全95件 (95件中 1-50件目)
Recently I have little time to read books. Only a few books I read are mainly about English and photography. I like getting new information better than eating something good. Howevr, the amount of information and knowledges from books are declining.One reason is that, I think, I can get latest knowledges through the Internet. I translate English into Japanese with two computers on, looking for appropriate meanings or information. The latest medical terms(words) and information cannot be gained from books sold at bookstores.Another reason is too much working hours such as teaching, preparing for the classes, and translations sent from NGO.Beside that, I go out to take snapshots at a fraction of the time.In my younger days like in 20's and 30's, I read quite a few books. I tend to get immersed in anything. I remember reading more than 50 novels written by Matsumoto Seicho(松本清張) in six months. I like nonfictions very much, so I read most of Yanagida Kunio's(柳田邦夫) nonfictions about his analysis of accidents like airplane crashes, nuclear power plants or big factories' explosions, etc.NOw I feel I should read more books about the categories other than my speciality. Lately I think my knowledges are "a little" biased.
I still have a long way to finish my assignments. So far I've finished about one third of the translation, but It took more time than I had expected. The deadline is February 15. I think it a trial to become a professional traslator. This is the job I must carry through.
前回の英単語は captured (身柄を拘束された) 引用の訳ベネズエラの銀行で30人を解放した後、人質とともに逃走していた武装窃盗団が逮捕された。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。the position of being one of the people who are competing to be electedQuoteRudy Giuliani withdraws his Republican ( 単語 ), on same day as Democrat John Edwards also quits. ※ c で始まる単語※ 難しい連語(英検準1級レベル)
(小さな氷柱が冬の寒さを表現している) This morning I dropped by in the nearby park. It was a little cold but the sun sometimes appeared. In this cold season, there were not so many people strolling in the park, most of them are elderly people. They always greet me when passing by. It is like a custom in the park.In the pond all the ducks were resting on the float, which I thought aren't good subjects of photography. But the fugures reflecking on the surface of the water were good objects, driving me to take some shots.
前回の英単語は 一般教書演説 State of the Union address 引用の訳ブッシュ大統領は最後の一般教書演説で、米国経済の信用を立て直す意欲を示した。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。to catch someone in order to make them a prisonerQuoteAn armed gang who fled with hostages after freeing 30 people held at a bank in Venezuela are ( 単語 ). ※ c で始まる単語※ やや難しい連語(英検準2級レベル)
( 久しぶりの霜) My classroom accommodates only eight students so that I can teach my student individually. Yesterday Ten students were in my classroom at a time, because it was just before the school exams. I let two of the students learn back in my office for thirty minutes. It rarely happens, but I managed to avoid such a situation. My view of teaching is based on individualism. I mean every student has a different ability and understanding, so the ideal way to make them learn something is, I think, teach on a personal basis. I have taught my students using this method more than 30 years. Through the long experience, I've got accustomed to teaching eight students personally, even though some are studying math in junior high school level, some English in senior high level,and others integral calculus for unversity entrance exams.
前半だけ英文にしました。I got this computer three days ago. I noticed there are some merits and demerits in it. The most advantageous performance is , of course, its processing speed. There’s almost no time lag in moving from one site to another site. My old computer has so small capacity that it takes me at least 10 seconds to move, sometimes keeps me waiting for 5 minutes. It has made my jobs slow down. Thanks to the new computer, my productivity will become much better. I can get my photo images edited very quickly. So far, in cropping, adjusting colors and contrast and registering under another name, I don’t have to feel stressed compared to my old one which processes these things for 3-5 minutes.
前回の英単語は prospects (展望、見通し) 引用の訳世界経済の見通しへの不安が続く中、東京と香港の株価が急落。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。QuotePresident Bush uses his last regular ( 一般教書演説 ) to try to shore up US economic confidence. ※ 年度初めに大統領が行う演説。日本語の感覚と少し違うと思います※ やや難しい連語(英検準1級レベル)
(枝からこぼれおちそうな水滴) One of senior high school students is leaving my school. He has been my student for six years. This April he will be a fresh recruit at a local reliable company. So I have to congratulate him. Saying goodby is a little sad thing, because it means the number of my students decrease. However, it can't be avoid. A child grows up to be an adult.
It has been raining since this morning, what is worse, it's a pretty cold rain. If the temperature were below 3 degree Celsius, the rain would change into snow. Buds of daffodils also looked shivering in the cold rain. It seem to take time to bloom out their cute flowers.
When there are a lot of jobs in front of me, I sometimes feel pressed and wodering if I can clear away all the jobs in time for the schedule. My thought runs ahead of me, making me more nervous. You also might have such experience. That's the time when I have pretty stiff shoulder and sometimes feel dizzy.After being absorbed in my job without thinking what is occurring around me, it often happens that my job is finished. I feel time flies and feel relieved.This time, I still have 35 pages left for translation.
前回の英単語は bars (妨害する) 引用の訳ロシア中央選管は野党候補者のミハイル・カシアノフ氏の大統領選出馬を妨害。※ カシアノフ氏の言うとおりロシアは全体主義に向かっているという印象はぬぐえません。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。a possibility that something which you hope for will happen soonQuoteShare prices in Tokyo and Hong Kong fall sharply as anxiety continues over world economic ( 単語 ). ※ p で始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検準2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(小鳥が飛び回っていた。名前はわからない)(桜の木の下) It took me two hours to translate only two pages of the reports last evening. It made me tire my eyes and my shoulder got stiff. But this is only the beginning of the assingments with more than 40 pages. Now I feel overwhelmed and feel anxuiety whether I will be able to finish all the assignments.My target is to finish half of them during this week. Otherwise, I may not complete a whole translation. That's the last thing to do as a translator, although just a beginner.
前回の英単語は rogue (悪党) 引用の訳フランス警察当局はジェローム・ケルビエルのアパートを捜索。7600億円の不正取引にかかわった人物。 rogue は「詐欺師」という意味合い=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。to prevent someone from entering a place or from doing somethingQuoteRussia's Central Election Commission ( 単語 ) opposition candidate Mikhail Kasyanov from running for president. ※ b で始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(山茶花 朝日を浴びて)(山茶花2) I went to the photo exhibition by local amature photographers. I know some of them because they are frequent exibitors. Now I don't belong to any photo circles, so my uncle, who is a little famous for photography, advised me to be in some circles, and that I would be able to get some advice to improve my photogrpgy.I talked with some of the members at the museum and conveyed my intention. I could know their monthly activities and their operation policy. Most of the members works for companies and public offices, therefore they hold monthly meeting in the evening on the third Friday. That is when I'm working. To my regret, I realized that I can't belong to any of the local photography circles because of different working hours.
Now I feel how effcient a new computer is. The speed of processing is five times, or ten times faster than that of seven-year-old computer. I have wasted a lot of time. Every time I changed the site, I had to wait for 10 seconds, sometimes 3 minute. If I total the time I wasted until yesterday, It would be hundreds of hours. I have to pay back wby installment, some 3000 yen a month. However it is a good deal considering losing huge amount of precious time. It will pay.
I got the assignments from Tokyo last week.Forty pges translation must be done within four weeks. I made a plant to get then done in time, but, you know, there will always be something happening that delay my jobs. I have to prepare for my student's papers and look through them in advance. And then, I had a new computer instalkled yesterdayThe installment were supposed to finish in an hour. I had four computers and one multi-purpose copy machine in my office. They are connected through LAN system. Different computers were bought at different time, I mean, one is twelve years old, one five years old, one three motnth old and a latest copy machine. So networking with each machine was a little tough job even for the experts who came to my office with the computer. It took tem more than two hours.That made my jobs remain undone. .
前回の英単語は sysnthetic (人工的な) 引用の訳アメリカの科学者チームは、研究所内で人工生命体を作り出すことに前進があったと発表。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。a man or boy who behaves badly or causes troubleQuoteFrench police search the flat of Jerome Kerviel, the man said to be the ( 単語 ) trader who lost 4.9bn euros. ※ r で始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(横の電線がなければよかったのですが) This is the second time to write this blog today, because the one I wrote earlier was gone for som unknown reason. I can't use this new computer well. It seems as if I were a beginner. Therefore it will take a while to get accustomed to this computer.
前回の英単語は blockage (妨害物) 引用の訳エフド・オイルメルト、イスラエル首相はガザ地区の壁を人道的危機に変えることはしないと言明。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。produced by combining different artificial substances, rathwer than being naturally producedQuoteUS scientists say they have taken a step towards creating ( 単語 ) life in the laboratory. ※ s で始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(南天の実についた水滴)(スイセンが咲くときを待っている)(うっすらと雪がつもっていた。新しい芽が伸びようとしている) I woke up to find another cold morning. The weather has been not so good, sometimes rainy and sometimes snowy, anyway it has been very cold. The only thing that gives me pleasure is a tiny drop of rain and snow srystal. With my camera, I approach them to get a good shots. But I barely touched a branch of the tree, the drop of rain fell onto the ground. It is a fragile life. And the frigileness attracts me all the more.
I try to translate medical journals like "The New England Journal of Medicine".The contents include huge amount of unknown words, but I have to translate them.But why do I challenge such a difficult translation? Because I want to be a professional translator specializing medical journals. As you know, medical journals inform us of a great number of latest findings and most advanced medicine. To know something new is my motivation in my life.Among many fields of academic researches, I 'm attracted in medicine. Probably I have long lived with chronic disorders in my body. Every time I' hospitalized, the doctor use more powerful antibiotic drug. I know new antibiotics are created year by year. But I don't want any more powerful antibiotics. In my opinion, knowing new technology and researches about medicine will help me go without them, which is very paradoxical.
Methods We genotyped more than 500,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA samples from 1311 case subjects with SLE and 1783 control subjects; all subjects were North Americans of European descent. Genotypes from 1557 additional control subjects were obtained from public data repositories. We measured the association between the SNPs and SLE after applying strict quality-control filters to reduce technical artifacts and to correct for the presence of population stratification. Replication of the top loci was performed in 793 case subjects and 857 control subjects from Sweden. 方法 全身性エリスマトーデス(SLE)患者1311名と薬剤療法中の患者1783名から取り出したDNAサンプルから50万個以上の単一ヌクレオチド多型(SNP)の遺伝子型を特定した。すべての患者がヨーロッパからの移民してきた北米アメリカ人だった。公開されているデータ記録からさらに1557名の薬剤療法中の患者からの遺伝子型も得られた。厳密な品質管理フィルターリングを使って技術上の原因による不自然な結果を取り除き、ポピュレーション層の存在を是正し、SNPとSLEの関連を調べた。スエーデン出身の793人のSLE患者と857人の薬剤療法中の患者で中心的遺伝子座の複製が行われた。
前回の英単語は corruption (汚職) 引用の訳追放された元タイ首相タクシン・シナワトラの妻が汚職罪でバンコクの裁判に出廷。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。something that is stopping movement in a narrow placeQuoteIsraeli PM Ehud Olmert says he will not let his country's ( 単語 ) of Gaza turn into a humanitarian crisis. ※ b で始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(ツワブキの穂)(シダ) The second graders of a local senior high school students are now in Nagano prefecture. They are on a school trip, where they can ( are forced to) enjoy skiing. This week the cold wave is covering Japanese archipelago. Nagano is famous for its severe coldness. The weather news said the temperature today would be less than zero degree Celsius. It would be a good opportunity to have an experience of such breezing coldness, while I'm a bystander to say such a irresponsible statements. The teachers who are supervising students are responsible for their instructions. School teachers have to do a lot of tough jobs these days.
Association of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with C8orf13-BLK and ITGAM-ITGAX全身性エリスマトーデス(紅斑性狼瘡)とC8orf13-BLKとITGAM-ITGAXの関連性(注--全身の臓器に原因不明の炎症が起こる、自己免疫疾患の一種である。膠原病の1つとして分類されている)ABSTRACT アブストラクトBackground Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a clinically heterogeneous disease in which the risk of disease is influenced by complex genetic and environmental contributions. Alleles of HLA-DRB1, IRF5, and STAT4 are established susceptibility genes; there is strong evidence for the existence of additional risk loci. 背景 全身性エリスマトーデス(SLE)は臨床的に異種疾患で、そのリスクは複雑な遺伝的ないし環境的因子に影響される。HLA-DRB1、IRF5、STATT4の3つの対立遺伝子が感受性遺伝子として認められている。さらに別の遺伝子座の存在することが強く認められる。
前回の英単語は recession(景気の後退) 引用の訳全世界的な景気後退の不安の中、世界的な株価急落の1日後、アジアでも株価が下がり続けている。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。dishonest, illegal, or immoral behavior, especially from someone with powerQuoteOusted Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra's wife goes on trial in Bangkok on charges of ( 単語 ). ※ ヒント cで始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(黄梅、今が盛り)(白梅、今から)(まだ蕾) There's a botanical park where plum blossoms are famous. The other day the local news said yellow plum blossoms were at theiir best. So before the class, I dropped by in the park. I went up the hilly slope in haste, because I had only 15 minutes to take photoes. My photography is always like that, that is, it depends how efficiently I make the most of the time given before my work. The slope was so steepy that my legs got sore and I almost lost my breath. But I could get some good shots, you know, in my impression. After shooting about 40 photoes, I hurried to the class.
It has been so cold and sometimes rainy. So I didn't have chance to go out and take photoes. As I said earlier, I take exercise, like walking in the park or climbing a steep hill, in the process of photogrphy. In order to get a nice image, I put myself on various positions. Sometimes I shoot a subject in a half-sitting posture for a few minutes. It requires pretty much mustle of my body. Anyway taking photoes needs physical strength.However, bad weather condition prevents me from doing both of them. I wish it will be a better day tomorrow.
私の訳とプロの訳がどの程度違うか比較してみた。先週の私の訳抗欝剤試用の選択発表とその見かけ上の効能が及ぼす影響摘要バックグラウンド 実証的医療は、その科学的根拠が完全で公平であるという点で貴重なものである。臨床試験の選択的発表とその試験範囲内での結果は、薬剤の有効性の非現実的評価をもたらし、見かけ上のリスク便益率を変える可能性がある。方法 FDA(米国食品医薬品局)が行った12564人の患者に投与した12の抗欝剤の調査 を入手。適合する発表を見つけるために系統的文献調査を行った。文献に報告されている試用に対して、FDAの結果と発表された結果とを比較した。また発表された報告から得られる効果の差とFDAデータ全般から得られる効果の差とを比較した。結果 FDAに登録されている74例の調査記録中、3449例の調査対象者の中の31%は公表されていなかった。調査結果が発表されるかどうか、またどのように発表するかは記録の結果に関係していた。FDAによって評価され肯定的な結果が出た37例は公表された。肯定的と評価された1例は発表されなかった。FDAによって否定的または疑問の余地のある結果と評価された調査記録は、3例の例外を除いて、公表されなかった(22例)か、肯定的結果と受け止められるような方法で公表された(11例)。公表された文献に寄れば、薬剤の試用の94%が肯定的だと思われている。対照的に、FDAの分析によると肯定的は51%だった。FDAと座視データの別々のメタ分析(研究の統合と研究の評価の実施のこと)によれば、それぞれの薬剤で分散指数の増加は11%から69パーセントに及び、全般的には32%だった。結論 観察された偏りが著者またはスポンサーが原稿を提出しないことからくるのか、雑誌の編集者または検閲者が発表しないように決定するのか、たぶん両方だと思うが、私達には分からない。臨床試用結果の選択的な報告は、研究者や調査対象者、保健関係者、さらには患者にとって不利益な結果をもたらす可能性がある。今週発行されたNEJMの日本語版訳抗うつ薬の臨床試験の選択的出版と見かけ上の有効性に与えるその影響------------------------------------------------------背 景 エビデンスに基づく医療は,エビデンスの根拠が完全でバイアスがない場合に限り有用である.臨床試験,およびそれらの試験内の転帰の出版を選択的に行うことで,薬物の有効性に対する非現実的評価を導き,見かけ上のリスク便益比が変化する可能性がある. 方 法 患者 12,564 例を対象とした,12 種類の抗うつ薬の試験に対する米国食品医薬品局(FDA)のレビューを入手した.対応する論文を同定するため,系統的な文献調査を実施した.論文として報告された試験について,出版された転帰と FDA の転帰を比較した.また,出版された論文による効果の大きさと,FDA のデータ全体による効果の大きさについても比較した. 結 果 FDA に登録された試験 74 件中,31%(被験者数 3,449 例)は出版されていなかった.出版されたかどうか,また出版された場合その方法は,試験の転帰と関連していた.FDA により結果が陽性であるとみなされた計 37 件の試験は出版されていたが,1 件は出版されていなかった.FDA によって陰性あるいは疑問のある結果であるとみなされた試験は,3 件を除き,出版されていない(22 件)か,われわれの見解では陽性の転帰を伝えるような形で出版されていた(11 件).出版された文献に基づくと,実施された試験の 94%が陽性であるとみられた.これに対して,FDA の分析で陽性であることが示されたのは 51%であった.FDA と学術誌のデータセットについて個別にメタ解析を行ったところ,効果の大きさの増加は,個々の薬剤では 11~69%の範囲であり,全体では 32%であった. 結 論 認められたバイアスが,著者やスポンサーが原稿を投稿しなかったことによるのか,学術誌の編集者および査読者が出版しないと判断したことによるのか,あるいはその双方によるのかは断定できない.臨床試験結果の選択的報告は,研究者,試験参加者,医療専門家,および患者にとって有害な結果をもたらす可能性がある.
前回の英単語は democracy(民主主義) 引用の訳パキスタン大統領、8日間の訪欧に出発。民主主義とテロリズムを主要な議題とするもよう。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。a period of time during which there is less trade, business activity, and wealth than usualQuoteShare prices in Asia continue to fall a day after global stocks tumbled amid fears of a global ( 単語 ). ※ ヒント rで始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(海岸部に工場群が並ぶ)(あちらこちらから排煙。冬は特に目立つ) It's obvious the factories in this city, look above, contribute to our econnomy. Without them, this city would have gone bankrupt as Yubari City did. However, there have been some accidents in these factories. Only a week ago, there was a oil leak from a oil refinery factory. It was on newspaper nationwide.Economic activities always accompanied by some accidents. Of course, we have to try to minimize the risk of the danger. Seeing the exhaust gases, including carbon dioxicide emmission, I come as a fresh reminder that we must make efforts to reduce global warming gases as much as possible.
Since last week, the number of students who suffered from cold and were absent from class has increased.Two students were absent today.Their parents said that they had a fever.I hope they aren't suffering from flu.Most of junior high schools and senior high schools in this regiondon't have heating facility at any classrooms.I can imagine how cold it is in the classroom this week.When I was in school long ago, I couldn't move my hands because of coldness at the first and the second period.Now many students carry a hand warmer, so the situation may be a little better.For all that, it is hard for students to go to school in a cold winterand learn in the cold classroom, while I'm working in an airconditioned office.
"Westernizing" Women's Risks? Breast Cancer in Lower-Income Countries西洋化する女性のリスク。低所得諸国の乳がんPeggy Porter, M.D. Recent media reports have highlighted the increasing incidence of breast cancer in low- and middle-income countries. Although the disease continues to be most prominent in affluent countries, the risks of both breast cancer and death due to breast cancer are clearly increasing worldwide (see maps). Some 45% of the more than 1 million new cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year, and more than 55% of breast-cancer-related deaths, occur in low- and middle-income countries.1 Such countries now face the challenge of effectively detecting and treating a disease that previously was considered too uncommon to merit the allocation of precious health care dollars. 最近のメデイアの報道によると、低所得層および中間所得層の多い国での乳がんの発生が増加している。乳がんは裕福な国々でも最も多い病気であるが、乳がんと乳がんによる死亡双方のリスクが明らかに世界中で増加している。毎年乳がんと診断される新たな患者100万人中のおよそ45%と、乳がん関連による死亡の55%以上が 低所得層および中間所得層の多い国で起きている。こうした国々では現在効率的な発見と治療という問題に直面しており、以前はあまり知られた病気ではなかったので高額な医療費に値しないと思われていた病気だ。One hindrance to any discussion of global breast-cancer incidence is the limited data available for many countries. Incidence figures are based on data from small geographic areas that are often pooled and extrapolated to large regions. 全世界的な乳がんの発生に対して論議の障害になっているのは多くの国で利用できるデータ不足のためである。小さな地域で集められたデータを使って大きな地域の数値を推定しているのが現状だ。/font>
前回の英単語は independent(独立した) 引用の訳セルビアで大統領選の投票進む。昨年独立して以来初めての選挙。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。a system of government in which everyone in the country can vote to elect its membersQuoteThe Pakistani President begins an eight-day trip to Europe, with ( 単語 ) and terrorism likely to top the agenda.※ ヒント dで始まる単語※ 易しい単語(英検3級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(空一面のうろこ雲)(冬の樹) Now I got reports sent from Tokyo.I translate about 40 pages in four weeks.They include a lot of bureaucratic cliches.However, they will be read by usual Japanese,I mean those who are assisting children in poor countries as a family member.I don't like bureaucratic words because they include technical words whose meaning are unfriendly to ordinary people.I think my job is to translate those technical language into understandable expressions.For the time being, my struggle with those byzantine fashions will continue.
前回の英単語は defy(反抗する) 引用の訳ケニアの野党支持者達は、疑惑の選挙結果に抗議して、集会の禁止を無視して3日目に入った。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。not governed or controlled by another country or organizationQuoteSerbians go to the polls in presidential elections, the first since Serbia became ( 単語 ) last year. ※ ヒント iで始まる単語※ やや難しい単語(英検準2級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(赤い実が青空に飲み込まれる)(庭の片隅のナンテンにわずかな陽がさした) Pictures above were taken on a very fine day.In contrast, pretty cold rain is falling now.The teperature is below 5 degree Celcius.I wanted to stay inside and enjoy watching a live telecast of Ekiden held in marathon, because I have no class.My students had the national center test for university today.So I got a dau off, but there are a lot of jobs to do.I have to clear away some of them according to its priority. held in Hiroshima
I sometimes wonder if we need holidays.When I say this, almost all the people say I am in the wrong.They say like this.To relax ourselves is essentia to us and it gives us energy to work tomorrow.But is it true?I don't have any holidays, work 7 days a week.Maybe the definition of relaxation is a little different from ordinary people.As for me, watching TV news or nonfictions is the greatest source of my vitality.Catching the latest informations is the biggest stimulation to live on.Whenever I catch unknown knowledge, I want to know more.I don't think teaching my student is a labor, it's a good opportuniyty to communicate with younger people.Knowing is my leisure.That's how I always pursue new objects for my photography.
(妻が一生懸命作ったもので私は遊んでいる) When I woke up this morning, I was surprised.It was already past eight.I couldn't believe my eyes.It was when my favorite TV drama " Chiritotechi" was about to strat.And Saturday morning class was waitning for me.Quickly I prepared breakfast, watching "Chiritotechin".I skipped stretch training that was my everyday habit.I got out of my house in haste.I don't remember getting up so late recently.Maybe three years or four years ago.Because my parents have been sick in bed for the past week, my wife got up around 6 a.m., a little earlier of my usual wake-up time.I thought she would also get up at 6 this morning,but she didn't have to get up so early and she didn't set the alarm clock.I should have made sure what time she should get up this morning.My brain didn't work well at first during the morning class.Sorry, my enthusiastic students!
Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent Efficacy抗欝剤試用の選択発表とその見かけ上の効能が及ぼす影響Erick H. Turner, M.D., Annette M. Matthews, M.D., Eftihia Linardatos, B.S., Robert A. Tell, L.C.S.W., and Robert Rosenthal, Ph.D. ABSTRACT 摘要Background: Evidence-based medicine is valuable to the extent that the evidence base is complete and unbiased. Selective publication of clinical trials and the outcomes within those trials, can lead to unrealistic estimates of drug effectiveness and alter the apparent risk-benefit ratio. バックグラウンド 実証的医療はその科学的根拠が完全で公平であるという点で貴重である。臨床試験の選択的発表とその試験範囲内での結果は、薬剤の有効性の非現実的評価と、見かけ上のリスク便益率を変える可能性がある。Methods: We obtained reviews from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for studies of 12 antidepressant agents involving 12,564 patients. We conducted a systematic literature search to identify matching publications. For trials that were reported in the literature, we compared the published outcomes with the FDA outcomes. We also compared the effect size derived from the published reports with the effect size derived from the entire FDA data set.方法 12564人の患者に投与した12の抗欝剤のFDA(米国食品医薬品局)調査を入手。系統的文献調査により適合する発表を見つけた。文献に報告されている試用に対して、FDAの結果と発表された結果とを比較。また発表された報告から得られる効果の分散とFDAデータ全般から得られる効果の分散とを比較した。
前回の英単語は coroners(検死官) 引用の訳先月死去した米国ソウルミュージックのレジェンド、アイク・ターナーはコカインの過剰摂取が原因と検死官は言明。=========================================次の説明に当たる英単語は何でしょう。to refuse to obey a law or rule, or refuse to do what someone in authority tells you to doQuoteKenyan opposition supporters vow to ( 単語 ) a ban on rallies for a third day in protest over disputed elections. ※ ヒント dで始まる単語※ 難しい単語(英検準1級レベル) 自信がなくても答えを送ってくださいね。
(菊の一種 フェリーチェマム)(A daisy ) When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is checking the weather.I look out of the window to see any frost on the ground.In case there's no frost, I look forward to the clear sky.When I can't expect either of them, like a cloudy day or rainy day,I give up taking photoes on that day.It was very cold this morning with no frost but good sunshine,so I took a walk in the park with my wife.She complained that we shouldn't walk on such a cold day.But the nice sunlight with the clear air attracted me so much.I couldn't stop my drive to shoot photoes.
(Papercraft 3 : A dog) Ricoh Caplio
I sometimes go to other juku school and I meet many types of teachers.Juku school teachers usually start teaching around 4-5 p.m.and finish lessons around 11 p.m.Therefore their life style is a little different from avarage workers.Some teachers get up around 10-11 a.m. and goe to bed around 2-3 a.m.They say they can concentrate on their jobs at midnight or earlly morning.That may be true. Midnight is very quiet time and there's nobody to annoy them.So my life seems unlike average juku school teachers.I like morning sunshine.Morning sunligt seems to give me a lot of energy.I like fresh air in the morning.I don't want to miss out such a good opportunity.First of all, morning sunshine is a boon to me.The morning sunlight is essential for my photography.That's why I will never change my living hours,that is, waking up along with the rising sun,even though my job lingers into midnight.
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