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Will start from today
Will start from today
Actually, I go to the university from early of April.
But, I do not go the university by influence of coronavirus until today.
In plan, the university will start from today and to go is able.
My life will change from today.
Perhaps from today, I become busy.
But, I expect from now life.
Contagious coronavirus
Contagious coronavirus
Now in the world is to influence by coronavirus.
The coronavirus is influence to the world.
The economic is bad influence by coronavirus.
The store, supermarket, restaurant, school, etc is stopping act.
My school is stoping the act.
Contagious coronavirus is not stopping now.
I wish that reopen the school and I go to the university.
I have a dream
Decide to defer of the university at April in 2020
Pass uneasy day -for coronavirus-March in 2020
Pass uneasy day -for coronavirus-March in 2020
Next month start form university life.
I hope good emotion from April.
But, I am very uneasy.
Reason, there is the coronavirus.
Store, school, play, etc closed many things.
Now best of uneasy is to close the university.
I wish to go the university.
I wish who don't close the university.
タグ: 大学院
The stage of my dream to progress-graduate school of master degree program-
The stage of my dream to progress-graduate school of master degree program-
Middle age man is flowing tears in front of the designation board.
This view is very strange and bad mood, to everybody.
I failed middle school exam and high school exam, university exam until this time.
The entrance exam of master degree program was to pass.
This time is 44 age.
I was deep emotion when I was admitted social.
I will enter master degree program of Kagawa university at April in 2020.