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バフェットの手紙 2014 (28)

Tad has observed all four of the insurance commandments, and it shows in his results. General Re’s huge float has been better than cost-free under his leadership, and we expect that, on average, to continue. We are particularly enthusiastic about General Re’s international life reinsurance business, which has grown consistently and profitably since we acquired the company in 1998.

タッドは“保険屋4か条のご誓文”を守り、それは彼の残した結果から見て取れます。ジェネラル・リの巨大なフロートは彼のリーダーシップによりゼロコストよりも良い状態を保ってきましたし、尚かつ我々はそれが平均的に継続すると思っています。 我々はとりわけジェネラル・リの国際生命再保険ビジネスに熱狂しており、1998年に同社を取得してから継続して利益を出しています。

It can be remembered that soon after we purchased General Re, the company was beset by problems that caused commentators – and me as well, briefly – to believe I had made a huge mistake. That day is long gone. General Re is now a gem.





・ Japan nationwide core CPI rises 3.3% in July

・ Asia stocks fall on Ukraine tensions ; Japan data in focus
 (アジア株下落 ウクライナの緊張受け ; 日本のデータが焦点)

・ India Inc on borrowing spree as outlook brightens


・ Japan's brokerages seize opportunity as death tax set to rise
 (日本の仲介料チャンスを得る 相続増税受け)

・ China slips towards middle-income trap as reforms fail
 (中国 中産階級改革失敗のワナへ向け滑る)

・ Obama says does not yet have broad strategy for Islamic State
 (オバマ イスラム国に対する戦略の広がりなし)

・ U.S may use secrets act to stop suit against Iran sanctions group
 (アメリカは極秘行動を利用予定 イラン制裁への抵抗グループ阻止のため)


・ Apple Bets IPhone Magic Will Spill Over to Wearables
 (アップル アイフォン・マジックがウェアラブルにも浸透することに賭ける)

・ Asia Stocks Heading for First Monthly Decline Since April
 (アジア株 4月以来の月間落ち込みへと向かう)



バフェットの手紙 2014 (27)

Many insurers pass the first three tests and flunk the fourth. They simply can’t turn their back on business that is being eagerly written by their competitors. That old line, “The other guy is doing it, so we must as well,” spells trouble in any business, but in none more so than insurance.







Kim Doctom : a threat to the wiki dollar ?

Korea builds on next wave of Hallyu
LVMH , SAMSUNG子会社がPsyのYG事務所とカラんでpopカルチャービジネス進めるみたいなはなし

Are the world's cars on the cusp of going solar ?
自動車は太陽光へ向かう流れの先頭? (オススメ!!)



Microsoft CEO Nedella to visit China amid antitrust probe source ?

Wall Street drifts to another record in light trading

China says wants to mend ties with Vietnam : Xinhua
中国、「ベトナムとの関係改善望む」 (ホントに?)



JP Morgan and Four other Banks Hit by Hhackers, U.S Officials says

Asian Bonds Extend Rally as Emerging Stocks, Gold Advance

Jammed Beijing Clampinng Down Faills to Stem Migration


ヘッジファンド6兆円数学博士も本領発揮 − (運用成績良いから資金集まるんだって。)

米国債騰勢失う S&P、2000超えたら株価評価に注意 − (最初に評価しないで株買ってる人間なんているのかね?)



ロシア、制裁の禁輸措置で国内食料価格が高騰し、政府とコネのある会社が大儲け。 − (プーチャンの強がりか?w あの国ならよくある事か?)







By Katia Porzecanski and Camila Russo  Aug 27, 2014 6:18 AM GMT+0900



Less than a month after Argentina defaulted for the second time in 13 years, George Soros has suddenly emerged as a key rival of fellow billionaire Paul Singer in the legal fight over the nation’s debt.


According to court documents filed in London last week, Quantum Partners LP, a fund managed by Soros’s family office, has joined a group of investors suing bond trustee Bank of New York Mellon Corp. for failing to distribute 226 million euros ($298 million) of interest payments on Argentine debt. The group, which also includes Kyle Bass’s Hayman Capital Management LP, owns more than 1.3 billion of euro-denominated bonds, court documents obtained by Bloomberg News show.

ロンドンで先週作成された訴状によれば、ソロスのファミリーオフィスが管理するクオンタム・パートナーズLPは、債券受託者であるバンクオブニューヨークメロンに対し、アルゼンチン債務について支払われるべき金利2億2,600万ユーロ の分配に関する誤りを主張する投資家グループに加わった。グループにはカイル・バスのヘイマン・キャピタルマネジメントLPも含まれ、13億以上のユーロ建て債券を持っている。とブルームバーグ・ニュースショーが入手した訴状にある。

At the crux of the dispute is a U.S. court ruling won by Singer’s Elliott Management Corp., which blocked Argentina from paying its overseas bonds until the country compensates him and other holders of debt from its 2001 default. While the ruling prevents BNY Mellon from transferring any money deposited by Argentina until Singer is paid, it shouldn’t apply to bonds governed by jurisdictions outside of the U.S., the group says.


“The trustee isn’t acting in its official capacity as trustee,” Bass said in a telephone interview from New York. “Our interest payment is governed by U.K. law, which hasn’t ruled on this. Until there’s a similar injunction in the U.K., they owe us our interest payments.”


タグ: ニュース


バフェットの手紙 2014 (26)

We have another reinsurance powerhouse in General Re, managed by Tad Montross.
At bottom, a sound insurance operation needs to adhere to four disciplines. It must (1) understand all exposures that might cause a policy to incur losses; (2) conservatively assess the likelihood of any exposure actually causing a loss and the probable cost if it does; (3) set a premium that, on average, will deliver a profit after both prospective loss costs and operating expenses are covered; and (4) be willing to walk away if the appropriate premium can’t be obtained.


(1) 方針から生じる、全てのエクスポージャーが起こしうる損失への理解

(2) もしそれを行った場合にありそうな、エクスポージャーが現実に生じさせる損失及び発生しうるコストに対する、慎重な評価

(3) プレミアムのセット。予想しうる損失・コスト及び営業費用をカバーしてなお、収益が平均してどれくらい見込めるか

(4) もしも適当なプレミアムが得られない場合には、立ち去ることをいとわないこと



バフェットの手紙 2014 (25)

BHSI is led by Peter Eastwood, an experienced underwriter who is widely respected in the insurance world. Peter has assembled a spectacular team that is already writing a substantial amount of business with many Fortune 500 companies and with smaller operations as well. BHSI will be a major asset for Berkshire, one that will generate volume in the billions within a few years. Give Peter a Berkshire greeting when you see him at the annual meeting.




バフェットの手紙 2014 (24)

One venture materialized last June when he formed Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (“BHSI”). This initiative took us into commercial insurance, where we were instantly accepted by both major insurance brokers and corporate risk managers throughout America. These professionals recognize that no other insurer can match the financial strength of Berkshire, which guarantees that legitimate claims arising many years in the future will be paid promptly and fully.

彼が『バークシャー・ハサウェイ特殊保険 (BHSI)』を組織したとき一つの冒険的事業が昨年6月に具体化されました。このイニシアチブは商業保険の分野に我々を導きました、全アメリカの主要な保険ブローカーとコーポレートリスクマネージャーの両方に我々が即席に許可された場所にです。その他の保険屋でバークシャーの財務体力に見合うところはないと専門家は認識しており、将来のたくさんの年で請求が合法的に生じたとしてもそれらが確実に早く支払われることをバークシャーは保障します。




Berkshire Leads Most Daily Bond Sales in U.S. Since June

By Adam Janofsky Aug 8, 2014 7:34 AM GMT+0900


Sales of corporate bonds in the U.S. exceeded $10 billion today for the first time since June 30 as investment-grade companies take advantage of a decline in borrowing costs to refinance debt and fund stock buybacks.


Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/B) and its finance unit sold a total $1.15 billion of notes, contributing to more than $11 billion of corporate debt that was sold today, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Union Pacific Corp. (UNP) sold $700 million of bonds, boosted from a previously marketed $600 million, Bloomberg data show, with the proceeds to help fund share repurchases according to a regulatory filing.


Companies are seizing the opportunity to sell bonds as yields fall from a three-month high. Investors are fleeing towards safer assets such as Treasuries amid the crisis in Ukraine.

“There’s a calming of the market,” Jody Lurie, a corporate-credit analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC in Philadelphia said in a telephone interview. “Companies would be better positioned now to come to market than a few days ago.”

Berkshire Hathaway today sold $750 million of 2.1 percent securities due 2019 that yielded 50 basis points more than similar-maturity Treasuries, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Its finance unit offered $400 million of floating-rate bonds, the data show. Both will be used to help refinance debt, according to company statements.

Investor Appetite

In one sign of improving investor demand this week Synchrony Financial, the consumer-lending arm being spun off from General Electric Co., raised $3.6 billion of debt yesterday, boosted from a previously marketed $3 billion.

“A lot of investment-grade companies could see it as a sign that investors still have an appetite for corporate bond issuance,” said Lurie. Synchrony’s $1.25 billion of 4.25 percent notes due 2024 rose 1.6 cents since the sale to 101.4 cents on the dollar, according to Trace, the bond-price reporting system of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

Yields declined to 3.72 percent yesterday from a three-month high of 3.75 percent on July 31, according to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate & High Yield Index.

The extra yield investors demand to own corporate bonds rather than government debentures rose to 179 basis points yesterday, the highest level since March, the index data show.

The benchmark 10-year Treasury note declined 6 basis points, or 0.06 percentage point, to 2.41 percent at 4:59 p.m. in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader data. That’s the lowest closing level since June 19, 2013, when it yielded 2.35 percent.


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