5-4-3-2-1 Early Childhood Tips for Today: Self-Care

By Office of Early Childhood
December 03, 2023

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Things to Know or Do

  • Keep an attitude of gratitude . Thinking optimistically and using positive self-talk can reduce stress.
  • The saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup” is true. In order to give the best care to children, you must remember to take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, maintain a balanced diet, and incorporate exercise into your routine.
  • Mistakes are opportunities for growth. As an adult, making mistakes give us an opportunity to model healthy ways to deal with what can be an uncomfortable experience.
  • Engage with a non-work related hobby. Do you like reading, biking, knitting, sports? Do something you love at least weekly. Have fun! Adulting is hard. Benefit from the youthful energy that surrounds you and take time to play, laugh, and delight in the world.
  • Share self-care ideas and techniques with the children in your life. It’s never too early to build healthy habits.

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Children Read Alouds

  • Sitting Still Like a Frog Book Cover703-329-7552&type=xw12&upc=&oclc=&issn=&" width="118"> Sitting Still Like A Frogby Eline Snel & Myla Kabat-Zinn. ( FCPS ) Children and the adults in their lives can use this book to incorporate mindfulness into their lives through eleven practices focusing on calm, focus, reducing stress, etc.
  • I Am Human: A Book of Empathy Book Cover703-329-7552&type=xw12&upc=&oclc=&issn=&" width="125"> I Am Human: A Book of Empathyby Susan Verde. ( FCPS | Public Library ) I Am Human shows that it’s okay to make mistakes while also emphasizing the power of good choices by offering a kind word or smile or by saying “I’m sorry.” At its heart, this picture book is a celebration of empathy and compassion.
  • the OK book Book Cover703-329-7552&type=xw12&upc=&oclc=&issn=&" width="104"> the OK bookby Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Tom Lichtenheld. ( FCPS | Public Library ) Skills and talents are celebrated in the book that playfully encourages discovery of individual strengths, talents, and personalities. This book encourages self-love and kindness.
  • Beautiful Oops! book cover703-329-7552&type=xw12&upc=&oclc=&issn=&" width="98"> Beautiful Oops!by Barney Saltzberg. ( FCPS ) Hooray for mistakes! A mistake is an adventure in creativity and an opportunity to make something new and beautiful.

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Links to Visit

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Videos to View

Self-Care for Daycare Providers by Work Live Glue