例えば、 She was no longer the alert,vivaciousAmerican beauty who had charmed and delighted all who came in contact with her. という使われ方があります。
意味は、 full of animation and spirit lively having a lively, attractive personality という意味になります。
同じような意味の英単語は、 vibrant です。
【復習】 5月7日の英単語は、「fervor」でした。
例えば、 He spoke about the cause with greatfervorand passion. という使い方がありました。
意味は、 great warmth and intensity of emotion で、
fervency, ardor, fire
【Bon app?tit !】
During medieval times, barbers also functioned as doctors and dentists, performing surgeries, bloodlettings, and tooth extractions. The original barber's pole had brass basins at the top and bottom, representing the vessel that held the leeches(ヒル)used in bloodletting procedures and the one that received the blood. The pole itself represents the staff patients gripped to encourage blood flow, while its red and white stripes symbolize bandages. Blue often appears on poles in the United States, possibly as an homage(敬意)to its national colours.