Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
電脳用心【シリーズ10-line】台湾・タロコの橋の欄干 必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット


2. One of the government offices in our state moved to ex-Capital city from current Capital city for the sake of Regional revitalization .
However, since the move of the Office, they've spent a huge sum of traveling expenses, mainly in order to visit Diet members in Capital prefecture.

No matter how Central authority calls for going digital , as long as moss-headed elder assemblies cannot respond to digitalization such as online meetings, those regional staff members are forced to commute to Capital prefecture .
Or are those assemblies concerned about information leakage by online conferences?
If things go on like this, will the Office return to Capital prefecture eventually?

3. If there are something I could say for the current Ruling party,
In spite of all the efforts that four of the five candidates paid to win by-election for the Diet in this spring, is current Premier dissolving Lower House?
 I don't question its right or wrong.

But if they dissolve Lower house now, those candidates' endeavors and the Ruling party’s supports will all go down the drain.

4. During the Pandemic, under the name of Social distance , workers who work from home increased rapidly.
But since the legal classification of Coronavirus infection was changed, many of the companies that had introduced teleworking are now having employees commute to workplaces.
I don't accuse those changes and commuting.
Some want to work from home so that they can work and childcare or nursing at the same time.
Some think they can switch business and private life better by commuting.
Teleworking can open a lot of doors for people with illness and handicaps who are willing to work.
Needless to say, some jobs cannot be done from home.
Meanwhile, if administrators at companies feel that they find it hard to work without their followers around or they want to control employees so that subordinates don't goof off,
I must say modestly that they are against time.

commuters' hell somehow or other.

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2023.07.07 10:00:29
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