The final bag of soil was gathered at the Ypres Cemetery and was presented to Captain Kevin Oprey by the iconic Menin Gate war memorial on Sunday 5 October while the ship was berthed at Zeebrugge. Guests had the chance to view the sandbag, which was placed on prominent display in the Grand Lobby as it made its way back to the UK.
キュナード・ラインクルーズ は、中型船3隻をエーゲ海・地中海・世界1周に就航。歴史と伝統・世界で最も有名な誇りある豪華客船会社。1840年から大西洋横断を開始し、保有する客船に「女王」の名を冠する、英国伝統のロイヤルファミリークルーズ。

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