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まだ梅でした。最高気温5度。寒かった。<池> <梅><山>
金沢に来たのは初めてだった。人ごみの京都を夕方に特急で出発し、約2時間半。意外と遠いんだな。雨の降る街にでたときの第一印象はさむっ!、くらっ! しずか!!!結構大きな街なのだがやはり夜は早かった。おまけに2日目以降は雪。前日とは15度も気温が下がった。This was my first time to visit Kanazawa.I left the crowded town Kyoto in the evening, and it took me around two and half hour to get to Kanazawa by express.Kanazawa was further from Kyoto than I expected.My first impression of Kanazawa at night was not so wonderful, it seems to be just chilly, dark and silent city.Though Kanazawa is a rather big city, most of the shops are closed in the early evening.Unfortunately, it started snowing from the second day of my stay.The temperature plummeted by fifteen degree from that of the day before.そんなこんなにもかかわらず、僕はこの街が結構気に入った。まず、街がきれい。金沢城址の周りに濠や用水がめぐっており、武家屋敷の街並みもきれいに維持されていて、城下町の雰囲気がしっかり残っている。教会を中心とした街並みが綺麗に残っているヨーロッパの古い街とどこか通じるものがあるのだ。この街並みに点在する資料館や武家屋敷、神社、庭園は無料で立ち寄れるところも多く、とても気楽に廻れる。これもなんとなく西欧の街的だ。これで城そのものが残っていたら、もっとすごいだろうなぁ。Though the first night was rather rough, I get to love this city.First, this city is beautiful.The former castles surrounded by many moats and canals and the well-preserved samurai-residence area makes a typical mood of samurai era. I found that the mood of this town was a bit similar to that of old-European city.また単に建物だけでなく、輪島や九谷焼という茶の湯文化が街に溢れているし、そばや海の幸もうまく、日本文化のよさが実感できた。In addition to these architectures, I found a lot of Wajima, Kutani- china, which composes the Japanese traditional tea ceremony culture in this town. Seafood and soba-noodle were also quite tasty, and I enjoyed the blight side of Japanese cultures.さらにいうと、この街は人が親切だった。短期の滞在でなかなかわからないのだけれど、みやげ物屋、食堂、コンビニ、タクシーやマックで隣席した若者や、道路工事のおじさんにいたるまで、かなり良い感じを受けた。こういう経験は最近ないなあ。仕事で来たせいもあって、たいした観光もしなかったのだが、お土産にふくろうの九谷焼を買って気持ちよく帰途についたのであった。On top of those, I realized people are kind in this town.My stay was quite short, but I found almost everyone whom I meet in souvenior shops, restaurant, convenience store was quite nice as well as the taxi drivers and young guys who happened to be next to me at Mac. That was a rather rare experience for me these days.I could not do a lot of sight-seeing, cause I was on business.But I was quite satisfied with this trip in the end and get the small owl souvenior for myself, which was made of Kutani-china.
I went to Kyoto last week on bussiness. There was an accademic meeting at Kyoto Women's University. I expected to see the full bloom of cherry blossoms, but it was a bit early to blooming. It was a bit amazing for me, because cherry blossoms are about to full blooming in Tokyo and Yokohama which is located a bit north compared to Kyoto. The weather was almost fine during my stay, and I can see some of the bloomed cherry blossoms in the end. I also realized most of the cherry blossoms which I saw was not Someiyoshio, which is the most popular variety.That could be one of the reason why the season of full blooming is a bit late in Kyoto compared to Tokyo. 先週仕事で京都に行った。京都女子大で学会があったからだ。京都で満開の桜が見れると思っていたのだが、開花ちょっと前だった。これは少しびっくりした。というのは、東京や横浜ではもうじき満開というところだったし、これらの都市は京都よりちょっと北にあるからだ。滞在中の天気は結構良かったので、最終的にはいくらかの桜を見る事が出来た。京都で見た桜は、多くがソメイヨシノではなかった。東京より開花が遅いのはそんな原因もあったかもしれない。
送別会にでた。自分が送別されるかとも予想し、なかば期待もしていたのだけれど、そうはならなかった。2年のオランダを終えて日本にかえってきて、何かが微妙にちがっていた。みんな2つ年を取ったというだけでなく、今までいい人だな、と思っていた人が偉そうになったり、冷たくなっていたり。逆に、こいつとは合わない、と思っていた人が余裕が感じられるようになったり、話しやすくなっていたり、親切になっていたりする。このギャップを僕は未だに完全に受け入れられない。僕の中にいる彼らは2年前の彼らなのだ。とくに、自分が大好きだった人が、変っているのはツライ。夢をもっていて、ステキだった人がつまらない考えになっていたり、甘い瞳と言葉で語って女が妙に偉そうに、冷たくなっていたりするのは頭でわかっていても、いざ眼にするとなかなか受け止められない。だって、周りのものは全然変っていないのだ。建物も、机も、実験器具も。それどころか、ホワイトボードの落書きさえ2年前のがそのまま残っていたりするのだ。人はいさ、心も知らず、ふるさとは、花ぞ昔の 香ににほひける、、、、、なんて言葉がいつも浮かんだり、消えたりする。だから転勤したかった。自分の周りのしがらみをいっきに捨てたかった。でも、それは許されなかったようだ。自分の環境は自分で創るしか許されない。昔のすてきなアイツはいなくなったのだ。仲がわるくなったんじゃない。最近はそう思うようにしている。会議で眠ってばかりいる悪い癖だけはそのまんまのヤツをできるだけ見ないようにしながら、、。
I went to the art school in my town and had my first water-paint lesson yesterday.I bought a set of water-color paint in the Netherlands,according to my tuitors suggestion, but I had no chance to use it .昨日、街のアートスクールにいって、水彩画レッスンを初体験してきた。オランダにいたときに先生のすすめで、水彩画の一式を買っていたんだけれど、使うチャンスがなかったんだ。Several weeks ago, I found an ad of art school in Japan, which provides a special water color lesson.In addition, they provides the lesson free!!It was too hard for me to miss this chance!そしたら何週間かまえに、日本のアートスクールで、水彩画の特別レッスンのCMをしていたんだ。おまけに無料!行かないわけにはいかないよね。The lesson was really great, and I learned quite a few things about water-color painting.Followings are the things that I was greatly impressed.レッスンはとてもよかった。僕は水彩画についていろんなことを教わった。以下に非常に印象的だったことをあげる。i) Priot to use water color, draw the motif clearly with pencil.It is importtant to make it clear which part should be high-lightened, because you have to leave the high-light region unpainted.水彩で描く前に、モチーフを鉛筆でしっかり描く。大事なのはハイライトの部分をハッキリさせること、なぜならハイライトの部分は色を塗らないからだ。ii) First, make colors on the pallet, and then water the region where you want to paint. Put the several color while the paper is wet by brush then. Brush is a tool to place the color on the paper rather than drawing.まず、色をパレットの上に作製する。そして色を塗りたい部分に水を塗る。紙がぬれているうちに、色をいくつかのせる。ブラシは描くというよりも、紙に色を載せるための道具だ。iii) Start water color-painting the back ground, cause it is easier.For back ground area, you do not need brushes, just pour the paint from your pallet to the water paper instead. That gives unexpectedly nice-taste on your work.背景を塗る事からはじめる。そのほうが簡単。背景にはブラシはいらない。そのかわり、直接パレットから濡れた紙に流す。こうすることによって作品に予想外の味がでる。iV) To dry the paper, you can use hair-dryer when you are in hurry.急いでいる時は、紙を乾かすのにヘアドライヤーをつかってもよい。v) You can re-water and re-paint the region again, but too much re-painting make your work worse. That is the biggest difference between water-color and oil.描いた部分を再びぬらして、塗りなおしてもよいが、やりすぎるとよくない。油絵ともっとも大きく違う点といえる。There are many things I learned, but the most important thing is that it is really fun to write in water-color.It was not too difficult and does not spend too much time. That's why I enjoyed drawing very much, though I was a begginer.The tuitor also told me the water-color getting more and more popular rather than oil-painting these days.いろんなことを学んだけど、大事なのは水彩画を描くってのはとても楽しかったことだ。そんなに難しくなかったし、時間もそれほどかからない。だから初心者の僕でも十分楽しめた。先生によると最近では油絵よりむしろ、水彩画のほうがどんどんはやってきているんだそうだ。
Some guy has all the lack.Some guy has all the skills.Some guy have great spiritsHis name is Ichiro.
We had a guest from university in Mongol last week. She came to our lab to study some skills. Though I was not in charge of taking care of her, I had a chance to have some chat with her.She told me something about Mongolian language.Mongolian use their own language, their own term, but interestingly they use Russian character to write.Why they didn't have their own characters?When and why they were told to write the Russian character?I got very curious about the historical relation between Russian and Mongolian as well, but her stay was too short and she was so busy that we could not talk it over. The other thing which made me surprise is that she can speak English quite fluently.Because Mongol is not a rich country, I speculate that their education system is not so elaborate.In addition, I can not see historical relationship between Mongolian and English speaking peopleHow they can keep their English level? She told me that Mongolian used to study Russian at school, but English is getting more popular these days.Younger generations are also eager to study Chinese.They may hardly study foreign languages. In Japan, there are a lot of Japanese programs or books which introduce the forein culture. This has both upside and downside. The upside is we can easily get a lot of knowledge about the foreign countries. Actually I got quite a lot knowledge about the Netherlands, after I came back to Japan.The downside is that all our information of foreign countries are more or less filtered by TV programs, newspapers and translators. For instance, I found that the mood of Harry Potter story was quite different between English books and Japanese books.The translator made the story more childish. In addition, we may miss the chance to brush up the communication skills to be internationally understood.Many people in the developing coutry peoples can speak English very fluently.Hr visits taught me that English is getting more important to communicate even with Asian people, such as Chinese, Korean, and Mongolian. ================================================================ 先週の事。モンゴルの大学からゲストが来た。彼女が研究所に来たのは技術をならうためだった。僕は彼女のお世話係ではなかったんだけれど、ちょっとだけ話をすることができた。モンゴル語というのはどんな言語だか知っていますか?モンゴル人は自分の言語、単語を使っているけれど、おもしろいことにそのつづりというのはロシア語と同じだ。何故自分の文字を持っていないのだろう?いつ、なぜロシア文字は使われ始めたのだろう?ロシアとモンゴルの関係とかもとても興味深かったのだけれど、彼女の滞在は短すぎ、そして忙しすぎて、そんな話をする余裕はなかった。 もうひとつ、彼女の英語が極めて流暢である事にも驚いた。モンゴルというのはけっして裕福な国ではない。だからその教育システムもそれほどすぐれたものとは思えない。そして、モンゴルと英語人との歴史的関係も見えてこない。だのになぜそんなに、英語が話せるんだ? 彼女によると、モンゴルではかつてロシア語がさかんだったが、今は英語が人気がある。若い世代は中国語を勉強する事にも熱心だ。きっと、外国語を相当いっしょうけんめい勉強するんだろなぁ。 日本では、外国文化を紹介する日本語のTVプログラムや番組がたくさんある。これはすごくいいことだけれど、悪い点もある。良い点は外国文化に対する豊富な知識が簡単に得られる事だ。実際僕は日本に帰ってから、オランダについていろいろ知ることができた。悪い点は我々の外国に対する知識というものが、ある程度TVや新聞、訳者によって選別されてしまうことだ。たとえばHarry Potterは日本語で読むのと英語で読むのではかなり雰囲気がちがう。日本語の訳はずっと子供っぽい。 そして僕らは、国際的に理解されるスキルを磨くチャンスというのも失っているに違いない。いまや開発途上国の人でも英語がうまい人はたくさんいる。今回の彼女の来訪は、中国や、韓国、モンゴルの人とコミュニケーションするにおいても英語が話せることがますます重要だと思わせられたのであった。 v
Cascaede of conscious 意識の流れ
Hope 希望
Furious 怒り
Solitude (孤独)
Anxiety (不安)
Astound?Or scared??====================================ビックリ仰天?それとも恐怖??
The purpose I visited Hiroshima was to see a new collaborator. We used to study at the same university in the Netherlands. He went back to Japan one year earlier than I did. In advance to his leaving, we discussed the possibility to start a new collaboration after I go back to Japan. One year later, we managed to start new collaboration. I am not very sure if we can continue this collaboration for long period, but this is what I really would like to do. I know I can not do everything that I want to do by myself. But I know that there are few people in my workplace who can dream with me. I need someone outside of my work place. Recently, I also succeeded to find a young scientist to work with me. It was not very easy to let her join my project, because my field is a bit different from what she majored in. The news that she agreed to come on board made me so delightful. I believe both of them are the persons who I can trust, who have same dream, and who have the skill and knowledge that I do not have. I cannot give up, as long as they are on my side広島に行ったのは新しく始める共同研究の相手と会うためだった。オランダの同じ大学で勉強していた人だ。僕より1年前に帰国していた。彼の帰国前に、僕らは僕の帰国後に一緒に共同研究ができるかどうかについて話し合った。それから1年、こうしてなんとか共同研究開始にまでたどり着いている。この研究がどこまで続けられるかわからないけれど、これは自分のすごくやりたかったことなんだ。だって自社の中には、一緒に夢を持てるような仲間を見つけることができないから。僕は社外の人が必要だ。この間、 若い研究者を採用する事ができた。彼女にこのプロジェクトに加わってもらうことは、ちょっと難しかった。だって、僕の仕事は彼女の専攻と少しちがっていたから。だから彼女が入社を決めた、と聞いたときはとても嬉しかった。僕にとって、彼と彼女は2人と信頼することができるし、似たような夢を持っているし、僕に無い知識や技術を持っている。こういう人達と仕事が出来る間は、諦めるわけにはいかない、と思う。<帰りの機内から>
This is a picture of Mt. Fuji.I took this photo in January on my way to Hiroshima.Thanks to the heavy snow we have this winter, the shape of Mt. Fuji was more beautiful than that in usual year.===================================================================富士山の写真。1月に広島に行ったときの機内から撮影した。今年は雪が多かった所為だろうか、例年よりもくっきりと美しかった。
There is someone who I need.There is someone who need me.There are a lot who I do not need.There are a lot who do not need me.But where is he?But where is she?Are there anyone who I need and who need me?===========================================僕は必要としている人がいる。誰か僕を必要としてくれる人がいる。僕には必要でないやつがたくさんいる。僕の事を必要でない人もたくさんいる。でも彼はどこ?でも彼女はどこ?僕が必要で、僕を必要としてくれる人はいるのだろうか?
This is my favorite cup.It is a second-grade cup, so cheeper than the normal one.But I love the shape of this cup, because it looks like a bud of tulip.
I recieved a mail from my friends in Holland yesterday, which made me really happy. The mail just let me know his daily life and his work, so nothig was so speciall. I did not see why this kind of mail made me so happy.At first, I thought that I missed the life in Holland so much, and I may hate that in Japan,,,,, Because I have not yet completely adapted to new life. But I realize that is not the case.because life and study in Holland was not such easy. I did not have a lot of happy memory.So, what made me so happy??I guess that something had been constructed between us, It can be a sort of friendship or reliability, but I cannot explain it very well. It is something completely different from what I have with Japanese frieds. I have never found such relations between Japanese friends. And I know that I paid a lot of efforts to construct this. Maybe I found that what I constucted is still remains in his mail, which made me so delightful. I found that the most important thing is so tinny and invisible.
I used to love gardening before I went to the Netherlands. I especially loved old roses, and English roses. It takes a lot of time to take care of the roses, because there are a lot of insects in Japan. During my stay in Holland, I completely forgot about roses, because I forcused on science, and european cultures. This two years gave me a new insight to many things, and I decided not to do gardening anymore. But when I returned to my home, my garden was too wild to avoid some gardening. It was more like an jungle than a garden I had to cut down the trees, dig up some unexpected bushes, and a lot of weeding!After a lot of work, my garden came back again, and at the same time I was in the mood to be a rosarian.But I learned that make an european-style garden in Japan is much more difficult than doing the same thing in Europe. Eurpoean has much colder weather, longer day time, and fewer insects. In addition, I do not want to be the same guy that I used to be, I do not want to repeat the same things, and I do want to start many new things. But what should I do now???I am not very sure what I would like to do, what kind of life-style I prefer, and what kind of guy I would like to be....
Perspective is the term for drawings, which measns a basic skills, as you know. To depict the proximal things bigger, and the distal things smaller. Perspective is one of the most important things to make your drawings lively.My art teacher in Holland told me that perspective is a basic skill but that does not mean it is easy to use it in proper way.Year, I know it is not easy.Recently, I also found perspective is also important in human relations. If you made a mistake in perspective between human relations, the relation might be corrupted. You lose your trust, your friends, and your personality.Be careful to see the distance between the others. Proximal or distal???That is an eternal question.
It could be an independence day for me today, cause I decided to write this blog in English.In reality, the reason why I decided to write this blog in English is not because I need to practice, but because it is easier for me to write something that I hesitate to confess.So, some people may say that this is not an approach to be independent at all,but who knows?At least this is an good way to spend my time for me, even if nobody understand what I write.
Positive thinkingというのは自分の行動に対する結果や行動を起こそうとするときの状況把握に使うもの。他人のいいなりになって、何も行動しないこと現状を無理やり肯定してしまうためにPositive thinkingといってしまうのは全然ちがうと僕は思う。
全28件 (28件中 1-28件目)