Eleventh Grade Family Life Education (FLE)

Year at a Glance

Family Life education for grade 11 is instructed during social studies classes.

Grade Eleven Instructional Objectives - Family Life Education

11.1 Students will identify how sexually transmitted infections are contracted and how to prevent contraction.

Descriptive Statement: Topics include sexual and nonsexual high-risk behaviors that may cause contraction of bacterial STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis) and viral STIs (herpes, hepatitis, HPV, and HIV); signs and symptoms of infection; treatment methods; and prevention methods including abstinence from sexual activity, abstinence from intravenous drug use, use of condoms, and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (HIV prevention).

11.2 Students will identify methods of contraception.

Descriptive Statement: Instruction will include review of barrier, hormonal, and surgical methods; identification of effectiveness for prevention of pregnancy and minimizing risk of sexually transmitted infection; how to obtain various methods, and misconceptions regarding contraception.  Abstinence will be emphasized as the only 100% effective method for preventing pregnancy and the most effective method for preventing sexually transmitted infection.

11.3 Students will examine healthy and unhealthy relationships, dating violence, and strategies for prevention and help.

Descriptive Statement: Instruction will include identification of controlling behaviors and coerced sexual activity including human (teen sex) trafficking and digital/social media abuse. Instruction will also include establishing and reinforcing personal boundaries regarding sexual activity including affirmative consent and risk reduction strategies to help prevent abuse including risks associated with substance use. Family, trusted adult, member of the clergy, and community health resources for further information, assistance, and support will be identified. Instruction will include bystander awareness and intervention strategies.

Grade Eleven Media

Videotape for Grades 5-12 Human Growth and Development selected Special Education students only(female students):

Defining Sexual Assault: Edited for FCPS (2015), Human Relations Media, 34 minutes.

Part one: What is Sexual Assault? What Is Consent?Understanding the answers to these two key questions is the fundamental task of sexual assault education. Nationally-known experts help viewers delve into the complexities and nuances of both questions. Three sexual assault survivors tell their personal stories, with an emphasis on the circumstances of their assaults, the complex emotions and reactions triggered, and how definitions of sexual assault and consent become integral to understanding the consequences for both the victims and the perpetrators.

Part two: After an Assault. What happens after an assault? What are your legal rights, your rights under Title IX, your rights as a hospital patient, your rights as a minor, your right to counseling and other victim-support services? These questions are answered through the lens of assault survivors, a forensic nurse, a police detective, and rape crisis coordinators.

Part three: Risk Reduction and Bystander Intervention. Experts in risk reduction look at situations that are statistically riskier than others and identify specific steps to take to lower one's risk of assault, although there is no way to guarantee a totally risk-free environment. Bystander intervention explains how communities can work together to develop strategies to identify how sexual assault behaviors begin and how to intercede to prevent escalation of risk. The program also specifically addresses what to do if a friend confides in you, or discloses an assault.