今日は夕方からコンサートへ行ってきました。ちょっと遠かったけど、車で40分くらいだったかな。コミュニティーの新聞(無料で配っているもの)に載っていたこれまた無料のコンサート。貧乏?いいの!だって、テッド・ハリソンですよ。 テッド・ハリソンというのはカナダではとっても有名な画家です。画家のコンサートではなく、これはハリソンの絵を見ながら、詩の朗読を聴き、そのあと、ハリソンの絵が部分的にスクリーンに映し出され、ぐるぐる回ったり位置を変えたりして、そのうちまたもとの絵に戻るのを見ながら、ピアノの演奏を聴く、というものです。ここにハリソンの絵を出したいけど、著作権侵害になるから、観に行ってください。このコンサートはNorth America in Picture, Poetry and Pianoというタイトルで、Gloria Saarinen のピアノと、 Lister Sinclair の詩の朗読(本人)そして、Ted Harrison も客席の一番前に!
I went to Richmond today. They had a free concert at Gateway Theatre. The concert was calledNorth America in Picture, Poetry and PianoThey showed one of the pictures by Harrison on the screen, while Lister Sinclair read his poem. Beside the picture, it showed what music is going to be played. Then after the poem, Gloria Saarinen played the piano, sometimes well-known classical music, sometimes arranged by herself, sometimes arranged in a jazzy way, and sometimes not-so-known music. The screen got dark and only a part of the same picture comes out. Then another part, sometimes they move, and then gradually the whole picture again. It was just fabulous! I really enjoyed the poems. It would be so nice if I could read the poems again myself!
And, of course, they were selling the book. The same title and the same selection of the pictures, with the same poems we just heard. It came with 2 CD's designed by Harrison. It's only $80.00. Fine. All three of them will sign the book if you buy it tonight. You will save the shipping charge if you buy it tonight. Fine! Our son wanted it so much. But we didn't buy it. It was just too much. We were not prepared. We told ourselves that we could go to many other concerts and galleries with that much money.
Our son cried. May be because it was so late and he was tired. Kids are usually not in a good mood at 9:30pm after two hours of being forced to sit still. He should be Ok tomorrow. You shouldn't fuss. Receive what is given to you with gratitude. Don't say you got "nothing".
But you know. I realized how much I wanted that book too now. I can still order it. But $80.00 is really too much. Or is it? I should not think about money so much when it comes to art! Or shouldn't I really????
Why it has to be this book? Because it is not available in other places. It comes with the poems. I heard Lister Sinclair read it himself. I enjoyed the evening. I liked the piano.