Superintendent's Weekly Reflections

By Dr. Michelle C. Reid
Superintendent's Messages
October 10, 2022

I trust you had an opportunity to take in today's crisp fall weather accented by blue skies. Even though the temperatures have been somewhat cool, the brilliant sunlight provides that light and energy that I'm sure we can all appreciate as we head toward the upcoming week.

After many soggy days, it is nice to see the sun again! Happy homecoming to all of our high schools celebrating this weekend, including Herndon High School. I was so excited to join this weekend’s parade and football game against Yorktown High School. The Hornets were inspiring for sure. 

Kids and Dr. Reid in front of Steamology signI also had the opportunity to be at the Steamology STEM fest Saturday at Walt Whitman MS. It was a great opportunity for students to explore robotics, coding, experiments and other activities with students from across FCPS. I did post some pictures of all the festivities on my Instagram account. Be sure to follow me here!   We are so grateful for the many community partnerships that make these events possible. 

Wednesday was World Teacher’s Day, held each year on October 5 to celebrate all teachers around the world. Thank you to all of our teachers for your service and commitment to each and every one of our students - it matters! I think we can all remember those teachers who impacted our lives. On Fox 5 Morning News, our Chief Equity Officer, Dr. Nardos King, shared her memories of the teachers who made a difference in her life. Here’s a link to watch the clip . I’d love to hear what teacher made a difference in your life. Do you recognize their influence in your work today?

At Thursday night’s School Board meeting, a resolution was passed honoring National School Principals Month. October is National Principals Month and so I would like to personally recognize our fantastic FCPS principals. I want to share how important our principals and assistant principals are to the achievement of our core work in the schools. I applaud their passionate justice centered leadership and would invite you to share your own personal thanks sometime during the month with your school principal.  I firmly believe it is only through the power of public education that our communities and country will remain strong. Each of us plays a role and together, all things are possible...

Dr. Reid with garrison commanderWednesday morning, I joined Fort Belvoir Garrison Commander Colonel Joseph V. Messina at Fort Belvoir Elementary School to record a video promoting the upcoming Impact Aid Survey. Did you know that Fort Belvoir provides services to more than 216,000 military, civilians, retirees and families? FCPS has many military-connected families across our schools, not just on base. In fact, the number of military families in our school system is comparable to the entire Virginia Beach City Schools! FCPS has a web page with resources to support the transition of our military families to our schools, and to support them when they are with us, even if for a short time. I will also be hosting a community conversation with invited military families this week.

Monday evening, I hosted the Mount Vernon Pyramid community conversation. In addition to parents/caregivers and community members, there was strong representation from teachers and staff. They all had at least one thing in common which is an intense passion for their schools. I truly appreciated everyone’s candor and concerns about their students having the same access and opportunities as those in other parts of the county. One parent wondered how we can fulfill the promise of meeting every child by name and by need when the resources aren't there. I don't have that answer yet but I remain resolutely committed to ensuring that each and every student in all Fairfax County public schools has the tools and supports they need to thrive in a world yet to be imagined. Thanks to Principal JoVon Rogers and her staff for hosting the event. Our next community conversation will be Tuesday, October 11, at Oakton High School. Hope to see you there!

If you missed it earlier this week, please take the time to read my very important message around the alarming increase of fatal opioid overdoses in Fairfax County. The letter, posted to our website , includes important links to resources for our community to help prevent substance use and to support those with substance use disorders. Northern Virginia is a community blessed with strong resources and support for families; together all things are possible.

I would like to thank the Fairfax County NAACP for inviting me to attend their Freedom Fund Luncheon last weekend.  It was inspiring to be a part of the event that honored so many doing so much in our community; together all things are possible. 

Dr. Reid with bus driverThursday morning, it was my pleasure to join the FCPS Bus Drivers and Attendants Advisory Council meeting. I know how important our drivers and attendants are to setting the tone for the day for so many of our students and being that final friendly face in the afternoon. I appreciate all the insight our transportation team provided about the joys and challenges of this work. After the meeting, Francine Furby, Director of transportation services, gave me a tour of the Lorton Transportation Center. I met the committed staff of Area 7, including Debbie Keller. Debbie has dedicated 33 years to FCPS! She continues to drive because she says our students are “the bees knees.” I agree! Thank you to Debbie and all of our transportation staff!

This coming Wednesday is “ Walk & Roll to School Day ”. There are so many great reasons to walk or bike to school when it’s safe to do so! I can’t wait to see all the pictures from our participating schools. Be sure to tag FCPS on Instagram and Twitter!

In reflecting on recent events, I am reminded of something William Arthur Ward (1921-1994) shared; "Three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, sharing with others.”  As I think about our amazing and abundant fall season, I am looking forward to getting outside this week and hope that you too find time to crunch leaves, tour trails, or whatever brings you joy during this time of the year.  Together, let’s imagine the possibilities....

Warmest Regards,

Michelle Reid, Ed.D.
Fairfax County Public Schools