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カテゴリ: ポムロール

シャトー レヴァンジル '96L'Evangile [1996]




  講談社 『BORDEAUX ボルドー 第3版』ロバート・パーカー著 より


 14ha の畑は、北をラ・コンセイヤント、ヴィユー=シャトー=セルタン、ペトリュス、南を偉大なサン=テミリオンのシュヴァル・ブランに境を接する輝かしい位置にあり、土壌は粘土と砂が混じった深い砂利質土壌である。このような有利な点があるのだから、私は、レヴァンジルが(一貫した成績をあげるモデルではないが)ペトリュスやラフルールに匹敵するワインを生産することができると信じている。





 ロートシルトのワインづくりチームが、豊かで凝縮したブドウを生産する遅い収穫を引き続き行い、収量を1ha あたり45hl以下に下げて、新樽を50%かそれ以上に増やすなら、私はレヴァンジルが偉大なヴィンテージはもとより、魅力に乏しい年でもポムロルの光り輝くスターのひとつになると予言しよう。

1996 L'Evangile 

Wine Advocate # 122
Apr 1999 Robert Parker 90 Drink: 2003 - 2016 $90-$200
The 1996 l'Evangile will undoubtedly be a controversial wine. The wine gives the impression of being over-extracted in its dark ruby/purple color and notes of prunes, raisins, Chinese black tea, blackberries, and cherry liqueur. It is rich and powerful, as well as tannic and disjointed, but medium to full-bodied, with excellent richness, and a long, over-ripe finish. It may take a few years to round into shape, but this could turn out to be an outstanding wine. Anticipated maturity: 2003-2016.

Feb 1998 Robert Parker (89-91) Drink: 2005 - 2018 $90-$200 (150)
Readers may remember that because of its astringent tannin, I had some reservations after my initial tasting of this wine. Eight months later, the tannin is less of a problem, but the wine still possesses a high tannic profile. The dense ruby/purple color is followed by an emerging, exotic nose of prunes, black raspberries, earth, and truffles. The wine is backward and tannic, yet dense and powerful. This is an overripe style of L'Evangile with high tannin, prune-like notes to the black raspberry fruitiness, and plenty of weight and muscle. Although I find it slightly disjointed, I am optimistic that this wine will continue to come together, as it has evolved nicely over the last 7-8 months. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2018.

Wine Advocate # 110
Apr 1997 Robert Parker (89-91) Drink: 2005 - 2025 $90-$200
Four different tastings of this wine left me perplexed. The 1996 l'Evangile exhibits a fabulous opaque purple color, and the classic l'Evangile nose of jammy black-raspberry fruit. That's the good news. The bad news is that once the wine hits the palate, the tannin level cuts a severe, hard, astringent path that should cause concern. Yes, this is a serious vin de garde, but I would like to have tasted more opulence, and detected more charm and fruit. Nevertheless, the wine is highly-extracted, dense, medium-bodied, and powerful. It may shed its cloak of tannin, flesh out in the barrel aging process, and turn out to be a 25-30 year wine of considerable stature, and, more importantly - pleasure. This wine will need 7-10 years of aging before it can be drunk. I will closely follow the evolution of this broodingly tannic wine. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2025.


Last updated  2009/03/13 02:21:07 AM
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