It is always a great joy for me to receive letters from fans expressing their thoughts, their suggestions or critics. The opinion of the fans is vital because you are the lymph for any sport to survive.
As I say in my article the number of Program Components is much too high and all the requirements listed in each one just make it impossible for any judge, in my opinion, to properly assess the marks. And it is totally useless, because, as you can see, there is no difference from one mark to another. The marks of the PC are mainly based on the reputation of the skaters and previous competitions. A real scandal. Besides nobody in the arena and at home can understand the marking now, which is one of the main reasons of the loss of interest in the sport. Since the introduction of the new system the popularity of figure skating has gone downhill! This is why I make the proposal to reduce the PC to two and judge on a relative scale, using marks from 0 to 6. I am very happy to hear that you agree with this proposal.