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タグ / 2018

July 30〜August 3 in 2018 「a lot of diary 28」 [2018/12/31 18:00]
July 30〜August 3 in 2018 「a lot of diary 28」 〇Monday July30 I went to human rights meeting from 12:50 o’clock. I was busy today. 〇Tuesday July 31 I got a lot of work. It was a comfortable day. 〇Wednesday August 1 There is the..
July23〜July27 in 2018 「productive diary 27」 [2018/12/30 18:00]
July23〜July27 in 2018 「productive diary 27」 〇Monday July23 Summer holiday from today but I work. I study English very proceed. 〇Tuesday July24 I’d like to go to JICA tomorrow. I ate udon today. I spent a lot of free time. 〇We..
July16〜July20 in 2018 「diary closing ceremony 26」 [2018/12/29 18:00]
July16〜July20 in 2018 「diary closing ceremony 26」 〇Monday July 16 Public holiday 〇Tuesday July 17 I can not only document up but also study. I work meanwhile eating snack. 〇Wednesday July 18 I work while study English. I wast..
July 9 〜 July13 in 2018 「diary25 style of work」 [2018/12/28 18:00]
July 9 〜 July13 in 2018 「diary25 style of work」 〇Monday July 9 Medical checkup to teacher I am scoring a test because today is the deadline. 〇Tuesday July10 Human rights meeting business trip at high school. It was very hot when ..
July 2〜July 6 in 2018 「diary 24 Takamatsu air raid」 [2018/12/26 18:00]
July 2〜July 6 in 2018 「diary 24 Takamatsu air raid」 〇Monday July 2 I thought about my life. The previous job was a cook. I quit a cook and I wanted to be a teacher because entered university. I became a teacher after four years. I..
August 27〜August 31 in2018 「traveled diary 32」 [2018/02/01 18:00]
August 27〜August 31 in2018 「traveled diary 32」 〇Monday 27 I traveled to Kanto in Japan. Don’t trouble Good day. 〇Tuesday 28 I’m bored. It is busy better than bored. 〇Wednesday 29 I made teaching materials. I’m bad mood. ..

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