Users frustrated by Apple iOS update
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Apple iPhone and iPad users have taken to social media to express their frustration over installing the company's latest software update.
Many have resorted to deleting photos, videos and other files in order to free up space for the new version of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS8, which requires up to 5.8GB of storage.
Apple has also removed apps for its new health software because of a bug.
One expert said Apple's updates were often prone to "teething problems".
Some vexed Apple users took to Twitter to express their annoyance, at one point causing the subject to be trending above the Scottish referendum.
David Roberts tweeted: "This update would be great... If you didn't have to delete half of the stuff on your phone just to install it."
Daniel Zennon took a more humorous approach, tweeting: "So Apple put the #U2 album on everybody's phone and then tell them they don't have enough space for the #iOS8 upgrade".
This is not the first time Apple users have had trouble with iOS updates. ・・・
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