三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

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カテゴリ: 英会話
私は、5月から始めた 絵手紙 picture letters についてスピーチしました。


Today I will talk about picture letters.
Kunio Koike , the founder of picture letters, passed away at the age of 82 at the end of August.
He was born in Matsuyama City and entered Tokyo Gakugei University.
He started drawing picture letters when he was 19 years old, and in 1985 he founded the Japan Picture Letter Association.
He lives in Komae City,Tokyo and opened his first picture letter class in 1981 .
The history of picture letters is surprisingly new.

I have been attending a picture letter class with my wife since May.
I draw 3 to 4 pictures twice a month for about 2 hours.
Most of my subjects are flowers and vegetables, but I also draw animals and fishs.

These are the rules for picture letters.
1. Instead of imagining and drawing, put the real thing in front of you and draw it.
2. Do not draft or imitate someone else.
3. Let's respect the originality of each person who drew it.
4. There is no failure in picture letters.
5. Any picture letter is unique in the world. Don't throw it away.

Thanks to my teacher's flattery and compliments, I feel comfortable concentrating on my creations.
The secret to writing picture letters is that it's okay if you're bad at it, and it's better if you're bad at it.
From this point of view, I would be in the honors category.

That’s all.




Last updated  2023.09.29 12:00:11
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