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カテゴリ: サンジュリアン

シャトー・デュクリュ・ボーカイユ[2002]年・メドック・グラン・クリュ・クラッセ・公式格付第2級・AOCサン・ジュリアンChateau Ducru Beaucaillou [2002] AOC Saint-Julien Grand Cru Classe du Medoc en 1855








Wine Advocate # 158
Apr 2005 Robert Parker 89 Drink: 2005 - 2020 $51-$78 (47)
It is good to see this wine showing much better from bottle than it did from barrel, where it had a certain leanness and herbaceousness. There is still a hint of dried herbs in the classy nose of red and black currants, cedar wood, and spice box. The wine has a deep ruby/purple-tinged color, excellent density, and medium body in an elegant style with a hint of road tar and sweet fruit. It should drink well young but age nicely for 12-15 years. Make no mistake about it, it has nowhere near the size, dimension, power, and intensity of the 2003. Of course, this estate is now being run by Bruno Borie, the eldest son of the late Jean-Eugene Borie. He replaced his younger brother, Xavier Borie, who remains fully responsible for Grand-Puy-Lacoste and Haut-Batailley.

Wine Advocate # 149
Oct 2003 Robert Parker (86-88) Drink: 2008 - 2020 $51-$78
A blend of 82% Cabernet Sauvignon and 18% Merlot, the 2002 Ducru Beaucaillou is an elegant, understated, medium-bodied effort offering attractive raspberry and mineral-laced fruit. However, it is light, lacks concentration as well as complexity, and possesses a pinched finish. One of my favorite Medoc estates, this was one of the two biggest disappointments of my tastings. Although very good, it is nowhere near the quality level I expected given the vintage character, which favors the Cabernet-based wines of the Medoc. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2020 


Last updated  2009/11/01 01:56:06 AM
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