Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
Three month after 3.11 earthquake in eastern Japan.
(Back then)
(Last month)

After the earthquake, an encouragement for Japan from Stevie Wonder was placed on YouTube.
When I went to his concert for the second time in 2007 , I realized that his songs are filled with love -the spirit of valuing and respecting each other and live together. (See Nov. 8, 2009)
And I've heard how he loves and appreciates Japan highly.
So I felt grateful to hear this news.
A Time To Love " for us and " Shelter in the Rain " for victims.
At the same time... I wondered if we really live up to his praise.

(See Jun. 7, 2011 first)
About recent chaos of lame-duck government due to politicians being busier for political dispute than response to the earthquake, I'm NOT the right person to exposit or make an excuse or apologize about that.
And writing about it might make me feel shameful and this essay would be too long complicated.
This situation is described as another man-made disaster by some media.
Not only us, but also all over the world might be angry and fed up.
I feel like dedicating them " You Haven't Done Nothin' "!!
Although this is a song made a smash hit in 1974 , this song still arouses people's sympathy.
-it's not right time to place about it today, though -but someday, perhaps.

However... anyway;
It is absolute that people at the stricken area deal with the disaster the hardest and the best.
So let me take this occasion to ask you who read this English weblog to keep on encouraging and supporting those people at the spot.
And today, let me take this occasion to place my gratitude for Stevie Wonder, and various support from over the world again and again .

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2011.06.11 18:49:37
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