Today I have three English lessons: two in the morning and one in the evening.
In the first lesson and the lessons I had yesterday,
when we talk with someone in English.
For example, suppose you are now talking with a native English speaker. If you repeat what the native speaker says, he or she are satified becuase he/she is fully understood and begins to talk more. Then you can get additional information from the native speaker to develop the conversation with.
After teaching parotting to all the students of mine, I will teach them other kinds of techniques; what I call "切り返し".
I often feel that translation work is very delicate.
the quality of my translation is lowered. So it's important to keep myself in a good condition.
パーティがあります。出入り自由で無料の簡素な 立食形式の様です。
これは、本日から、このギャラリーで 開催する作品展示会を記念してのものです。
飯塚・筑豊の方でご興味がありましたら、皆様も お出でになったら良いとおもいます。
私は行くかどうかははっきりわかりませんが 筑豊の皆様は是非、ご参加ください。 人脈も広がる事でしょう。 今日、夕方18時~20時までです。 マサジアート様 マサジアートさまサイト ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Ken Suetsugu