FCPS CARES - September 2023

By Department of Human Resources
FCPS Cares
September 05, 2023

To recognize an employee with an FCPS Cares, please visit our  submission page .

To view past submissions, please visit our previous submissions page

FCPS CARES of the Month Recipients

Central Office

Shobana Sen, Gatehouse Admin Center

" I wanted to take a moment to recognize Shobana Sen. We are grateful to have her leading the GAC Café team, now that the “hot” line is back, the salad bar and customized sandwich bar have returned, there is simply no need to pack a lunch or to leave to grab something to eat! Shobana Sen and her team have always created a warm and inviting environment, and now they have created a desire to come and try specialty items on a weekly menu! I have heard colleagues in the Superintendent’s suite reference a “favorite” weekly meal, especially, Tuesday’s Greek Salad!! I wanted her to know how fortunate we are at Gatehouse to have her! She truly goes above and beyond EVERY day!"

Grace Taylor, Gatehouse Admin Center

Region 1 

Matthew Brado, Herndon MS - View the Celebration !

" Today at lunch, a student was choking, and Mr. Matthew Brado, Instructional Assistant, stepped in to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Mr. Brado performed the maneuver for close to two minutes and successfully dislodged the stuck food. Further, his heroic efforts today saved an 8th-grader at Herndon Middle School. We are fortunate for Mr. Brado's quick thinking and action." 

Monika Vereb, Herndon MS 

Region 2

Stacy Kirkpatrick, Chesterbrook ES (Pictured) - View the Celebration !

" Principal Stacy Kirkpatrick saved the day for some of our Davis Career Center (DCC) students today!  One of our worksite shuttles showed up at Chesterbrook Elementary School instead of Chesterbrook Residences due to a simple miscommunication. Ms. Kirkpatrick took time out of her very busy day to call DCC and explain what was happening and help figure things out. Her focus was on the safety and well-being of students and staff who weren't even part of her school, which is, in my opinion, one of the many reasons she is such a fantastic principal! Because of Ms. Kirkpatrick's caring attitude, our DCC students were picked up on time and made it back to school for a successful end of the day. Thank you, Ms. Kirkpatrick, for your help making the very first day out at work this year a positive experience for these hard-working DCC students! "

Chad Clayton, Davis Career Center

Region 3

Ronna Petitt, Riverside ES 

" Ronna has gone above and beyond this school year to support our special education team. She has been supporting 3 grade levels, covering for local screening and also has stepped up to support a student while we are waiting for placement. She is creating schedules daily to help support the many needs of our students. Riverside is so lucky to have amazing IAs that go above and beyond and Ronna is one of them!"

Lorri Hallenbeck, Riverside ES 

Region 4

Jeni Maenner, Oak View ES - View the Celebration !

"Another day should not pass by without recognizing our new reading specialist, Jeni Maenner. There are certain people in this school system that just have the natural ability to shift culture and shift thinking in a positive direction. Jeni Maenner embodies this innate ability to brighten one’s day and creates such powerful connections. A reading specialist by certification, yet the brightest and positive light to our children as they begin and end their day. She greets our Kiss and Riders each morning and sends them home safely in the afternoon. This may not seem like an enormous task, but she treats it with the same utmost importance. This has won the respect of her colleagues because they know they can count on her to take all of her professional responsibilities seriously. This shows parents and students she is in it to win it, beyond bell to bell. In addition to know the name of every student who hops out of the car, she makes a point to greet their younger siblings who are aspiring to come to kindergarten (and wanting to come sooner than later because they have already made a friend in Ms. Maenner). Now let’s dig deeper into her day between bell to bell. Jeni Maenner has jumped right in and fused a partnership with our instructional coach, offering ideas and strategies, and standing side by side to support adult learning and beyond. Ms. Maenner has proved to be an equal and a reliable colleague during collaborative team meetings, especially for Language Arts. She has an uncanny way to put ideas on the table and facilitate teams in ways they not only welcome, but they crave it. Jeni Maenner approaches all facets of her job with positivity and zest. I have never witnessed her crumble under pressure. What ever is happening, she is smiling and touting, “we can do this, and I am here with you, for you.” Hands down, Jeni Maenner has already made an impact on our teachers, students, and community. Multiple teachers have made multiple comments, singing her praises. Just today, three teachers in one CLT were raving about how she was able to offer resources for the upcoming unit. 

And if this isn’t enough. Ms. Maenner has found time between serving on MTSS, meeting with teachers and teams, assessing students, and supporting instruction to lend a hand with the Virginia Growth Assessments. Shall I go on and on? I could share with you a daily example of how Jeni Maenner has made herself an invaluable part of the Oak View community since the day she stepped into our building, and into our hearts."

- Lora Adams, Oak View ES 

Region 5

Jann Canestra, Cub Run ES - View the Celebration !

" Jann has been an incredible force within FCPS over the past several years that I have known and worked with her. There are a number of things Jann has contributed to FCPS that has not only benefitted the school in which she works but has impacted school communities around FCPS. Jann has secured a number of business partnerships and donations not just for Cub Run but many other schools around FCPS. These business partnerships and donations have supported administrations' efforts to provide treats for their staff, resources for their community, and has helped families put food on the table. Jann has supported Outdoor Learning across a few schools she has worked at, enhancing the curriculum through opportunities where students get their hands dirty within the science curriculum around the school grounds, creating unforgettable learning experiences for students. Jann has also been the go-to person who supports students throughout the building in which she serves with various needs, whether it is a student requiring a movement break, extra social-emotional support or requiring a unique job to make a student feel special and have an adult they have a connection with at school. Jann continues this work across multiple schools in FCPS not just benefitting her immediate school but multiple communities within FCPS. Jann's work has been invaluable to the families, students, teachers and administrators she has worked with, and she is above and beyond deserving of an FCPS Cares recognition. Thank you, Jann! "

Ben Chiet, Timber Lane ES 

Region 6

Robin Thibodeaux, North Springfield ES

" Robin Thibodeaux is a superior example of what a caring, knowledgeable, and professional educator is.  She models working with students, planning, and being a positive contributing team member daily. Her approach helps new teachers to overcome the challenge of transitioning careers. She is and will continue to be an outstanding resource for new educators in our building.  Also, her commitment to the students and community is second to none as she creates Broadway fashioned costumes for the school play every year."

Will Pluff, North Springfield ES

Other FCPS Cares of the Month Recipients

Kevin Feighery, Brookfield ES 

" Mr. Feighery has gone above and beyond the past two years to make our PTA movie night a success. Throughout the planning process he was ready to step in and help. He added our commercials to the news show to promote the event and went out of his way to get a better speaker system. He checked the technology ahead of time and ensured the PTA could focus on other movie night responsibilities. Once the movie started, he checked in to see if he could help with anything else. We cannot thank Mr. Feighery enough for all of his help. This event brought our Brookfield community together and it could not have happened without Mr. Feighery."

Jamie Sibley-Oshlick, Brookfield ES 

Constanza Connie Gibson, South County HS 

"Constanza Gibson is an exemplary human, colleague, and SCHS family member. Constanza's professional title at SCHS is administrative assistant to the principal; however, Constanza truly embodies all of the good that makes the SCHS family such a special community. Constanza leads with love, light, and kindness to all. A recent small example of how Constanza naturally leads with love and goes above and beyond to support others happened on 9/14/23. On this date, a SCHS student who has a seizure disorder had a seizure in school. The SCHS staff responded according to the medical plan to support our student. Our student has challenges beyond having a seizure disorder. Our student is an English Language Learner, her single mom does not speak English, or have a personal vehicle. In seeing a student and family in need, Constanza has built a supportive, trusting relationship for our student and her family. While the SCHS staff were attending to the student and waiting for medical rescue; Constanza was in communication with the student's mother and other family members. That day the student's mother was working in Maryland. Constanza calmly supported making arrangements for which family member would come to the school and hospital while our student's mother would return to Virginia. When Constanza was speaking to the student's parent, I overhead her offering to pick her mom up in Maryland to bring her to her child who was being transported to the hospital. I also overheard Constanza offering to help the next day with the expected follow up medical appointments to support the family and not have them worry about transportation and communication barriers. That afternoon, Constanza met the parent and our student at the hospital upon her release and then took our student to see her primary physician. Constanza supported ensuring that the family was able to secure getting the needed medical forms correctly completed that would allow for our student to have her emergency medication at school. Prior to this incident, the family had not been successful with getting this form completed or getting the medication. As our student has a seizure disorder and unfortunately frequently has seizures, getting these forms completed has been a tremendous need. Constanza also helped schedule an appointment for the student to see a therapist and physiologist to address the stress and other issues that might be causing the seizures. Constanza supported making sure that our student's primary physician would connect with the student's neurologist to revisit her treatment plan. Like the emergency medication form, prior to Constanza's intervention the student/family had had limited success with ensuring time sensitive action and communication. Prior to dropping the student and her parent off at home, Constanza made sure that the family went home with a meal to have one less thing to worry and think about. (Our student's mom has three other daughters and they live in a room in a home.) It is important to mention that Constanza is also a mother of three school aged children too and helped without hesitation. The following day, Constanza took the family (student and her parent) to their medical appointment and advocated to update and adjust the current treatment plan. Constanza not only intervened for our student, but she sought support for our student's mom who understandably is under a tremendous amount of stress. The SCHS community is blessed to have Constanza Gibson as a community member, friend, and advocate. Constanza is one of the most humble humans that I have ever met. I am only able to learn of a small fraction of Constanza's interventions through my checking in and also attempting to support. Constanza is not one to ever speak on HOW she helps because she helps out of love and not for recognition. This is a small example of how Constanza naturally goes above and beyond and truly embodies the "we are a family" mentality of our SoCo Community. We are grateful for Constanza's ongoing positive presence and it is not missed that she is a support to many in our community. "

Claudia Pirouzan-Jones, South County HS 

Katie Scott, Alan Leis Center

" We are so appreciative of Katie Scott! Katie serves as a Disabilities Resource Teacher and supports many different PK programs at several schools; she is undoubtedly busy on any day, and especially at the beginning of the school year (when we reached out to her). We contacted Katie with a pressing issue, and she responded immediately to gather additional information from us and made a plan for next steps. Thank you, Katie, for your responsiveness, your ability to share and use your expertise in such a kind and caring manner, and for your trust in us as educators. Your help is invaluable to preschool families and preschool teachers!" 

Kate Kozeliski, Belvedere ES 

Rama Kannan, Navy ES 

" I am so appreciative to Ms. Kannan at Navy Elementary. I received an email I needed to respond to and I needed Wi-Fi to send something along with the email. However, I was 40 minutes away from my school, on the other side of the county, just across the street from Navy Elementary. Ms. Kannan was so welcoming, while I was content to use the bench near the exit in the beautiful lobby, Ms. Kannan offered me a space to work as well. Ms. Kannan saved me a 40 minute drive (on a Friday) and her kindness, as well as the staff who passed me in the lobby who were just as kind, represents the spirit of a caring culture! Thank you, Ms. Kannan!"

Cindy Conley, Irving MS 

Hank Garrett, Virginia Hills Center

"On this Appreciation Day, we extend our deepest gratitude to building supervisor, Hank Garrett for his tireless efforts in keeping our spaces clean, safe, and inviting. His hard work often goes unnoticed, but the impact he makes on our daily lives is immeasurable. Through his dedication, our environment remains conducive to learning, working, and thriving. The meticulous care he demonstrates in every task, whether big or small, showcases his unwavering commitment to Fairfax County Public Schools. The Assistive Technology Services team at Virginia Hills Administrative Center would like to recognize and celebrate Hank. An unsung hero who plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of our spaces. Thank you for your outstanding service, your attention to detail, and the positive energy you bring to our community. Your efforts do not go unnoticed and are deeply appreciated by all."

- the Assistive Technology Services team, Instructional Programs Support Center

Jacqui Rhodes, Irving MS 

"Jacqui Rhodes has been the ultimate teammate during the Performance Matters rollout. She is willing to share her hard work and expertise with others and has been incredibly patient when helping others. I appreciate having a teammate like Jacqui!"

- Jacqueline Shuhler, Irving MS

Holly Mossburg,  Irving MS 

" Holly Mossburg has been an invaluable resource during the rollout of Performance Matters. She has been kind, helpful, and patient, especially when things go wrong. I appreciate having an SBTS like Holly who will go above and beyond to help her teachers and staff."

Jacqueline Shuhler, Irving MS 

Tara Worth, Terra-Centre ES

" Ms. Worth is an exceptional teacher who has provided invaluable support to me as a parent ever since she began working with my child. I am truly grateful to have her, and words cannot adequately express the extent of her dedication to the children at Terra Centre and their families."

Teresa Vazquez-Salvadores, Lake Braddock SS 

Victoria Field, Oak Hill ES 

" My son recently started strings this school year. He is autistic and has some fine motor delay so this was great stretch for him. He was sick the second class and was nervous he missed some important instruction. Ms. Field e-mailed us a very detailed list of what was covered in class and included some instructional videos. This was really thoughtful and was also very helpful and reassuring for him to feel prepared the following week."

- an Oak Hill ES parent

Wendy Parry, Oak Hill ES 

" Ms. Wendy" is a dining room assistant in Oak Hill's cafeteria. She is truly a gift to the school. My son is autistic and the cafeteria is very over stimulating for him. Ms. Wendy's gentle, calm demeanor is the perfect antidote to a chaotic, loud lunchroom. She checks in on him most days and he looks forward to their quick visit. They have developed a true friendship and we are so thankful for her! The entire school benefits from having Ms. Wendy at Oak Hill."

- an Oak Hill ES parent 

Katherine Dillard, Oak Hill ES 

" My second grader started the school year with four weeks in a walking boot and was not able to participate in PE, recess, or any other physical activity. She was very disappointed, but her experience was elevated significantly because of Oak Hill's front office staff. Ms. Russ and Ms.  Dillard were kind, friendly, and went above and beyond when my daughter needed to spend extra time in the office to avoid extra stairs or walking.  She was able to color, chat, and really enjoyed their company. They were her elevator buddies for weeks and she looked forward to seeing them throughout her day. By the end of her time in the walking boot, they all wore matching Oak Hill t-shirts to celebrate. They made a real difference in what could have been a really hard start to the school year.

- an Oak Hill ES parent 

Denise Russ, Oak Hill ES 

" My second grader started the school year with four weeks in a walking boot and was not able to participate in PE, recess, or any other physical activity. She was very disappointed, but her experience was elevated significantly because of Oak Hill's front office staff. Ms. Russ and Ms.  Dillard were kind, friendly, and went above and beyond when my daughter needed to spend extra time in the office to avoid extra stairs or walking.  She was able to color, chat, and really enjoyed their company. They were her elevator buddies for weeks and she looked forward to seeing them throughout her day. By the end of her time in the walking boot, they all wore matching Oak Hill t-shirts to celebrate. They made a real difference in what could have been a really hard start to the school year."

- an Oak Hill ES parent 

Robin Ward, Wilton Woods Center

" Robin really went above and beyond today. Not only did she provide our office with data in a very short time period, she also provided a proof for feedback! I appreciated the opportunity to provide feedback before the entire data set was extracted, as it gave us a chance to ensure we got what we were expecting and needing. Thank you for the great work and very quick turn around!"

Jessica Hernandez, Forte Center

Whitney Roland, Kings Park ES 

Ms. Rowland is not my daughter’s teacher but noticed she was visibly upset during lunch in the cafeteria one day. Ms. Rowland took the time to engage my daughter in conversation and was able to calm her down and make her laugh.  The compassion Ms. Rowland showed that day made an impact on my daughter and I’m sure my daughter will remember it always. Thank you."

- a Kings Park ES parent 

Ryan Nigro, Kings Park ES

" Mr. Nigro has provided outstanding support for my son since the beginning of the year. Not only has he supported my son’s educational needs through instruction in the classroom, he has provided unparalleled emotional support my son has needed the last couple of weeks. Mr. Nigro has shown compassion and genuine enthusiasm in my son’s personal interests. This enthusiasm continued to support him while at home. We are excited to witness the educational and emotional growth Mr. Nigro will cultivate for our son the rest school year."

- a Kings Park ES parent 

Jason Collazo, Quander Road School

" Jason has enthusiastically and creatively taken on his new role as CRT at Quander. He has developed a new “level up” system to motivate, encourage, and reinforce positive student behaviors in addition to implementing proactive approaches that incorporate real life skills and student voice.  Thank you Jason for your hard work and dedication to the students at Quander!"

Ashley Enright, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Jessica Sweet, Laurel Ridge ES

"We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for Ms. Sweet’s exceptional dedication to our son's start in kindergarten. We are truly fortunate to have her as his case manager. Her patience and kindness have not gone unnoticed. She has a unique gift for understanding our son’s needs and ensuring he feels valued and heard. Her communication with us, as parents, has been outstanding. Her regular updates and willingness to address our questions and concerns have made us feel connected to our son's educational journey. We appreciate her approachability. Ms. Sweet, A big thank you for all that you do, and we look forward to the continued growth and success our son will achieve under your support. You are a remarkable teacher, and we feel so fortunate that our son has had the opportunity to learn from you. "

- a Laurel Ridge ES parent

Maria Pena, Fairfax Villa ES 

"Ms. Peña is an amazing teacher! My son has been lucky to have her as support for the second year. She works closely with me as a partner in my son’s education and always goes above and beyond to make sure her students have what they need to be successful. I appreciate what she does, not just for my son, but for all of her students every day!"

- a Fairfax Villa ES parent

Jacqueline Massingill, ISAEP East - Graham Rd

" Jacqueline was there in my time of need. I sincerely want to thank her for her support during a very tumultuous moment at school. She is truly a wonderful person, colleague and friend. I am very thankful for her willingness to put her reputation on the line in order to help a colleague.  In her words she says, "Be nice to someone today on purpose." We can all learn a great deal from her."

Kevin O'Keefe, Transition Support Resource Center - Herndon

Firuza Asatuloeva, Centre Ridge ES 

" Firuza works very hard to ensure the students she works with are well cared for. On one occasion, a student was having a very tough day and did not want to go home. Firuza stayed well past her contract hours to help the student.  She ended up walking home with the student and his grandmother to make sure he got home safely. I really appreciation Firuza's dedication to her job and to making sure the students she works with are successful."

Kathy Ganahl, Centre Ridge ES 

Eleanor Slugg,  Newington Forest ES

" Elly Slugg is a pleasure to work with everyday in a co-teaching environment.  Our school and students are so lucky to have such a dedicated teacher. Elly is the full package as a special education teacher; keeping current data and working towards IEP goals, stepping in with behavior management charts and visuals, and works to support all students in the general education setting.  I am truly lucky to learn and grow from her this school year."

Juliet Banks, Newington Forest ES 

Sarah Nguyen, Sprague Technology Center

" I would like to thank Sarah Nguyen for helping me with my gradebook issues.  She is very patient and has clear directions.  Thanks."

- Madeline Coyne, Longfellow MS 

Kristen Schuetz, Little Run ES 

" Ms. Kristen Schuetz was my daughter’s Kindergarten teacher last year and is my son’s this year. She is a phenomenal teacher and provides the ideal introduction to the school system for young children. She is kind, warm, caring, funny, and engaged. She balances structure for the first year of school with a creative and exciting environment. She goes out of her way to support her students and adjusts to meet their changing needs in a seamless manner. I could not be more appreciative for her instruction, support, and engagement with my children. FCPS and our school community are very lucky to have her!"

- a Little Run ES parent

Liisa Erickson, Little Run ES

" Ms. Liisa Erickson was our family’s first introduction to the special needs process several years ago. She walked us through the IEP process, which is confusing, exhausting, and overwhelming, especially in the beginning. She helped us navigate the appropriate services and settings for our twin boys’  changing individual needs. She had both boys in her preschool room at different times and always ensured their educational and social-emotional needs were met, while routinely communicating with me to ensure we maintained the same standards at home. I am extremely grateful that my introductions to FCPS and the special needs community were facilitated by such a professional and kind teacher."

- a Little Run ES parent 

Adrienne Dupont, Little Run ES 

" Ms. Adrienne Dupont has been the Preschool Autism Class teacher for both of my twins over the past couple of years. She has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my children's educational experiences. She is directly responsible for my son’s increased language, confidence, and engagement with his peers and the world around him. She is kind, creative, funny, engaged, patient, and has a talent for connecting with children. She meets them where they are at, which is a critical skill in the special needs preschool setting. Ms. Dupont brings joy to her classroom and the broader school everyday and I am so grateful for her impact on our family’s journey."

- a Little Run ES parent 

Rafeal Wilkins, Sprague Technology Center

" Rafeal was able to work with our team to help simplify how services will be displayed in the new system. It will look cleaner and be more focused for all users, a win for everyone! Thank you Rafeal!"

Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center

Michael Elion, Sprague Technology Center

" Mike was able to get a valuable service for our customers into production very quickly to meet a big need for schools! Thank you Mike!"

Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center

Ana Morrobel, Frost MS 

" If you put out a survey, I’m confident the number one answer to describe Ana Morrobel would be “nice.” There are plenty of reasons for that. She continually expresses appreciation, makes an extra effort with everyone’s names, and has baked more treats than Hostess, Entenmann’s, and Little Debbie combined.  That’s only one side of her though. She’s also adept at keeping kids accountable. A prior morning period was exhausting chaos, leading to a revolving door of staff members. Once she came in, by comparison, it stabilized. Open gyms will never be fully stable, but she maintained a degree of order in Chat Club as well.  To me, Ana’s most inspiring trait has been her ability to change. People tend to get stuck in their own ways (myself included). Ana, though, shifted to a new technique for changing a student in a wheelchair, and it was great.  It was one of many times Ana has made a difference."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Arianna Morrobel, Frost MS 

" Ari Morrobel made an impact on Frost before she even stepped foot in the building. Ari started this summer at VIP Camp, where numerous Frost staff members work. Once the camp ended and school was about to begin, a camp director (our afterschool specialist) rave to me about Ari. She insisted she was personable and reliable, flexible and firm, a balance you don’t find in every employee.  Since arriving at Frost, Ari has proven that the summer was no fluke. She has been able to smoothly support math, science, history, and literacy so far.  She hasn’t technically had Personal Development, but in some ways, she seems to have that covered as well.  That is, when a student got along well with her and attempted to casually use profanity, Ari immediately clarified. Learning limits is an important skill for the student, so Ari was a natural teacher. She’s jumped in to help staff as well. When someone’s number was wrong on the listserv, she noticed it, corrected it, and brought them back in.  Ari left two recent messages for IAs / PHAs: first, she said “thankkk youuu” for a delicious cake. Then, she left a message on the whiteboard in a common area that said, “You got this, dude!” Same to you, Ari, same to you."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Rebecca Smith, Frost MS 

" Not being sure what to say when is a challenge for numerous IAs. This leads to silence when supporting classes, anxiety when covering classes, and information that could be important for IAs, teachers, and admin to know never coming to light.  None of these are issues for Becky Smith. Becky is no wallflower! Her honesty and commitment to help improves the lives of Frost students and staff. Kids are generally able to focus in Becky’s classes because she protects them from misbehavior; foolish distractions won’t last. Kids who might otherwise misbehave often have relationships with Becky anyway from her babysitting and Mantua days or because she’s simply an engaging person to talk to. A particular student all but lived in the office, but when Becky was there, she had someone to lean on, and the problems stopped.  Becky has benefited adults in myriad ways as well. She rescued the Athletics Awards Ceremony last year when there was a last-minute dropout. She stabilized Sam Jalajel’s plays many times and is now putting in extra effort to help her at Oakton. She’s also a good sounding board, a clever wordsmith, often the first to respond to IA messages. Her main failure: an inability to appreciate Howitzer-size tanks of food. If pasta is in a container that doesn’t cover half of Sicily, is it even worth eating? Other than that, she’s a gem."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Demond Richeson,  Frost MS

" During his career, San Diego Charger LaDanian Tomlinson was a force to be reckoned with, earning 13,684 yards, 145 touchdowns, and recognition as the 5th best running back of all time. Beyond that, he was a moral leader  and a quote machine. Since joining Frost this year, Demond Richeson has embodied statements made by his NFL hero.  Tomlinson once said, "I believe in working hard all the time. I have faith that working hard is going to get me where I want to go." Demond works full time as an IA at Frost during the day, a Woodson football coach afterschool, and father to a toddler each night. That's a grueling grind, but he gets it done. By doing so, he fulfills another LaDanian dream: "I think about my family first. I want my family to not want for anything. I would like to make sure they have no worries."  Arguably the number one skill an IA needs is flexibility. That's hard for some to handle and leads to pushback. Demond, on the other hand, has eased into all roles: history, math, science, literacy, civics, and English. As Tomlinson said, "I have to fit in. Wherever they want to use me, that's fine."  Each morning and afternoon, Demond can be found in the halls monitoring students. Our halls may be wider now, but what Demond has to face overlaps with Tomlinson: "Trouble is out there. I keep my eyes wide open." Demond's first week, he was faced with a student with severe challenges, who made statements that could get anyone down. Demond accepted it, though, knew to "not worry about the things I can't control," and moved on. The same week, he was helping to solve a tech issue other IAs couldn't, admiring a teacher some would overlook, and expressing thanks for each listserv message.  Demond has a long way to go before he becomes Frost's LT2. If, however, he also "gets stronger as the game goes on," that may be in our future."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Sarah Bagley, Frost MS 

" In figure skating, there's the triple axel. In gymnastics, there's the triple twisting double back tuck. In running, there's Marathon del Sables, a 156-mile race across the dunes, mountains, sand, and storms of the Mojave Desert.  The equivalent of those at Frost, the challenge with the highest degree of difficulty, was attempted by Sarah Bagley. Sarah came in expected to fulfill the roles of not one but two people, two Frost institutions with collective decades of experience with Frost students, staff, and procedures.  Remarkably, not only has she risen to the occasion, she's made it look easy.  After the announcement first went out in June, she responded immediately to individual messages. The same was true before a meet-and-greet in August.  Being responsive to messages is far from a guarantee, so this was encouraging.  Then, the first week, she organized a meeting in which she included all IAs.  At the meeting, she had a handle on the hornet's nest of issues she inherited. The inheritance wasn't anyone's fault or anything usual. Special Ed caseloads are always a minefield.  During the meeting and since then, she's been warm, upbeat, and open to new ideas. I appreciate the work she did with the IA schedule. She took in background info I mentioned, and I am now in several classes where I can be most effective.  Who knows where, in terms of progress, Sarah will be months from now. If these first weeks are any indication, though, I suspect she'll be several axels in, finished with her first tuck, and about to book a flight to Morocco."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Meredith Marquis, Frost MS

" This September, Meredith Marquis will make her first official picks in Fantasy Survivor. Yes, there's Fantasy Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Fantasy Survivor. Part of me looks forward to Meredith joining the league, since it’s provided excitement for many previous staff members. Another part of me wants to ban her because I'm in the league, and her track record indicates she'll sail through and win the whole thing! Meredith arrived at Frost halfway through last year, and it was like she arrived in August. Fresh out of Mason, she took on 200+ students with the ease of a small-group tutoring session. During recess last year, I heard a very athletic student mention her. Given how new she was and how students tend to talk tough during recess, I thought it was not good, especially since he was someone who tends to rule the middle school world. In fact, though, he was going out of his way to say that she was a good teacher and wondered if she would go on to teach 8th grade.  Meredith has fit into the PE department with remarkable ease. Historically, team teaching with that many students and strong personalities can be difficult. With Meredith, it hasn't been. She has found the time to attend student-faculty basketball, participate in student-faculty volleyball, powerlift, and escort a perpetually lost student to class.  The second week of school, when a teacher had an IEP meeting, it was also a thrill to run Ultimate Football with her. Leading a game without an electronic scoreboard, timer, or working mic is rough. Guidance and appreciation tend to get swallowed in an ocean of noise. That period, though, her openness to dovetailing back and forth led to magic. Students were amped  and following directions. By the end of the period, skill-wise, they really were improving.  In the end, I'm glad Meredith is in the Survivor league. If Sandra can beat Parvati, Tina can beat Colby, and Tony can beat 19 people who have already won, I can face Meredith. Given what she's already accomplished, it will be an uphill battle, but as I heard her say to three students in fifth period last Monday, you need to try. If you try, you're doing all that matters."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS 

Sharena Downey, Frost MS

" If there's a land-speed record for caring, it has to go to Sharena Downey. In her first two weeks at Frost, she went out of her way to send two messages to the whole school, offering to help with AAP strategies wherever she could.  She could have simply listed the strategies and moved on. Instead, she turned them into colorful, illustration-and-link-filled fun facts anyone could digest.  Response rates for distributing the Spelling Bee Activity survey can vary wildly and require several prompts. Sharena distributed the survey the day after the prompt, without even meeting the staff member who sent it. That same day, she included on her board a classic ice breaker and short story most don't make it to until the end of September.  The point is not that Sharena's quick it's that she's determined to offer immediate help. It's also not a question of task orientation. After we met, she made it a point to say hello in the hall.  I'm not sure what the next days, weeks, months, and years will bring Sharena at Frost. All I know is it's been an auspicious start!" 

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS 

Carlos Landazuri, Amanda Moreland, Alison Rockmann, and Karolina Upton, Lake Braddock SS

" We are very fortunate to have four High School teachers who volunteered to support and champion some of our students who need a little extra bit of time, attention and patience. These kiddos don't know how lucky they have it.  The experience, commitment and collaboration these teachers pour into their 2nd period Advisory class is remarkable. Always thinking out of the box and making constant positive connections. Putting these students needs, at times above their own!"

Amy Soos and Emily Castro, Lake Braddock SS 

Carlos Landazuri, Amanda Moreland, Alison Rockmann, and Karolina Upton, Lake Braddock SS 

" We are very fortunate to have four High School teachers who volunteered to support and champion some of our students who need a little extra bit of time, attention and patience. These kiddos don't know how lucky they have it.  The experience, commitment and collaboration these teachers pour into their 2nd period Advisory class is remarkable. Always thinking out of the box and making constant positive connections. Putting these students needs, at times above their own!

Amy Soos, Lake Braddock SS 

William Viands, Herndon Support Center

" We wanted to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for the exceptional service Will consistently has provided our school community.  Will's dedication and commitment to excellence have not gone unnoticed.  His attention to detail, positive attitude, and willingness to go above and beyond for our staff and students is truly commendable.  Thank you Will for your hard work and for consistently exceeding our expectations."

Candace Hunstad, Herndon ES 

Kathy Eckert, Sprague Technology Center

" Kathy was able to jump in to help resolve a connectivity issue to get our system back online! Thank you Kathy!"

Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center

William Higginbottom,  Sprague Technology Center

" Will was able to jump in to solve a connectivity issue to get our system back online! Thank you Will!"

Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center

William Plath, Wilton Woods Center

" Will was able to jump in to solve a connectivity issue to get our system back online! Thank you Will!"

Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center

Lonnie Bickel, Woodson HS 

" I am so grateful that Lonnie was willing to give up his room during his planning period to help out the speech and language department at Woodson."

Rachel Silien, Woodson HS 

Elizabeth Hayes, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Beth has recently become the SIA for IAS and she is doing a fantastic job.  The former SIA had decades of experience and that fact made the job more daunting for Beth. She has handled a record high number of enrollments, some more than complex, with ease and professionalism. We are lucky to have Beth!!"

Lisa Dockins, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Tiffany Crump, Gatehouse Admin Center

" We would like to recognize the exemplary performance of Tiffany Crump. My husband recently retired from FCPS and Ms. Crump has answered our many questions regarding the continuation of benefits. She is knowledgeable, polite and extremely courteous. These qualities are a rarity in customer service these days. Her dedication to her clients is noteworthy and she should be commended for her extraordinary performance."

- a FCPS retiree

John English, Lorton Transportation Center

" On August 24, 2023, during afternoon dismissal at West Potomac HS Mr. English noticed smoke coming from the dashboard of the bus as he was loading his students. The smoke started to fill the entrance door area of the bus and Mr.  English sprung into action. He very calmly, quickly and professionally demonstrated his knowledge of the school bus evacuation procedure. He safely and quickly evacuated all students and notified our dispatcher for rescue assistance and transportation coverage. Moments after he evacuated the bus a school staff member and Mr. English realized flames coming from the dashboard. Again, Mr. English responded just as he'd been trained and immediately got his fire extinguisher and put the fire out. Mr. English has always gone above and beyond to help out when needed and proved to be very professional and knowledgeable of his job duties, but this heroic and selfless reaction truly showed his expertise as a bus driver and his dedication to the safety of FCPS students. Mr. English's swift action is truly commendable, resulted in the best outcome considering the incident, and was raved/acknowledged by school staffed that assisted during this ordeal. He is definitely an FCPS Hero, and it is pleasure to have him as member of the Office of Transportation Services."

Sabrina Sims, Lorton Transportation Center

Rita Baafi,  Robinson SS

" I transferred to Robinson this year, and with any job change I've spent more time than usual at school getting set up. Rita and I have gotten the chance to chat several times when she comes in to work with the evening custodial crew.  This week, I left soon after school a few days and so had not seen Rita. She took the time to leave a note on my desk checking on me. She wanted to make sure I was doing ok since we had not seen each other to check in, and since I wasn't at school when she was used to seeing me. This was an incredibly kind and thoughtful gesture that truly made my day to come into school to find. It was so caring for Rita to check on me and really helped me feel more belonging to my new school."

Tiffany Hitz, Robinson SS 

Amber Williams,  Westbriar ES

" Mrs. Williams is a caring and compassionate person and above all dedicated to her students and teaching. She is a very kind hearted person and is fair to all her students. She is extremely adept in handling difficult situations and we are so fortunate our kids were in her class last year. We are so grateful and thankful for her."

- a Westbriar ES parent  

Tim Corcoran, Lorton Transportation Center

" Thank you so much for waiting with one of our students after being dropped back off at the school. You went above and beyond to make sure that the student was taken care of and comfortable. We appreciate all that you did for our student!"

Shana Conroy, Mason Crest ES 

Suzanne Metz, North Springfield ES

" We got spirit, yes we do. We got spirit, how ‘bout SUE? Sue Metz is a champion because her positive energy flows throughout our school on a daily basis. She works so hard to get our students involved in so many fun activities like the news show, the top ten, field day, pep rallies, the school play, and her latest addition, the GRATITUDE WALL. Sue interacts with students and staff members in our NSES community with a positive attitude.  Her ideas and drive unite our community and inspires a family atmosphere.  Even when feeling under the weather, she gets involved from her home through Zoom. Sue Metz is our version of a real life Energizer Bunny!"

Robin Thibodeaux, North Springfield ES

Kevin O'Keefe, Transition Support Resource Center, Herndon

" The Social Studies team would like to recognize Kevin O’Keefe for his enthusiasm channeling his inner George Washington during the September 21st joint middle and high school department chair meeting. Kevin was first to arrive and did not hesitate signing-up to be George Washington for "The Situation Room" experience at Mount Vernon. FCPS Social Studies is grateful for Kevin’s leadership as a department chair, supporting Inter-Agency Schools and look forward to continued partnership with him."

- Jessica Chun, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Michelle Bishop, Johnson MS 

"T hank you to Ms. Bishop for hosting a weekend food trunk this school year to assist our students. We appreciate you!"

- Maria Marris, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Rob Hornfeck, Johnson MS 

" Mr. Hornfeck has been willing to host a Weekend Food Program trunk in his classroom for the past 5 years. We appreciate the support and comfort you offer our students to receive the assistance they need.  Thank you Mr. Hornfeck."

- Maria Marris, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Sonia Calderon Teran, Johnson MS 

" Sonia has been supporting our students needing Weekend Food assistance for the past five years. In addition, she takes the time to identify students who need additional supports, whether financial, or emotional. Thank you Sonia."

- Maria Marris, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Leann Yesvetz, Westbriar ES 

" Ms. Yesvetz is a caring and thoughtful educator. Her ability to keep the classroom fun while simultaneously working through lesson plans is extraordinary. We are a lucky family that has had several amazing teachers, but Ms. Yesvetz really shines. She has tailored instruction for my daughter to maximize learning, responded to all my questions promptly (even when she was out sick), and led the class active shooter drill in a way that resulted in the children having confidence and reassurance that they will be safe in her care. Her efforts deserve to be acknowledged and commended."

- a  Westbriar ES parent 

John Niemala, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" John has hosted periodic tours to students at traditional schools early this school year and last year. He has done a great job of making students who have not been successful in a traditional setting feel welcome and empowered at TSRC West Potomac. We greatly appreciate John's partnership and willingness to meet and enroll new students so willingly."

Mike Henrich, West Potomac HS 

Jennifer Correia, Bryant HS 

" During the first month of school Jen has been extremely welcoming to students who have not had great success in traditional high school. When ushering shy, sometimes insecure students into a new environment, they are intimidated until they meet Jen. Jen's knowledge of the program and personable approach to students and their families is disarming and welcoming and has already changed the lives of a few early in the school year."

Mike Henrich, West Potomac HS 

Ashley Hastings, McLean HS 

" Ms. Hastings was able to help me troubleshoot setting on a Google Doc so that she and other teachers could access it. Though, I do this everyday with no problems, somehow this Doc had a setting I did not know existed. She sent me short videos so that I could see the issue so I was able to ask the right questions of my team to get the solution. Thank you so much for your time and patience."

- Neva Apsche, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Juan Machuca, Gatehouse Admin Center

" Juan has always brought a professional demeanor, and a vigilant attitude to the Office of Safety and Security. Today he was exceptional on camera technology, making sure that a suspicious person, had proper business with FCPS. He absolutely was essential in guaranteeing all was secure, and did a fantastic service, which made puzzle work far simplified."

Michael Ross, Gatehouse Admin Center

Kisha Lee, Dan Seymour, Kevin Feighery, and Kim Jones, Brookfield ES 

" We had a VERY late bus today due to an emergency situation on the previous run. It was more than 30 minutes late, arriving well after staff's responsibility ended. These staff members stepped in to help supervise children, entertained them with games and rhythm and helped keep a whole bus load of children happy and safe while we waited patiently. Thank you all!"

Margaret Sisler, Brookfield ES 

Adam Bowen, Sprague Technology Center

" Thanks to Adam for helping us troubleshoot a zoom issue. We have a math teacher who needed support with providing subtitles on instructional videos she was creating in zoom. Adam made sure that we had the account access we needed to be able to utilize AI technology to translate the captions automatically. He also brainstormed some options with us for how to connect the students to the translations that they need.  Thank you for helping us keep equitable instruction at the front of our practice!"

Janet Babic, West Potomac HS 

Aziz Elhayani, South Lakes HS 

" Mr. Elhayani was very adamant he wanted to make things work, even when he had to make a couple of trips to my work location to complete the job. The device was giving us a lot of trouble but because of Mr. Elhayani's persistence, I now have a device that works almost like when I first received it, about 7 years ago. He also patiently explained how to resolve some of the issues, should they arise in the future. Thank you!"

Ana Viamonte, South Lakes HS 

Eileen Cosgrove, Bryant HS 

" Ms. Cosgrove was supervising student study hall in the library. The students were boisterous and having a hard time staying focused and relatively quiet.  Ms. Cosgrove was working on a program for Hispanic Heritage Month and was able to engage ALL the students in helping prepare the materials for the school display. It was wonderful!! Thanks Ms. Cosgrove!"

Karen Hertel, Bryan HS 

Leslie Dorsey, West Potomac HS 

" As an employee, I have always had a positive experience working with Leslie; she is a wonderful asset to have in the registrar world. As a parent, I want to thank Leslie for going above and beyond with assisting my son with locating the appropriate bus to take him home in the afternoons. Due to a transportation error, he has never been able to find the bus he was assigned to ride home.  Leslie escorted my son to the buses yesterday afternoon to help get the mystery solved.  She even followed up to ensure that he arrived home safely. Thank you Leslie for going beyond the call of duty, your customer service is top notch."

- a  West Potomac HS parent  

Dell McDonald, Sprague Technology Center

" Time and time again, Dell has solved problems and offered support. When there were technology issues during SOLs, Dell made sure our students were able to test without issue. He also makes sure teachers have what they need to be most efficient at their jobs. This morning, I walked into a professional set-up that will make a huge difference in preparing and maintaining student records and paperwork. Thank you, Dell, for continuing to support and advocate for us!"

Betsy Geddes, ISAEP Central - Woodson HS

Jugnu Agrawal, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Jugnu shows that FCPS cares by giving of her own time to support a group of new special education teachers through the Great Beginnings program. She helped facilitate a session on Understanding IEP goals, thoughtfully answered questions, and supported the overall flow of the night. Participants left with a deeper understanding of IEP goals as well as how to measure them.  Thank you Jugnu!"

Diana Ree-Reeder, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Rory Duffield, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Rory shows that FCPS cares by giving of his personal time to facilitate an evening with some of our experienced, but new to FCPS special education teachers who participate in the Great Beginnings program. He was engaging, had a clear message, and shared thoughtful information that sparked discussion! Thank you Rory!"

Diana Ree-Reeder, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Edith Cruz Cruz, Mount Vernon Woods ES 

" Thank you for supporting our Spanish speaking families in 5th grade by providing interpretation services. Your help on Back to School Night ensured that all of our parents and families had access to important information to support their students' education. Thank you Ms. Cruz!"

Christine Berry, Mount Vernon Woods ES

Kathleen Schroeder, Stone MS 

" Ms. Schroeder is a hard worker. She is often the first person to arrive daily here at Stone. She takes her time to plan thoughtful lessons highlighting students and pushing their learning potential. She is a leader amongst her peers. She is helpful and giving to others. She should be exhausted at the end of her day but she doesn't let that stop her from helping out. Every day she helps our short-staffed custodial team by cleaning her own classroom! She sweeps. She empties the trash. We are so grateful to have a fabulous math teacher here at Stone in Ms. Schroeder and we are also so grateful to have a teammate willing to step in to help all of us out every day in every way. "

- Sonya Williams, Stone MS 

Toni Epps, Gatehouse Admin Center

"Centreville ES would like to recognize Toni Epps for her informative and interesting EAP presentation today. Ms. Epps is very knowledgeable about the EAP and Wellness programs that FCPS has to offer and did a wonderful job outlining the information for our staff meeting this morning!"

- Josh Douds, Centreville ES 

Shaun Blair, Robinson SS 

"In working with Coach Blair recently with a scholar-athlete, I had the pleasure of striking a balance between academics and sports. The student in mind was in need of academic support and needed to miss part of practice. Coach Blair adjusted his expectations by allowing the student to come and work with me after school before attending practice. He had impressed upon the young man the importance of "academics come first" before sports, which the student gladly shared with me. This level of respect from both the student and coach for the academic process is to be commended, as is the ability to develop and maintain positive relationships between all parties involved for a shared vision."

- Fred Allard, Robinson SS 

Sarah Samuels, Silverbrook ES 

"Ms. Samuels has been an amazing teacher. While we've been in school for less than a month, her passion for teaching and compassion for her students is already evident. My child comes home each day passionate about her lessons, and excited to tell me more of what she learned. She looks forward to school every day, and raves about how cared for she feels in her classroom. At the same time, my student shares how she feels challenged. Ms Samuels did an amazing back-to-school night helping parents to understand what it really means to be in first grade, and what her hopes are for each of her students. As a parent, it can be difficult to find the words to express my gratitude for a teacher who is doing her job so incredibly well. I appreciate any recognition you can offer her."

- a Silverbrook ES parent

Nicholas Jacky, Annandale HS 

"Mr. Jacky is very caring teacher. He was there for me when I needed a hug. Mr. Jacky is one of my favorite teachers, he's always there for me when I need someone to talk to. I want to nominate him for FCPS Cares."

- an Annandale HS student 

Hannah Converse, Thoreau MS 

" During a recent Advanced Academics Resource Teacher (AART) meeting, Hannah Converse shared multiple Young Scholars personalized resources for which I am grateful. Her "Future Me" project as well as her year-at-a-glance road map, quickly allowed me to create an action plan for the Young Scholars at my school.  Hannah consistently exemplifies professionalism, poise and practical bits of advice that help me grow as a fellow AART. Thanks, Hannah. You are amazing!"

Dana Gorman, South County MS 

Sonia Calderon Teran, Johnson MS 

" Sonia went above and beyond, lending her possessions as well as her time, to make sure our Hispanic Heritage Month display would be as rich and vibrant as the nations and people we are celebrating."

Emily Carmichael, Johnson MS 

Stephanie Pepper, Frost MS 

" JMU might as well be the University of Pickett Road, either that or Frost MS Years 13-16. More Frost staff members and students seem to graduate from there than any other school.  This is fitting because JMU grad Stephanie Pepper impacts staff and students throughout Frost. A few years ago, she provided me info on her neighborhood, opening the door to me moving. This saved thousands of dollars and allowed my family to have another child. She opened her actual house as well, including me and other staff members who support history in one of the most satisfying nights I've had in all my years at Frost.  Her inclusive approach applies to students as well. Establishing the No Place For Hate group was a brave move and one that paid immediate dividends. The perspectives students and staff shared on ethnicity, poverty, race, religion, gender, and orientation lasted well beyond the three after-school sessions.  Same goes for the PDs on equity, the Ellis Island simulation, and the 1920's English-history collaboration.  Team members have also expressed appreciation for her willingness to take the bull by the horns when reaching out to families. Parent communication can be tricky, and having someone willing to get the ball rolling makes a difference.  The William and Mary alum in me wishes she could offer some support to the Tribe, but that's a bridge too far. In one way, Stephanie's closed off. She's ALL DUKES."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Karen Nordai, Frost MS 

" Penn State's current motto is “making life better.” It's been a while since Karen Nordai was an undergrad at Penn State, but her first few years at Frost have shown that its ethos never left her.  My first impression of Karen was the afternoon I covered her class during a meeting. Typically, notes for coverage are minimal, as is follow-up afterward. Considering time constraints and bandwidth, that makes total sense. Karen's notes were extensive, useful, and flexible. If someone is detail-oriented, that can make them rigid before and curt after. She offered ME options before and recognized good things I did after.  This excerpt from her first message captures her approach: “There's a Quizlet Live that can be done in the last 15 minutes of class if you'd like to get them up moving. Again, totally your call, but I thought I'd send this to you in case. Thank you so much for covering my period 7!! They are a great group.”  Since that coverage, we’ve shared student celebrations. In passing, I'll mention absurd student moments or inspiring surprises. These seem to improve her day, which improves mine.  In subsequent years, I'm sure I will have experiences that will add to my appreciation of Karen. I suspect she'll remain at Frost a while because a second Penn State motto is “We Are”(!!). We Are One Frost and better with Karen among us."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Steven Busch, Frost MS 

" Frost has several 'lifers.' Cosette Loach, Danielle Powers, Theresa Gregory, Debbie Metzker, and Jim Andrukonis have 21, 21, 24, 31, and 33 years under their belts. Technically, Steve Busch is at 9, but he was a Frost student, so if you count those years and all the ones he was a role model, he's right up there as well!  Ignoring quantity, Steve definitely has the qualities that define Frost.  Planning, delivering, and differentiating 5 lessons a day to 150 students means you work hard. Escaping the snarky wrath of years of eighth graders means you must be nice as well. (I've never heard an 8th grader mention something bad about Mr. Busch.) As far as widening your circle, I'd say adding student-faculty basketball, volleyball, and pickleball to your plate between grad classes and two kids of your own qualifies.  On a personal level, I've appreciated Steve's comments about Dispatch, O.A.R., and my event celebrating the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force, and Space Force. Not sure when I'll qualify as a Frost lifer, but I hope Steve's there when it happens, leading the way."

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Mohamed Alie, Amadu Jalloh, Vilma Bermudez, Tony Tuyen Nguyen, Miriam Mariscal Loayza, Hai Tran, and Trung Tran, Frost MS  

"For the 17 years I’ve been at Frost, we’ve always had good custodians. What makes this group stand out is they’ve achieved the impossible:they’ve done more with less. To start with, they transform the school on a daily basis. Mohamed makes the J building new again, Vilma, Tony, Trung, Hai, and Miriam fix the rooms surrounding the office, library, and cafeteria, and Amadu handles everything during the day. This, in itself, is yeoman’s work. As Phil Hudson tells the kids during Jump Start and Lift Off, ”Think of how long it takes you to clean your room. Multiply that by more than ten rooms. Every night.” Our custodians have had to do this while short staffed, in a building that transforms each day, that has had two straight years of construction! They each deserve to be thanked individually:

Tony, for remembering to re-clean rooms even with shifting club schedules, and for being friendly when my toddlers pass through. 

Miriam, for rescuing the Poet Tree at just the right time. 

Vilma, for all the conversations in Spanish, building info, and KFC. 

Amadu, for asking for help with his resume, and making an impression on bathroom vandals. His unexpected, fierce, dignified speech was the perfect wake-up call.

Trung and Hai, for the extra things they’ve clearly done that I haven’t noticed yet.

Mohamed, for being a leader, setting a tone for the group, and bringing his famous son to Frost. It’s always great to see Mo Alie-Cox with the kids. Until our NFL tight end returns, we’ll still have plenty of role models seven custodial pros to look up to.

- Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Brian Sehrer, Frost MS 

"Technically, Brian Sehrer is a police officer. There have been serious situations at Frost he's had to police, and he's done so swiftly and professionally. The vast majority of the time, however, he fits his other title: School Resource Officer. He's a resource wherever he's needed. He builds relationships with kids in his office during lunch, through guest plays during flag football, by smiling in the hall during class changes, and numerous other ways. He is a role model for students, and in a tough era, an ideal ambassador for his profession. His Q+As through PE add to this, correct misinformation, and leave students more informed citizens. Moreover, I appreciate the permit info he provided for a possible future 5K, the Sour Patch motivation he offered my student at just the right time, and his willingness to go easy on my son. Last season, my toddler son had been patient the whole Woodson basketball game. With seconds left in the game, Brody decided it was a good idea to sprint down the bleachers, past the basketball hoop, and out of the gym. I'm glad he eventually stopped and Officer Sehrer let him go with a warning. Brody better shape up a decade from now, by the time he's a Frost student. Hopefully Officer Sehrer's still there and can keep him on his best behavior."

- Colin Verbicar, Frost MS

Leslie Grottle, Frost MS

"For 14 years, the US Navy has had the slogan “a global force for good.” For 13 years, after she completed her Navy service, Leslie Grottle has been a force for good for Frost, whose students, parents, and staff come from all corners of the globe. When it comes to details and security, Leslie is a force to reckoned with. She's on top of every ailment, medication, and medication schedule. She has students repeat their date of birth before any distribution. Same goes for confirming students have a pass and have checked in with a teacher before coming to her office. She’s determined to keep Frost safe. She also works to make visits to her office enjoyable. Her manner is warm, energetic, and funny. Last year, ‘Admiral’ Grottle was able to keep a certain student’s excesses in check and celebrate them. Moreover, I appreciate that she attended the volleyball tournament and the conversations we’ve had about the military, the country, and her daughters (my former students!). Finally, last year, it was impressive that, the one time she was a bit curt reacting to something, she came back right after on her own to clear it up. Taking responsibility is a bold move these days. The Navy’s three Core Values are Honor, Courage, and Commitment, so Leslie wouldn’t have it any other way!"

- Colin Verbicar, Frost MS 

Harry Cogan, Frost MS 

"Administrators have a 5+-person admin team to connect with. Custodians have 7+ fellow custodians to share work with. Teachers and IAs have 10+ 7+ colleagues in their departments to help them out. In his 'department,' Chip Cogan has a grand total of . . . one other person. Awesome as Shakil White is and Mike Davis was before him, that still makes Safety and Security a bit of an island. Chip deserves credit then for continually reaching out, for bringing rowboats and finding straits whenever possible. Any time I pass him in his office, the cafeteria, the halls, or out near the buses, he says hello. He's a mainstay at Happy Hours as well. With students, he's able to shift to different roles. During bus duty, he lets his voice boom. During AIA, he maintains silence. All other times, he's down-and-earth and open, kids can tell he's real. I appreciate the times he lent me the rolling whiteboard, the conversations we've had about sports, and the fact he raised Will, one of the most dynamic students I ever had. Will is now a teacher at Woodson. Technically, I'm not in Chip's department, but he brings me and many others into it. I'm glad he does!"

- Colin Verbicar, Frost MS 

John Lockrem, Frost MS 

"In Michael Jordan's last season with the Bulls, the team went 62-20. The next season, they went 13-37. In Tom Brady's last season with the Patriots, the team went 12-4. The next season, they went 7-9. In Sam Jalajel's last year at Frost, Alice in Wonderland and Shrek: The Musical were stirring successes with students, staff, and parents. The next year, Mr. Lockrem's first at Frost, Winter One Acts and Willy Wonka were stirring successes with students, staff, and parents. The fact that John Lockrem was able to maintain a strong record after a Frost Hall of Famer left is a feat on its own. The fact that he did it as a first-year teacher is even more impressive. A student from last year reported: “I like the ‘I Eat More’ song and how Mr. Lockrem's always nice and funny. The taxi driver improv game was the best.” During art this year, a student was glowing to her group about theater, and the people at her table agreed. I appreciate how John has been friendly in the halls, reacts well to anecdotes, and keeps me up to date with practices. His updates about practices allowed two Poetry Club stars to keep up with the club and the musical throughout the Spring. I look forward to seeing Jack's theater star rise in year two, three, four, and beyond. Not sure if he will be able to take the sunrise and sprinkle it with dew, but as Frost's resident Candyman, I'm sure he'll end up with a miracle or two. "

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS 

Christina Russell, Frost MS 

"The phrase “I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred” brings excitement whenever Christina Russell or any Last Kingdom fan hears it. It's a rallying cry for admirers of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the complex, noble leader who did all he could to unite the Saxons and Danes. On one hand, Christina Russell is not Uhtred. She is a calm, patient teacher in 2023, not a warrior with a hair-trigger temper in the early Middle Ages. On the other hand, there are definitely links, which show that Christina deserves to be recognized. Like Uhtred, Christina is committed to her land and people. As people have moved in and out of Frost and in and out of positions, she has remained loyal to ESOL students and the school. For nine years, she’s been able to bring English to students from diverse backgrounds and navigate several very different teaching styles, including Curt, Cady, Jenny, Jon, Darlene, Lamepa, and Elisa, her Beocca. All that time, I haven’t heard of an interpersonal issue. At no point has she needed a booming voice or behemoth build to convince people. Respect has come because she has given it, and she knows what she’s doing. Beyond the classroom, I’ve seen her zero in on small details in online posts and Last Kingdom messages. In some ways, she’s more Alfred than Uhtred. I also loved how excited she got last year when I mentioned a student from the past who was rather difficult and a student this year who was much easier. No matter the levels and challenges, she cares about them. I hope Christina’s eventual retirement will come with the grand celebration and warm glow that came for the son of Bebbanburg. May that day not come for a while. Frost needs her to renew for several more seasons. "

Colin Verbicar, Frost MS 

Odir Morales and the Custodial staff, Centreville HS 

" On Wednesday, August 16th, Centreville High School welcomed four members of the Social Studies team, along with hundreds of Social Studies teachers for our Social Studies In-Service. The custodial team played a pivotal role in ensuring that the school was not only clean but also highly accessible to all the facilitators and participants.  Their dedication and hard work were integral to the success of our in-service, and we want to express our profound gratitude. Without the invaluable assistance of the custodial staff, our event would not have been possible. Their efforts did not go unnoticed, and we extend our heartfelt thanks for their outstanding support."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Kathleen Newton, Robinson SS

" Mrs. Newton is an amazing teacher! She was my daughter's HPE teacher for 7th and 8th grade. It's difficult to explain the positive impact that Mrs. Newton has on my daughter. After two years of having her as a teacher, my daughter now wants to be a middle school PE teacher! Not because she loves PE, but because she wants to be just like Mrs. Newton! My daughter still visits her on a regular basis and we will always be grateful for the positive impact that she has had on our family!"

- a Robinson SS parent

Tess Szydlik, Annandale HS 

"Ms. Szydlik is a very outstanding teacher, and very supportive. She is funny to be around. I'm very close with Ms. Szydlik. When I felt sick, she was the one that was there for me. She let me rest and take my time."

- an Annandale HS student

Mariam Gorgas, Terra-Centre ES 

" Mrs. Gorgas was the instructional assistant in my son’s kindergarten class  last school year. She is always friendly and helpful. This year she is the  IA who has been helping the kindergartners when they get off the bus. During the recent bus evacuation drill my son got upset as there were some changes in the drill procedures this year that caused him stress and anxiety. In the midst of helping all the kindergartners getting off the buses and navigating their first bus evacuation drills, she noticed my son having a hard time, talked to him to help calm his worries, and then touched base with his classroom teacher who was able to follow up with him and ensure a good start to his day. I am so grateful my family is part of such a caring school community. Knowing Mrs. Gorgas was looking out for my child even though he is no longer in her class is just one example of this culture of support and care at TC!"

- a Terra-Centre ES parent

Janet Babic, West Potomac HS 

" Janet is an amazing SBTS who jumped on a Zoom call to support me with some super helpful Performance Matters tips and tricks before I went to support a CT.  I am so appreciative of Janet's willingness to coach me through some components that I was having trouble with on such short notice (about five minutes)!  I was able to immediately turn around and provide support to our Biology team!  Thank you so much."

Maggie LeGendre, Hayfield SS 

Julie Witt, Stone MS 

" Julie Witt is a thoughtful, engaging, and creative teacher leader. It is only September, and Ms. Witt is already leading her team in the development of "Thinking Classrooms", encouraging her colleagues to embrace different instructional strategies and assessment approaches, and engaging in school-wide literacy initiatives, bringing a different and needed perspective to the conversation.  Ms. Witt's calm demeanor and data focus enables her to meet her students where they are in their learning. Ms. Witt finds fun and creative instructional approaches which allows her students to learn without sometimes even knowing it.  We appreciate all that Ms. Witt offers to her students, colleagues, and school. Thank you!"

Eva-Beth Levy, Stone MS 

Stephanie Willerth and Daniella Reed, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Stephanie and Daniella prepared a math workshop training specifically for our department's needs, taking a large and sometimes overwhelming concept and breaking it down into manageable parts that can be incorporated into what is already being done in classrooms. The care, understanding, and expertise that Stephanie and Daniella brought to the PD was appreciated and we look forward to collaborating more as the school-year continues."

Eva-Beth Levy, Stone MS 

Melissa Chesney, Whitman MS 

" The Middle School Social Studies team would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to Melissa Chesney for graciously inviting us to witness her classroom in action as she introduced the National History Day performance assessment to her students. Given our positive experience in reviewing the culmination of student projects last year, we were genuinely excited when Melissa extended this invitation, as it allows us to gain insight into Whitman's effective scaffolding of this performance assessment to enhance student achievement. We eagerly anticipate further opportunities to learn from and alongside Melissa."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Thien Nguyen, Stonecroft Transportation Center

"A bus broke down in our bus loop at dismissal preventing the typical loading of Buses KP-04 and KP-07. Both Astrid and Thien exhibited great teamwork and flexibility in moving the pick up of these buses to a different location on our campus. Their communication and collaboration with the school team was key in providing safe dismissal for our students."

Maura Donahue, Kings Park ES 

Astrid Christensen, Lorton Transportation Center

" A bus broke down in our bus loop at dismissal preventing the typical loading of Buses KP-04 and KP-07. Both Astrid and Thien exhibited great teamwork and flexibility in moving the pick up of these buses to a different location on our campus. Their communication and collaboration with the school team was key in providing safe dismissal for our students."

Maura Donahue, Kings Park ES 

Stephanie Rice, Meredith Renard, Austin Gogal, and Amy Cohen, Davis Career Center

" This knowledgeable and caring group of teachers are grouped together in a CLT at Davis. Each week they come in with energy, questions, ideas, and a sincere desire to support their students with a wide variety of needs. From topics like grading, to curriculum, to diversity, to IEP goals, this team comes ready to discuss any topic with an inclusive and student-centered lens. As the CLT lead, I am so grateful to have a group like this to look forward to  each week. Thank you all for everything you do to care for and support your  students and our community at Davis!"

Carli McIntosh, Davis Career Center 

Duane Edwards, Robinson SS 

"When I'm in school, I'm usually not the happiest, but whenever I get to his class, my day is instantly better. He's such an amazing teacher, and you can tell that he genuinely loves teaching, because he's never sad, and always makes any kid happy. I've only heard nothing but good things from other people about Mr Edward's as well. He makes history so much more fun, and Mr Edward's helps to make school fun. I just think he's an amazing teacher that makes all his students genuinely enjoy his class."

- a Robinson SS student 

Katherine Bolton, Rose Cho, Jamie Sawatzky, Mandie Sayers, Katy Speir, Rocky Run MS

"FCPS Social Studies would like to recognize the 8th grade Civics team at Rocky Run MS. As our students’ needs and learning styles change over time, it’s important our instructional and assessment practices evolve with them. Rocky Run’s Civics team recognizes this importance and tried something new. Students rotated between classrooms learning about US citizenship. During the rotations, students were making connections to themselves and others, reading texts, and analyzing documents. They were engaged and participating with teachers they did not have. It was evident the team spent extensive time planning together to make this a success. The team stepped out of their comfort zones to increase student engagement and provide a learning experience different from the day to day experiences. Anthony Hanrahan, Secondary Social Studies Resource Teacher and I are grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this learning with Rocky Run students."

- Jess Chun, Willow Oaks Admin Center 

Jason Grimes, Merrifield Support Center

"Jason has been working hard to help repair the AC at MHS, working in very warm conditions, having limited time to identify the problem (since the system shuts off 1 hour after students are dismissed) and trying to find parts that are outdated at best, if not discontinued. He has always taken time to explain what he finds out and when or if a solution is available. I want to thank him for all his hard work!"

- Christina Hicks, McLean GS 

Blanca Guardado, McNair ES 

"She is very kind, and she is good person. When I communicate anytime she answers, even when I leave a voicemail, she immediately returns my call. I am satisfied with her customer service I'm appreciate it a lot. Thank you, Blanca."

- a McNair ES parent 

Andrea Martin Jones and Sharon Dickens, Willow Oaks Admin Center

"As FCPS is rolling out the new Performance Matters system, I have reached out to both Andrea and Sharon (Ed Specialists) on multiple occasions with issues & questions.  And regardless of how good or bad my questions have been, these ladies have met my requests with not just kind helpful and clear answers, but quick and detailed ones. They never hesitate to add "what else?" and "no problem" thus removing any added stress I may have on the topic. I am grateful for this team."

- Elizabeth Hurst, Gunston ES 

Kathryn Tribbie, Johnson MS 

" Kathy has been so generous in sharing her time and expertise with teachers who are new to her content. She has helped us get up to speed quickly and ensured a smooth experience for our students. We cannot thank her enough for everything she has done and continues to do. It is a joy and privilege to work with her!"

Abigail Quinn, Johnson MS 

Jared Girres, Johnson MS 

" Jared has done an amazing job helping in lots of different classes for the beginning of this school year. He quickly connects with the students and jumps in wherever his help is needed. He always stays calm even when things do not go according to plan, which happens often in middle school! We are so lucky to have him at our school."

Abigail Quinn, Johnson MS 

Jason Grimes, Merrifield Support Center

" We have had major HVAC issues so far this year and Jason has gone above and beyond in helping assist our Building Engineer with these issues. Jason is always coming by our school to check on things and does everything in his power to get our system working correctly. He is a super hard worker and does a great job of communicating with us."

Greg Miller, McLean HS 

Aziz Elhayani, Woodson IT Center

" Mr. Elhayani helped me (TSSpec) and one of our new 1st grade teachers in a BIG way, right at the start of his day. He popped in and was able to troubleshoot our interactive touch screen capabilities so quickly that the teacher was able to jump right into her lesson (and the kids were SO EXCITED that the screen was "touchable" !) He took time to walk me through his process so I can better troubleshoot on site in the future. Amazing  experience, he was kind, helpful, and efficient. We were very grateful to have him on our team today!"

Theresa Sincere-Eastman, Sprague Technology Center

Tina Jones, Greenbriar East ES 

" Ms. Jones consistently goes above and beyond her role as building supervisor.  She is dedicated to our school in every way. Not only does she oversee the maintenance of the physical building--already a full time job, but she and goes the extra mile by taking keen interest in our students as individuals, often serving as a go-to person for students who need extra support. GBE is beyond fortunate to have Tina Jones. Can we please clone her?"

Kelly Spriggs, Greenbriar East ES 

Melissa Escobar, Dogwood ES 

" Ms. Escobar is my daughter's 2nd grade teacher. In such a short time, she has shown so much care, consideration, thoughtfulness for my daughter. Words can't fully express how grateful I am she is in her life, and I know her impact will be felt for many more years to come. Thank you for all that you do, you are so appreciated!"

- a Dogwood ES parent 

Karen Fructuoso, Fairview ES 

" My family recently became acquainted with Ms. Fructuoso, my sons’ new counselor, and what a wonderful relationship it has been so far! Ms.  Fructuoso’s joyful, disarming demeanor allowed her to instantly connect with my sons. My sons struggled with the transition back to school, and Ms.  Fructuoso was right there with them, helping them navigate their fears and equipping them with tools to help. Not only did she work with them, but also she worked with me, stopping by to look into their classrooms to make sure they were ok.  She followed up with me after her look-ins, assuring me that my kiddos were ok. Ms. Fructuoso is an asset to my sons and to Fairview."

- a Fairview ES parent

Emily Sefrin, Fairview ES 

" Ms Sefrin is the epitome of a hero disguised as a kindergarten teacher! Even though my son has graduated to first grade, she continues to care for my son, providing that magical cheeseburger loving assurance that he loves and needs.  Recently my son was having a rough drop off.  After trying unsuccessfully to get my son into the building, I reached out to Ms. Sefrin. As soon as she got to school, she came and saw my son, providing him assurance and reminding him that he always has her even though she is not his teacher this year. The way she spoke and cared for my son brought a sense of peace to both my son and me. While my son continued to refuse to go in, both he and I knew that he would always have a safe space to land in Team Sefrin."

- a Fairview ES parent

Samantha Goldstein, Fairview ES 

" Heading into school on the third day of school was extremely rough for one of my kiddos. He did not want to go in and wanted to just stay with me. We had been struggling for a while when Ms. Goldstein intervened, taking control of the situation. Not only did her calm, steady presence help ease my son’s fears, but also I was able to leave with the confidence knowing he would be ok. Ms. Goldstein followed up with me, letting me know how he was doing and even took the time to call me to discuss strategies to ease transitions. My mama heart is incredibly grateful to her for her leadership and compassion."

- a Fairview ES parent

Ellen Valentine,  Fairview ES 

" My son was extremely worried that a page had fallen out of his library book and was concerned that he would not be allowed to check out more books. Ms.  Valentine took the time to personally talk to him and assure him that books are supposed to be loved. She even showed him her book repair station. He left feeling much better. Thank you Ms. Valentine for the extra TLC!"

- a Fairview ES parent

Carolyn Sloan, Cardinal Forest ES 

" Ms. Sloan has a student with autism in her class, he was having a difficult day. While the student was out of the room, she calmly explained to the other students that everyone's brain works differently. That it's okay to be different and that we still love them. The best way to help them is to include them and to be a good role model. She took time to make sure all students were feeling safe after a difficult morning."

Sharon Langston, Cardinal Forest ES 

Lisa Sonntag, Kings Glen ES

" Mrs. Sonntag had my son last year for 5th grade. Not only did she help him tremendously all year last year, this year she filled out piles of paperwork to give to my son’s doctor just so we can help him the best way we can. She never hesitates to help out in any way she can. Our family is so appreciative of her!!!"

- a Kings Glen ES parent

Desire Bayne and Officer John Hunt, Gatehouse Admin Center

" Over the course of the past week, I have called the Office of Safety and Security on two different occasions because of unique non-emergency situations in which I, as a principal, had questions about the best course of action and/or requested support on campus. During both of those situations, Officer Hunt came out to our school and was amazing in how he supported our school team, instilled trust and confidence in parents, and partnered with us in our continued efforts to ensuring the safety of our students, families, and staff here and in the community. He took the time to make sure all stakeholders were heard and even escorted a parent into the community to make sure she was safe and felt safe. During one of the incidents, a staff member had an issue with access to one of our IT security systems. Ms. Bayne was thoroughly responsive, was clear and supportive in her communication, got the problem rectified immediately, and followed back up to ensure all had been resolved and we were doing okay. It is because of this level of support that we receive from the amazing folks at the Office of Safety and Security that anytime we're worried about something or unsure of what to do, my first thought is always to call 423-2000 because I know that a skilled and collaborative partner will be greeting me on the other end of the line. We here at school know that we are never alone in our work to make safety a priority, and I am continuously grateful to the heroes behind the scenes and on the front lines who wake up every day ensuring our students, staff, and families are safe and secure. Thank you to you all for all you do!"

Jenny Cunneen, Forestdale ES 

Reggie Blaise, Montrose ALC 

"Reggie has been such an amazing addition to our Montrose team. He is always positive and willing to do anything to help our students. He is wonderful to work with! We are so lucky to have him!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Will Williams, Montrose ALC

" Will is a wealth of knowledge of all things History, Chess and Montrose! He gets to know our students and meets them where they are! He is an asset to our team! Thanks Will!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Deanne Lyon, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Deanne has spent countless hours helping our staff navigate digital resources and curriculum. She made sure our students had access to preferred reading materials and is always willing to take time out of her already super busy day to answer questions and share her knowledge! We are so grateful!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Kimberly Sloan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Kim has been an amazing resource to our staff and students. Her poetry lesson engaged some of our most resistant learners. Her kind and patient demeanor puts everyone at ease! We are so thankful she is on our team!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Christina Prishack, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Due to a staff vacancy Christina has stepped in to help our staff and students with Math. She has planned engaging lessons and is building our staff's capacity to facilitate Math lessons.  I dont know what we would do without her!!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Abigail Bleymaier, Montrose ALC 

" Abigail is always willing to go above and beyond to help our students at Montrose. She is creative, caring, and kind! She has stepped in to help our students in Math class no questions asked. She is an amazing team member!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Akon Otoyo, Montrose ALC 

" Akon has taken on the role of counselor and test coordinator with such grace and kindness. She always finds ways to support our students in any way they need. I am so thankful to work with her!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Andres Henao, Montrose ALC 

" As a new teacher, Andres has accepted every challenge with a positive attitude. He always sees the best in every situation. He strives each day to learn new things. We are so lucky to have him!"

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Molly Hicks, Montrose ALC 

" Molly has joined the Montrose team and made her classroom feel like a second home for our students. She is excellent at using real life experiences that connect to English class. She is a wonderful educator and we are lucky to have her with us!"

JJenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Dora Yarbrough Howard, Montrose ALC

" Dora has tackled all of our IEP challenges with grace, humor and a wealth of knowledge. She is flexible and always willing to help! She's been a great addition to our team!"

JJenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

Edward Pickering, Montrose ALC 

" Eddie works hard to keep our students and staff safe each day! He is excellent at developing relationships with our students and he is always the first to volunteer to help! We are so happy to have him on the team at Montrose!" 

Jenn Scott,  Willow Oaks Admin Center

William Pluff, North Springfield ES 

" Will Pluff has been a bright addition to the North Springfield family, this being his 3rd year here. While at NS he has shown a willingness to take on any project and work with a variety of students. Over this past summer, Will has completely changed his instructional team and focus to meet the specific needs of our school. He continually has insightful thoughts, is passionate about his job and shows love and compassion for all students. He is a perfect example of a team player, offering support to anyone who needs it. He brings humor and a can-do attitude to hard situations, and has a bright, sunny smile whenever you see him!"

Becky Ferguson, North Springfield ES

Frank Pometto, Lorton Transportation Center

" Frank drives one of our Academy shuttles and is amazing! His genuine care for our students is heartwarming and he always goes the extra mile (literally and  figuratively) to make sure all his students are taken care of. It's drivers like Frank that enable students to access our classes across FCPS. We are lucky to have Frank as part of our Fairfax Academy team! "

Andrea  Cook, Fairfax HS 

Shannon Jones,  Stonecroft Transportation Center

" We are lucky to have Shannon Jones in FCPS! I have had the pleasure of working with Shannon for the past few years and her dedication and service to students and families is truly first class. Shannon will always make the time to collaborate on complex cases and  to brainstorm creative solutions.  She is very responsive and has a student first approach in everything she does. Most recently she accompanied me to a bus stop location so we could observe and create the best possible plan for a student to ride safely to  school. I appreciate all Shannon does for the students in the Westfield  pyramid. She is a wonderful resource and a great team member!"

Kelly Petty, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Kelsea Owens, Johnson MS 

" It is not unusual for Kelsea to step up and fix a need before most know that there is a need. This fall she has gone above and beyond by teaching five sections of Science 8 while continuing to support many KJMS initiatives, with a smile!"

- Michele Johnson, Johnson MS 

Ellen Benson, Johnson MS 

" Our building opened with a vacancy in our Exceptional Education Reading program. Ellen stepped in and has been planning for and instructing classes since the first day of school. She has created a positive learning environment for our students who haven't missed a beat this fall."

- Michele Johnson, Johnson MS 

Abigail Quinn, Johnson MS 

" Our building opened with a vacancy in our Exceptional Education Reading program. Abigail stepped in and has been planning for and instructing classes since the first day of school. She has created a positive learning environment for our students who haven't missed a beat this fall."

- Michele Johnson, Johnson MS 

Nathan Poumade, Robinson SS 

" Nathan Poumade is the School Based Technology Specialist at Robinson Secondary. With that said, he has been a wealth of knowledge to our department as we do not have an official SBTS. When we reach out, he is always willing to share tech tips, help troubleshoot issues, or point us in the right direction. He is knowledgeable, responsive, and provides great guidance. Thanks Nathan for being so willing to assist not only your fellow Rams but your more widespread FCPS community!"

Kate Adams, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Ryan Dixon, Centreville HS 

" When we were faced with an unexpected vacant teaching position on the second day of school, Ryan pitched in to help with planning and instruction for those teacherless sections and willingly amended his own teacher schedule to keep the Algebra 1 program going. Thanks, Ryan!!"

Diana Scheid, Centreville HS 

Cindy Noble, Poplar Tree ES 

" As a long-term sub for the ESOL Lead Teacher out of leave, Cindy took the time to attend several Zoom trainings that I provided for ESOL Teachers. She learned about several ESOL applications and the process for assigning EL accommodations for VGA and SOL testing. It is clear that Cindy is willing to go above and beyond to support the students she is working with."

Brian Herberger, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Patricia Chambers, Poplar Tree ES 

" While new to the school and with the ESOL Lead Teacher out of leave, Patricia took the time to attend several Zoom trainings that I provided for ESOL Teachers. She learned about several ESOL applications and the process for assigning EL accommodations for VGA and SOL testing. Based on her questions and attention to detail, it was clear that she wants to do all she can to support the English learners at her school."

Brian Herberger, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Diana Scheid, Centreville HS

" Diana Scheid stands out as an exceptional individual among the employees of Fairfax County Public Schools. She not only excels as an administrative assistant but possesses a unique ability to tune into the needs of those around her, often identifying their requirements before they themselves realize them.  While our primary work at Centreville High School typically involved coordination with various individuals, Diana took proactive steps to familiarize me with the CVHS copiers in case I needed to make emergency copies, a matter I hadn't initially considered. As it turned out, I did require copies during our program, and Diana's foresight proved invaluable.  Furthermore, Diana willingly stepped in to assist teachers in navigating the school building while we were occupied with other tasks. She volunteered her help without anyone requesting it, demonstrating her selflessness and dedication to aiding others.  Centreville High School is indeed fortunate to have someone of Diana's caliber on their team, and I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work alongside her."

-   Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Chad Lehman, Centreville HS 

" The Social Studies team extends its heartfelt gratitude to Chad Lehman for his support in creating a warm and accommodating environment for our August in-service. Mr. Lehman went above and beyond to ensure that all our needs were met. He consistently checked in with us to ensure our comfort and provided exceptional assistance throughout our time at the school.  Furthermore, Mr. Lehman's dedication was exemplified when he took the initiative to offer a tour of the school to one of our team members, ensuring that we were in the best possible position to effectively facilitate our program. His efforts were instrumental in making our in-service a success, and we are truly thankful for his outstanding support."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Chad Lehman, Centreville HS

" The Social Studies team extends its heartfelt gratitude to Chad Lehman for his support in creating a warm and accommodating environment for our August in-service. Mr. Lehman went above and beyond to ensure that all our needs were met. He consistently checked in with us to ensure our comfort and provided exceptional assistance throughout our time at the school.  Furthermore, Mr. Lehman's dedication was exemplified when he took the initiative to offer a tour of the school to one of our team members, ensuring that we were in the best possible position to effectively facilitate our program. His efforts were instrumental in making our in-service a success, and we are truly thankful for his outstanding support."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Tait Everett,  Centreville HS

" The Social Studies team wishes to extend our deepest gratitude to Tait Everett for her steadfast and unwavering support in helping us meticulously plan, prepare, and successfully execute our August inservice. Tait consistently made herself available to address our inquiries, assist us in securing the necessary rooms, and provide invaluable guidance at every step of the process.  It's worth noting that the individual positioned at the front desk in the main office often leaves the first impression of the school's staff on visitors. Tait's consistently positive presence at Centreville High School's main office ensured that everyone passing through had a truly wonderful first impression. Her contributions were instrumental in making our event a success, and we are immensely grateful for her dedication and support."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Angela Dorrzapf, Centreville HS 

" The success of the 2023 Social Studies in-service owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to Angela Dorrzapf. From the very moment we were assigned to Centreville High School, Angela proved to be an unwavering, dedicated, and indispensable collaborator. Her contributions were critical in ensuring that the four of us could provide a meaningful and enriching experience for hundreds of social studies teachers across FCPS.  Angela's remarkable qualities of kindness, patience, and unparalleled competence were evident in every interaction and task. We are truly indebted to Angela for her outstanding support and could not thank her enough for her pivotal role in making our event a success."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Ken Kuchta,  Lake Braddock SS 

"Ken goes above and beyond for our ESOL population. He did a "Newcomer Orientation" for our students who are new to the country and new to LB. He helped them practice ehall pass, fire drills, lockdown drills, and talked about the general rules and information about the school. Ken is always smiling, and his positivity is contagious. Thank you, Ken, for caring for the students and for making your co-workers smile. "

Angela Moyer. Lake Braddock SS 

Song Yu, South County MS 

" Song Yu's growth mind set makes collaborating with her exceptional. Last year she and I talked about how a daily warm up routine would allow her English 7 students an opportunity to connect previous learning with new ideas. Song processed this idea and has implemented the format into her classroom. While leaving her room today, I noticed an engaging warmth that would encourage students to get started immediately. By providing her students with choice and critical thinking options, Song clearly increases the engagement level for her students." 

Dana Gorman, South County MS 

Aubrey McNiff, Lorton Transportation Center

" A Huge Thank you to Jessica Trexler and Aubrey McNiff and the Centreville transportation team! They work hard. Let's not forget they get our darling students to and from school daily. When our office/ school staff have questions or concerns they work very nicely with us to make sure everything gets done. Thank you Jessica, Aubrey and team."

Regina Johnson,  Powell  ES 

Jessica Trexler, Stonecroft Transportation Center

" A Huge Thank you to Jessica Trexler, and Aubrey McNiff and the Centreville transportation team!  They work hard. Let's not forget they get our darling students to and from school daily. When our office/ school staff have questions or concerns they work very nicely with us to make sure everything gets done. Thank you Jessica, Aubrey and team."

Regina Johnson, Powell  ES 

Maryam Hiemstra, Christina Stavrev, and Joanie Nguyen, Centreville HS 

" When we were faced with an unexpected vacant teaching position on the second day of school, these teachers pitched in to help with planning and instruction for those teacherless sections, and were willing to amend their own teaching schedules to keep the Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 programs going.  Thanks to these ladies for their dedication and teamwork!"

Diana Scheid, Centreville HS 

Tiffany Ailsworth, Centreville HS 

" When we were faced with an unexpected vacant teaching position on the second day of school, Tiffany jumped in to help arrange for instruction for those sections without a teacher, despite having her own busy schedule. She and the math team have done a great job keeping the instruction going and taking on extra sections to make sure the kids get what they need to start off strong." 

Diana Scheid, Centreville HS 

Brittanye Mohrbacher, Chantilly HS 

" My child has had Mrs. Mohrbacher as her History teacher and Debate coach for 2 yrs. Last year, Mrs. Mohrbacher stepped up to lead our Debate and Model Judiciary teams, resulting in multiple state and national awards for our Chantilly community. Mrs. Mohrbacher's previous experiences and passion for civic engagement are reflective in her U.S. Government courses. She engages all learners using contemporary teaching methods. Her Global classroom idea was loved by all, as a result the government team-lead has embraced the new Project-Based Learning AP curriculum and Global Classroom Projects to link our students with others aboard. Overall, she is a calm and compassionate educator committed to the success of FCPS students. "

- a Chantilly HS parent 

Jennifer Anjos, Ravensworth ES 

" I had Mrs. Anjos as my teacher two years ago and she has been my favorite ever since! She has a fun way of teaching, and she cares about her students.  She also helps her students as much as she can!"

- a Lake Braddock SS student

JoAnna Zgoda, Lake Braddock SS 

" Mrs. Zgoda cares about her students and wants to make sure they enjoy her class. She likes to make sure her students succeed. Mrs.  Zgoda can be a bit strict while doing labs, but it’s because she wants us to be safe!"

- a Lake Braddock SS student

Ofelia Clark, Mount Vernon HS

" Ofelia always is up for helping me with home visits and calling parents of students! She is a lifesaver and has a magnetic personality that everyone loves. She has been a wonderful asset to MVHS!"

- Vicki Lichter, Mount Vernon HS 

Dana Hughes, Westfield HS 

" My son needed to get re-enrolled to WHS. Mrs. Hughes has helped him the past few years when he struggled to attend school. She helped him get enrolled in TRSA, provided us with online school options, and other navigational support. She was so responsive, almost an immediate turnaround. He's finally able to attend WHS in-person again after 1.5 years and she jumped in and got his schedule made in a matter of hours so he could start school as soon as possible. She continued to make adjustments for him after a few days and she's been a rock and a super star! Thanks Mrs. Hughes!"

- a Westfield HS parent

Hagen Wilson, Mount Vernon Woods ES 

" Hagan is a tremendous asset to Mount Vernon Woods Elementary. She gives her all each and every day for all her students and the school community. Hagan works tirelessly doing SO many things for the school outside of teaching, including maintaining the garden, coaching the Lady Panthers Running Club, supporting after school clubs and SO much more. She is currently working with volunteers to get our PTO back up and running. Hagan will be the first to volunteer for something and never says no when help is needed."

Kristen Robinson, Mount Vernon Woods ES 

Abby Doble, Lemon Road ES

" Ms. Doble has been an amazing support for a student with exceptional academic needs. Since moving to her class during the second week of school, she has been in constant email communication with the family to ensure their questions are answered and concerns are addressed in real time. Ms. Doble has sought to create a connection with this child and provide a safe place for this child to learn and grow. She has also been a tireless advocate and connector to allow this child to access the resources he needs to be successful. As one example, this student is taking algebra online early, and she has reached out to online campus, the AAP office, special education, and the child's online math teacher to ensure this child was set up for success and create lines of communication. Ms. Doble also corresponded during dinner via talking points to make sure mom and child were able to get online during their first class. Ms. Doble is extraordinary and is making a huge difference daily with this child and family. Her warmth, expertise and knowledge of student needs is remarkable."

Avery Straw, Lemon Road ES 

Aron Sterling and Torey Diggs, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" I am so grateful to Aron and Torey for their willingness to support our learning with Performance Matters. They are always responsive to questions and willing to meet to brainstorm solutions. Thank you to you both for your flexibility and professional knowledge!"

Janet Babic, West Potomac HS 

Rebecca Paull, Lemon Road ES 

" As a kindergartener, my daughter is navigating the big emotions and feelings associated with this transition. We were having a particularly hard time at drop-off until Ms. Paull swooped in and saved the day. She expertly diffused the situation and immediately helped my daughter feel safe, supported, and ready to face the day. I'm so grateful to be a part of the kind and attentive LRES community, thank you!"

- a Lemon Road ES parent 

Jen Stevulak, Lake Braddock SS 

" Mrs. Stevulak is such a fun teacher! She makes her kids laugh and teaches in such a fun way. When I was nervous to come to the school she helped me feel comfortable and I would tell her about my life. She is very supportive of her students and enjoys teaching."

- a  Lake Braddock SS student 

Brian Kennedy, Jefferson Tech HS

" This year, the growth of our chemistry program has meant sharing rooms, taking on new preps, and relying a lot more on each other as colleagues. I am extremely privileged to be both sharing a room space and sharing a prep with Dr. Brian Kennedy, who has gone above and beyond to help me in learning this new prep and in feeling prepared every day of class, even as I'm traveling between three classrooms. This morning, he came to check in on me setting up in my second classroom to make sure I had everything I needed for the day and to give me some extra resources to help with a topic we'll begin covering in our common prep next week. I could not do what I'm doing as well as I'm doing it without his help."

Emily Owens, Jefferson Tech HS 

Janan Hawthorne, Annandale HS 

"Ms. Hawthorne is very supportive. She is outstanding and she is cared for by students, and very helpful when I need someone to talk to. She is the person that I can count on, she is my mentor, and she supports me when I need it. I would like to recognize her as an outstanding teacher. "

- a Annandale HS student

Elizabeth Swoboda, Lake Braddock SS 

"She was so kind to me after I just moved here from Colorado, and she got me all ready for the school year."

- a  Lake Braddock SS student 

Lisa Scott, Greenbriar West ES 

" Mrs. Scott has made my daughter's transition from GBE to GBW, smooth and painless. My daughter had a terrible experience at school last year.  This created a lot of stress and anxiety for my daughter. She was nervous starting school this year, but we focused on having a positive attitude, making new friends, and trusting the teacher will meet her needs. Mrs. Scott has made school fun and exciting for my daughter again. Yesterday at pick-up she declared, "I love Mrs. Scott.  She's the best teacher." We appreciate all that she has done to start the year off on the right foot."

- a Greenbriar West ES parent 

Bryan Buser, Gatehouse Admin Center

" I needed some help with our website today, and Bryan cheerfully and quickly responded with way more (and better) information than I could have imagined.  And this isn't the first time he's helped me like this. Even though I've never met him in person, I feel like Bryan is an old friend. When one is struggling with a problem, it's comforting to know someone kind and helpful like Bryan is available to assist."

Fran Migdal, Canterbury Woods ES 

Stacey Mitchell, Lake Braddock SS

" Super nice to her students, when someone is doing something wrong she won't yell at them but tell them. She is very open minded and listens to what everyone wants and needs."

- a  Lake Braddock SS student 

Mike McMarlin, Lake Braddock SS 

" Mike McMarlin is an unsung hero here at Lake Braddock. He is an incredible person who truly loves this community. Any time something needs to be worked on or fixed you can find him on it right away. My classroom can get very humid and hot but I know I can count on Mike to help as soon as he can. Lake Braddock is such a massive campus and Mike is on his own almost always to take care of it. He can generally be found on the roof, in the ceilings or hauling his ladder and tools somewhere else because he is always on the move to work on something. This school year already has been challenging for the building, especially this week. Mike is always ready to help even when all  300 teachers are emailing him and  calling his name. I can easily speak on behalf of Lake Braddock that we truly appreciate him and how much he means to Bruin Nation. Thank you, Mike! We would be a puddle of sweat without you!"

David Wickham, Lake Braddock SS 

Ellen Cosier,  Mount Vernon Woods ES

" We are beyond blessed to have Ellen Cosier as our new Special Education Chairperson here at Mount Vernon Woods. She is extremely knowledgeable about laws, appropriate procedures, and is focused on always acting in the best interest of our students. Her  "hands on/dive right in" approach has helped her make a smooth transition into our MVWES family. She is flexible, credible, and also... very funny. As a principal, I feel like I hit the lottery when I hired Ellen. I truly believe that with her support, the Mount Vernon Woods Special Education Team will continue to do amazing things for students! Thanks Ellen!"

Gina O'Neal, Mount Vernon Woods ES 

Amy Soos, Lake Braddock SS 

" In the first two weeks of school, we have had many, many new students registering at Lake Braddock. Many of these students are also new to the country and our extremely large school can be daunting. Amy Soos and the Bruin Ambassadors have been PHENOMENAL in greeting our kids, making them feel welcome, and getting them safely to their classes. THANK YOU!!!"

Jacqueline Naughton, Lake Braddock SS 

Maxwell Crush, Lake Braddock SS 

" Today, I shared with Mr. Crush that I would be moving one of my EL Level 2 students into the general education Algebra 1 course, from a small group EL math course, based on the EL teacher's recommendation and assessment of the student's abilities. Without hesitation, Mr. Crush responded, "Awesome!  Can't wait to meet her!" As we work on building a strong culture of belonging, I was so grateful for his enthusiastic response to the student joining the class."

Jacqueline Naughton, Lake Braddock SS 

Karen Miller, Stonecroft Transportation Center

" Karen Miller and her team go above and beyond for our students. When we had some delays with our bus arrival at dismissal, Karen and her team were swift to implement changes to ensure the students' comfort and safety. Despite the challenges that the transportation department has to grapple with everyday, Karen and her team worked relentlessly to solve an issue that impacted our most vulnerable students.  We are thankful and appreciative of Karen's and the bus drivers' efforts!"

Nahla Eltaher, Crossfield ES 

Rebecca Ferguson, North Springfield ES 

" Becky Ferguson is one of the nicest teachers at North Springfield ES and is very kind to students and staff in preschool and throughout the building. She regularly checks on others and truly cares about how they are doing. Ms.  Ferguson is always smiling at student drop off and pick up. She has always been a hard worker and constantly looks for ways to support others."

Tony Kingsberry, North Springfield ES 

Jessica Chun, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Fairfax County Public Schools is fortunate to have Jess Chun as their Social Studies Middle School Specialist. When I began my current role, I lacked any experience with middle school education. Rather than becoming frustrated that the new Secondary Resource Teacher had a background primarily in high school, Jess collaborated with me to enhance my ability to support middle school teachers and students. Jess adeptly guided me while ensuring not to overwhelm me. She consistently maintained awareness of the amount of information being conveyed, always allowing opportunities for me to seek clarification. Over time, as we continued to work together, Jess entrusted me with more responsibilities, fostering my ongoing growth and understanding of the Specialist position.  Having collaborated with Jess for over a year now, I can genuinely say that, in my 18 years working for FCPS, I have never worked with a better collaborator. Despite her relatively recent appointment to her role, her approach with Middle School department chairs and teachers has yielded substantial benefits. Trust in the central office is steadily growing, collaboration requests are on the rise, and the quality of middle school social studies instruction throughout the county is showing marked improvement. FCPS unquestionably made the perfect choice in hiring her."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Charmona Whitfield, Centreville HS 

" I would like to recognize Charmona Whitfield for her outstanding leadership as a teacher. I was approached by a teacher from one of FCPS' alternative high schools who is teaching World History and Geography 2 for the first time in her career and does not have another teacher at her site with any experience teaching this course. When the teacher approached me, Charmona immediately came to mind. I wasn't surprised at all that Charmona promptly volunteered to support this teacher. During the most stressful time for teachers, the teacher work week, Charmona's selflessness is truly commendable."

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Angela Moon, Chantlly HS

" I have never met Angela Moon in person, but she is one of my favorite people in FCPS. At our August In-Service, the first person there, even before the Social Studies team, was a nice but very panicked teacher who immediately inquired about resources for self-contained United States and Virginia History. Shortly after the in-service, I reached out to all 28 department chairs, and thankfully, Angie Rollet connected me with Angela. Despite it being the teacher's workweek, when there is never enough time, Angela offered to help this teacher. Not only did Angela share all of her resources with this teacher, but she also added him to her Schoology page to show him how she organizes the materials for her students. This past week, I had another teacher reach out to our office who was struggling with the same course. I reached back out to Angela, and unsurprisingly, she jumped at the chance to help a teacher in need. Chantilly High School is truly lucky to have Angela Moon on staff, and because of her selflessness, two other FCPS high schools and their students are being positively impacted by Angela!"

Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center

Molly Williams, Mount Vernon Woods ES 

" Molly has gone above and beyond to build relationships with her students. She has been strategic and creative about meeting their needs these first few weeks of school. She creates a nurturing environment while communicating to students that they can do it and she believes in them. Molly has been instrumental in the success of our 6th graders' start to the school year."

Christine Berry, Mount Vernon Woods ES 

Laura Connelly, Cherry Run ES 

" On our recent Labor Day holiday weekend, Mrs. Connelly on her day off sent the families of her CRES 1st grade class a thoughtful communication. In Mrs.  Connelly's message she is checking in with families, sharing the best way to reach her during the work day while promoting Talking Points, sharing the processes and routines our children are working and highlighting the upcoming BTSN. In a time when educator exhaustion is at an all high, it is not missed how Mrs. Connelly is leading with warm, energy and love for her students. As an FCPS parent, my husband and I both feel peace that our daughter will be supported and we will have a strong partnership to support her wellness and academic success for the 23-24SY."

a Cherry Run ES parent 

Aron Sterling, Willow Oaks Admin Center

" Performance Matters is new for all of us. Being an SBTS and in a position that teachers at my school are looking to me for answers, I am grateful for the PM team, but especially Aron for all of his support. He is helping me navigate this new program so I can best support the teachers in my school.  There is much at play and we each have an important role in supporting one another to help all of our students succeed. I am so thankful for his level of attention, detailed directions and frequent assistance. Thank you, Aron!"

Chrissy McLaughlin, Navy ES