三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

全て | カテゴリ未分類 | 美術 | つぶやき | スポーツクラブ | 時事問題 | 食事 | 富士山 | JAZZ | 植物園 | 家族 | 韓国 | 旅行 | 東南アジア | 吉祥寺 | コンサート | 三鷹 | TV | 病気 | 催事 | 都心散歩 | 映画 | | 家事 | 食品 | 美術展 | マテリアル | 買い物 | 演劇・ミュージカル | お正月 | 郊外散歩 | オリンピック | 自然文化園 | JALカレンダー | 井の頭公園 | スポーツ | 昔語り | 海外旅行 | 私の好きなMusic | 片付け | Shibata | おでかけ | 原発 | 二子玉川 | ネット右翼 | 天声人語 | 新型コロナウィルス | 会社 | 資産運用 | パラリンピック | 英会話 | バス旅行 | フィギアスケート | インターネット | 友人・知人 | 親族 | 住まい | バレエ
カテゴリ: 英会話

The second lesson in March was a continuation of the last lesson.

This time it was announced, so everyone did their homework and the announcement went smoothly.

She rode the Fuji-Q Highland Ferris wheel .

The view was so good that she took a picture of her grandson with Mount Fuji in the background.
    Ferris wheel=観覧車  かごは、car

 ( Ferris Wheel ) 1893 イリノイ州 シカゴ で開催された 万国博覧会 の中心的存在となった世界初の 観覧車 。 設計者の ジョージ・ワシントン・ゲイル・フェリス・ジュニア の名前に因んで名付けられており、英語で観覧車のことを指す名刺にもなっている [1] 。別名シカゴ・ホイールとも呼ばれる [2] [3] [4]

#1: He went to Portland, Oregon to visit his son, who was studying in the United States.
The shops were closed for Christmas and it was very quiet.
He was disappointed that the restaurant was also closed.

After that he went to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon.

She saw a tornado .

She has also been in an earthquake .

    It wasn't a tsunami,but an undertow ,and she could see the ocean floor about 1m deep in the distance.
        It was a very strange phenomenon.
* tsunamiの発音は、スナミです。

He rode an elephant in Thailand.

An elephant asked for money with its trunk.

trunk =象の鼻

She broke her bone in a car accident when she was ten years old.

#14: She competed in a Chinese speech contest about 30 years ago.

She studied Chinese at the Terasawa Chinese Institute in Niigata City.

Recently she went to Disneyland for the first time with her 80-year-old mother.

   Besides, she likes go-karts at amusement parks.

    She likes attractions that she operates herself.

It was interesting that there were 3 people who spoke on the theme of #9 .


Last updated  2023.03.17 00:00:10
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