トイクで言いましたら、700点くらいですね ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ※近所の子供/ Sanjay君からの、お詫びの手紙: Dear Mrs. Crebbins I'm so sorry about what happened to the garden yesterday.
We really didn't mean to cause all that damage.
What happened was, I was leading 9-2 when Simon tried a long-range shot.
It did miss, by quite a lot, and went flying over the fence towards your conservatory. There was a bit of crash. I know you did tell us not to come round for our ball after last week.
My dad will be fixing the greenhouse soon. Anyway I was Brazil and Simon was England, and it was only half-time so it seemed a shame not to finish the game.
There was a hole in your hedge to get through but Simon is quite bit for his age.
He does like chips rather a lot. Anyway, he got stuck. I got Mum's clippers to make the hole just a bit bigger (though I might have overdone it). Simon got through and grabbed the ball when Snooker came running down your garden. He was barking like a werewolf. Simon tried to hurl the ball back over but it hit the greenhouse again. Then, he climbed up your new small tree.
When they both crashed on the ground, Snooker grabbed Simon by the leg. I threw a stone at Snooker and he ran away. Simon couldn't walk, so he had to crawl through your flowerbed back to the hedge. I think some of the flowers survived. I then had to make another hole in the hedge to get Simon back. I am very sorry about all this. My dad says we can't play football anymore.
Anyway, it's nearly the cricket season. I'm going to be India. Best Wishes Sanjay P.S. I think Simon's dad is going to the police about the bites. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 上記の「謝罪のお手紙」を読んで次の問いに答えましょう: 添削しますので、勇気がある方は、挑んでくださいませ。 そして、折り返し、お返事くださいませ、当社( fuku@eos.ocn.ne.jp へ) その1> 下記は、上記内容について、事実を述べた文章です 上記内容にあっている選択肢(情報)はどれでしょうか? 1) Sanjay was pretending to be (India, Brazil, England). 2) Last week the boys damaged ( the greenhouse, the lawn, the conservatory). 3) Why did Simon crawl back to the hedge? [選択肢1・To avoid Mrs. Crebbins, 選択肢2・ To avoid Snooker, 選択肢3・because his legs had been bitten.] その2>Answer these questions 4)How do you know that Simon is not very good at football? (複数の理由があります)
5) Write down four things that were damaged in the game. 1] 2] 3] 4]
6) Why was Simon too big to get through the hole in the garden?
7) Why will Mrs. Crebbins' garden continue to be in danger after the football game?
8) How did Simon's dad feel about the situation? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ↑は、イギリスの国語テスト(7歳児向け)です。とっても面白いですね 特に、・it seemed a shame not to finish a game.は、 韻を踏んでいて、英語らしいリズムあるか書き方ですし、 その前の箇所の;I was Brazil and Simon was England. や There was a bit of crash.など読んでいて楽しいです: 皆さま、私見ですが、 日本国内の英語の試験ってのは、所詮は、英語圏の子供の7歳からの国語試験程度です。 日本で英語試験の高い点数を取っても、 そんなんしょうがない。