

November 6, 2015
カテゴリ: 《FRIENDS》


《Season8-19-3》The One With Joey's Interview



284. You know, when we talked about face to face… I don’t think we thought it all the way through.


285. Hey, Pheebs.

286. Hey.

287. Check it out.

288. Huh?

289. How much of a man am I?

290. Wow.

291. Nice. Manly and also kind of a slut.


292. You’re turning into a woman.

293. No, I’m not. Why would you say that? That’s just mean.

294. Now I’ve upset you? What did I say?

295. Not what you said, it’s just the way you said it.

296. Oh, my God! I’m a woman!


297. Great nap.

298. It really was.


299. Me? Gay? No. No. No.

300. Uh, but I have a number of close friends who are.

301. So let’s talk about women.

302. I’m sure our female readers will be interested to know about your romantic life.


303. Oh, what I do is, I look a woman up and down and I say:

304. “Hey. How you doing?”

305. Oh, please.

306. Hey. How you doing?


307. Hey. How you doing?

308. He has the most amazing Porsche under there.

309. I’ d love show you, but I just tucked her in. She’s sleeping.

310. Hey, would you two girls like to go for a drink?


311. Is Rachel here? I’m her sister.

312. Oh, my God. Jill.

313. Oh, my God. Rachel.

314. Oh, hi.

315. Oh, my God. Introduce us.

316. Well, this is Chandler.

317. Hi.

318. You know Monica and Ross.

319. Hi.

320. And that’s Phoebe. And that’s Joey.

321. Hey, how you doing?

322. Don’t!


323. You’re a really nice guy… and I’m happy to be your roommate and
your friend.

324. I’m just…. You know, I just don’t feel that way about you.

325. Oh, I see what happened. Ha, ha.

326. It’s because I was trying to repel you. Right?

327. Believe me, you’d feel a lot different if I turned it on.

328. I don’t think so.

329. Oh, I do.

330. How you doing?

331. I’m okay.

332. What? Oh, dear God.


333. Not much to tell there. I’m really shy.

334. So that’s it. I guess that’s all I need.

335. Thank you so much.

336. I think they will be running this in the beginning og next month.

337. Oh, great. Great. Thank you.

338. Bye.

339. Bye-bye.

340. I did it.

341. Amazing.

342. Oh, wait, I almost forgot. We have to ask everybody this:

343. Other than Days of Our Lives, what’s your favorite soap opera?

344. Oh, I don’t watch soap operas. Excuse me? I have a life, you

345. Thank you. The readers at Soap Opera Digest… will happy to
learn that.

346. Oh. Good enough.

347. So close.

【SC・・・・37】 Chap. 4

348. Wow, I can’t believe they didn’t put in the part… where you said
You didn’t watch soap operas.

349. Yeah, I called the lady about that. I told her I was joking.

350. She was pretty nice about it.

351. You slept with her, didn’t you?

352. A little bit. Yeah.

353. Wow. This picture of you sure is steamy.

354. Oh, yeah, that’s just a little something for my huge gay fan base.

355. Did you just wink at me?

356. Hey, you’re the one who loves the picture.

【Season8 第19話 完】


Last updated  November 6, 2015 10:04:07 PM
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