Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット 必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎

1. When the voting age and adulthood age was lowered from twenty to eighteen, once I hoped that Panjandrums NEVER lower the participating age of National Pension from eighteen, which is now from twenty.
This won't come true so far, because in case bereaved family pension is granted to issues, benefit period is until first fiscal yearend after eighteenth birthday,
 In other words, until they graduate high school.
  Then it's inconsistent to levy pension premium from eighteen-year-old high-school students.

Instead, I was afraid it's more provable that they require to enroll National Pension from twenty to sixty-five to qualify for full pension, which is now from twenty to sixty.
 Now, unfortunately, this anxiety is about to come true.
  At least, if the amount of full pension is raised enough as the total amount of National pension premium increases, it could be still acceptable.
But I assume that there is very little hope, since all that Panjandrums care about is how to cut off Pension payment shrewdly.
Incidentally, employed workers are insured by Employee pension insurance until seventy, though.
That's why employed workers from sixty-five can receive old-age pension while working and paying pension premium
which is too difficult to explain with my English skill yet.

2. Current Premier appeals ability to listen as his strong point.
But lamentably, as I jocularly imagined once , this means ability to select whom to turn ears and whom to turn deaf ears, distinguishing favorable things and unfavorable things in listening to others, and half-listening to unfavorable things.
Anyway, after all, it seems to have turned out that all he has done is just listen and consider, putting nothing into practice.
Now I wish that this nation has learned what the leaders of organizations, from students' group works to major companies and states, must not do as the top of organizations.


3. After a while current Premier mentioned above took office, he proclaimed income-doubling plan .
As I assumed from the beginning that this is mere claptrap allegorical slogan,
Soon, he began to say that he hadn't said that it means doubling nation's salaries , a specific sophistry of current Ruling party.
asset-income-doubling plan .
When I found out it later, I felt like imagining first of all that Asset-income-doubling plan is a phrase for the Exchequer , by cutting off Pension and allowances for dependent children and social security expenses, rejecting consumption tax reduction, tightening tax levy, and so on.

:Ready to place summery if asked


最終更新日  2022.10.29 14:52:33
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