Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット 学園「世界」物語【シリーズ10-line】:何の羽根?

1. As is already well-known, for almost half century, whole our nation suffers from pollen hypersensitivity.
I remember seeing a warning poster about pollinosis at the local pediatric clinic when I was a child.
This is a kind of national disease caused by wrong forestry policy in rapid economic growth period.
In this spring, current Premier haphazardly announced measures for pollinosis, saying that pollinosis is a serious social problem .
Considering all kinds of loss that hay fever brought to our nation,
Is it fine to be amazed that the Premier has recognized the obvious at this late date?

 Is he really ignorant, or feigning innocence?
Today's title is the source of the phrase in our language that means pretense of coyness.

2. Our state is one of the countries where labor shortage is a major problem.
It's partly because due to birth decline, younger labor force is also declining.

Then why don't those employers hire people whom they hadn't hired during employment ice age?
They've made those Lost generation give up marriage and childbirth, and promoted birth decline.
Now, some employers still stick to new recruits and complaining about labor scarcity, some seek for cheaper international laborers.
They've brought worker shortage upon themselves, haven't they?
It's wrong to blame on only employers, though.
   Meanwhile, as is pointed out by online postings, what they mean by labor shortage is those employers are having hard time to find young capable submissive thralls who are reconciled to low pay.
After the restriction on freedom of conduct due to Pandemic was abolished, especially restaurant business and lodging industry face severe manpower shortage.
As for them, it's true that the whole industries were damaged by Pandemic, and besides, there was a series of persecution by Panjandrums, media and general public.
Even so, labor shortage is natural after their massive staff cuts.

3. So far, luckily, I haven't developed pollinosis.
On the other hand, Yellow sand had already caused sickness before I developed asthma.
Yellow sand had been seen in history, so this itself is a kind of natural phenomenon.
But now, it's not mere sandstorm.
It carries pollutant from the neighboring Continent country.

As for this case, it's not feigning innocence but same old buck-passing, though.

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2023.06.27 09:35:50
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