Tutor.com - Opt-Out Information

How to Opt-out of Tutor.com services

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Students automatically have access to the Tutor.com tutoring service through a link in Schoology unless a parent/guardian submits an opt-out request .  If a parent/guardian does not want their student(s) to have access to this online tutoring resource, complete the opt-out via SIS ParentVUE .

Directions to opt-out via SIS ParentVUE:

  1. Parent/Guardian logs into  SIS ParentVUE
  2. Select "Student"
  3. Click on "Student Info"from the menu bar on the left
  4. Click on "Edit Information"at the top of the Student Info screen
  5. Change the value for Tutor.com Access to “No”under the Changed Value column. 
  6. Click on "Save Changes"

If the opt out is desired for additional students, the parent/guardian must select each student individually and repeat the process.

If unable to opt-out via SIS ParentVUE, a parent/guardian can download and print a hard copy of the Online Tutoring Services Notice and Opt-Out form which are posted below. Opt-Out forms should be submitted to the student’s school.

Online Tutoring Services Notice & Opt-Out Form: 

There is additional information about the opt-out process in the frequently asked questions.