At bottom, a sound insurance operation needs to adhere to four disciplines. It must (1) understand all exposures that might cause a policy to incur losses; (2) conservatively assess the likelihood of any exposure actually causing a loss and the probable cost if it does; (3) set a premium that, on average, will deliver a profit after both prospective loss costs and operating expenses are covered; and (4) be willing to walk away if the appropriate premium can’t be obtained.
(2) もしそれを行った場合にありそうな、エクスポージャーが現実に生じさせる損失及び発生しうるコストに対する、慎重な評価
(3) プレミアムのセット。予想しうる損失・コスト及び営業費用をカバーしてなお、収益が平均してどれくらい見込めるか
(4) もしも適当なプレミアムが得られない場合には、立ち去ることをいとわないこと
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