードしました。"Greg Logan & Ray Green" のバイオリンデュオです。音をとって譜面にして今度のクリスマス会に吹いちゃおうかしらん。
There were bells on the hill But I never heard them ringing No, I never heard them at all Till there was you
There were birds in the sky But I never saw them winging No, I never saw them at all Till there was you
And there was music, And there were wonderful roses They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and you
There was love all around But I never heard it singing No I never heard it at all Till there was you
There was love all around But I never heard it singing No I never heard it at all Till there was you