すぐに避難する: 消火活動に時間をかけるのではなく、火災に気づいたら速やかに避難する。
煙を避ける: 煙は命を奪う最大の要因です。タオルなどで口や鼻を覆い、なるべく姿勢を低くして避難する。
逃げ道を確保する: 最初に出口を確認し、逃げる方向を決めてから行動する。
非常用の備えを活用: 日頃から避難経路を確認し、避難時に必要な道具(懐中電灯、防煙マスクなど)を準備しておく。
English Comment
The leading cause of fatalities in fires is "failure to evacuate in time." This often stems from a sense of obligation to extinguish the fire or a lack of knowledge about proper evacuation methods. One critical fact that many people are unaware of is how little time they have to escape. According to a report from the Yokohama Citizen’s Cooperative Association, the time available to evacuate during a residential fire is only 3 to 5 minutes.
Given this extremely short window, attempting to locate a fire extinguisher, assess the fire’s origin, and extinguish it is almost impossible for an untrained person. In fact, trying to fight the fire increases the risk of inhaling toxic smoke, which is often more deadly than the flames themselves.
The actions to protect your life during a fire should follow these guidelines, which must be widely shared to raise public awareness:
Evacuate immediately: Do not spend time trying to extinguish the fire. Leave as quickly as possible once you notice it.
Avoid smoke: Smoke is the leading cause of fatalities in fires. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth and stay low to the ground while evacuating.
Secure an escape route: Identify the safest exit first and focus on getting there safely.
Utilize emergency preparations: Ensure you’ve prepared tools like flashlights or smoke masks and regularly check escape routes in your home.
The rule is simple: "Escape first." Attempting to extinguish the fire should only be done if the fire is extremely small and you are certain of your safety.
Realities of Fires and Prevention
The "3 to 5 minutes" mentioned in the report highlights how limited the time for decision-making during a fire really is. Without prior preparation, it’s difficult for anyone to act effectively in such a short time frame. Therefore, regular emergency drills and simulations, either organized by local authorities or planned with family members, are crucial.
For households with elderly individuals or young children, evacuation can take longer, making prior planning even more essential. The report also emphasizes that smoke, not fire, is often the greatest danger. Smoke frequently contains toxic gases that can quickly incapacitate anyone who inhales it. Awareness campaigns focusing on the dangers of smoke and how to avoid it should be prioritized.
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