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バフェットの手紙 2014 (28)
Tad has observed all four of the insurance commandments, and it shows in his results. General Re’s huge float has been better than cost-free under his leadership, and we expect that, on average, to continue. We are particularly enthusiastic about General Re’s international life reinsurance business, which has grown consistently and profitably since we acquired the company in 1998.
タッドは“保険屋4か条のご誓文”を守り、それは彼の残した結果から見て取れます。ジェネラル・リの巨大なフロートは彼のリーダーシップによりゼロコストよりも良い状態を保ってきましたし、尚かつ我々はそれが平均的に継続すると思っています。 我々はとりわけジェネラル・リの国際生命再保険ビジネスに熱狂しており、1998年に同社を取得してから継続して利益を出しています。
It can be remembered that soon after we purchased General Re, the company was beset by problems that caused commentators – and me as well, briefly – to believe I had made a huge mistake. That day is long gone. General Re is now a gem.
タッドは“保険屋4か条のご誓文”を守り、それは彼の残した結果から見て取れます。ジェネラル・リの巨大なフロートは彼のリーダーシップによりゼロコストよりも良い状態を保ってきましたし、尚かつ我々はそれが平均的に継続すると思っています。 我々はとりわけジェネラル・リの国際生命再保険ビジネスに熱狂しており、1998年に同社を取得してから継続して利益を出しています。
It can be remembered that soon after we purchased General Re, the company was beset by problems that caused commentators – and me as well, briefly – to believe I had made a huge mistake. That day is long gone. General Re is now a gem.
バフェットの手紙 2014 (27)
Many insurers pass the first three tests and flunk the fourth. They simply can’t turn their back on business that is being eagerly written by their competitors. That old line, “The other guy is doing it, so we must as well,” spells trouble in any business, but in none more so than insurance.
バフェットの手紙 2014 (26)
We have another reinsurance powerhouse in General Re, managed by Tad Montross.
At bottom, a sound insurance operation needs to adhere to four disciplines. It must (1) understand all exposures that might cause a policy to incur losses; (2) conservatively assess the likelihood of any exposure actually causing a loss and the probable cost if it does; (3) set a premium that, on average, will deliver a profit after both prospective loss costs and operating expenses are covered; and (4) be willing to walk away if the appropriate premium can’t be obtained.
(2) もしそれを行った場合にありそうな、エクスポージャーが現実に生じさせる損失及び発生しうるコストに対する、慎重な評価
(3) プレミアムのセット。予想しうる損失・コスト及び営業費用をカバーしてなお、収益が平均してどれくらい見込めるか
(4) もしも適当なプレミアムが得られない場合には、立ち去ることをいとわないこと
At bottom, a sound insurance operation needs to adhere to four disciplines. It must (1) understand all exposures that might cause a policy to incur losses; (2) conservatively assess the likelihood of any exposure actually causing a loss and the probable cost if it does; (3) set a premium that, on average, will deliver a profit after both prospective loss costs and operating expenses are covered; and (4) be willing to walk away if the appropriate premium can’t be obtained.
(2) もしそれを行った場合にありそうな、エクスポージャーが現実に生じさせる損失及び発生しうるコストに対する、慎重な評価
(3) プレミアムのセット。予想しうる損失・コスト及び営業費用をカバーしてなお、収益が平均してどれくらい見込めるか
(4) もしも適当なプレミアムが得られない場合には、立ち去ることをいとわないこと
バフェットの手紙 2014 (25)
BHSI is led by Peter Eastwood, an experienced underwriter who is widely respected in the insurance world. Peter has assembled a spectacular team that is already writing a substantial amount of business with many Fortune 500 companies and with smaller operations as well. BHSI will be a major asset for Berkshire, one that will generate volume in the billions within a few years. Give Peter a Berkshire greeting when you see him at the annual meeting.
バフェットの手紙 2014 (24)
One venture materialized last June when he formed Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (“BHSI”). This initiative took us into commercial insurance, where we were instantly accepted by both major insurance brokers and corporate risk managers throughout America. These professionals recognize that no other insurer can match the financial strength of Berkshire, which guarantees that legitimate claims arising many years in the future will be paid promptly and fully.
彼が『バークシャー・ハサウェイ特殊保険 (BHSI)』を組織したとき一つの冒険的事業が昨年6月に具体化されました。このイニシアチブは商業保険の分野に我々を導きました、全アメリカの主要な保険ブローカーとコーポレートリスクマネージャーの両方に我々が即席に許可された場所にです。その他の保険屋でバークシャーの財務体力に見合うところはないと専門家は認識しており、将来のたくさんの年で請求が合法的に生じたとしてもそれらが確実に早く支払われることをバークシャーは保障します。
彼が『バークシャー・ハサウェイ特殊保険 (BHSI)』を組織したとき一つの冒険的事業が昨年6月に具体化されました。このイニシアチブは商業保険の分野に我々を導きました、全アメリカの主要な保険ブローカーとコーポレートリスクマネージャーの両方に我々が即席に許可された場所にです。その他の保険屋でバークシャーの財務体力に見合うところはないと専門家は認識しており、将来のたくさんの年で請求が合法的に生じたとしてもそれらが確実に早く支払われることをバークシャーは保障します。
Berkshire Leads Most Daily Bond Sales in U.S. Since June
By Adam Janofsky Aug 8, 2014 7:34 AM GMT+0900
Sales of corporate bonds in the U.S. exceeded $10 billion today for the first time since June 30 as investment-grade companies take advantage of a decline in borrowing costs to refinance debt and fund stock buybacks.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/B) and its finance unit sold a total $1.15 billion of notes, contributing to more than $11 billion of corporate debt that was sold today, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Union Pacific Corp. (UNP) sold $700 million of bonds, boosted from a previously marketed $600 million, Bloomberg data show, with the proceeds to help fund share repurchases according to a regulatory filing.
Companies are seizing the opportunity to sell bonds as yields fall from a three-month high. Investors are fleeing towards safer assets such as Treasuries amid the crisis in Ukraine.
“There’s a calming of the market,” Jody Lurie, a corporate-credit analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC in Philadelphia said in a telephone interview. “Companies would be better positioned now to come to market than a few days ago.”
Berkshire Hathaway today sold $750 million of 2.1 percent securities due 2019 that yielded 50 basis points more than similar-maturity Treasuries, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Its finance unit offered $400 million of floating-rate bonds, the data show. Both will be used to help refinance debt, according to company statements.
Investor Appetite
In one sign of improving investor demand this week Synchrony Financial, the consumer-lending arm being spun off from General Electric Co., raised $3.6 billion of debt yesterday, boosted from a previously marketed $3 billion.
“A lot of investment-grade companies could see it as a sign that investors still have an appetite for corporate bond issuance,” said Lurie. Synchrony’s $1.25 billion of 4.25 percent notes due 2024 rose 1.6 cents since the sale to 101.4 cents on the dollar, according to Trace, the bond-price reporting system of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
Yields declined to 3.72 percent yesterday from a three-month high of 3.75 percent on July 31, according to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate & High Yield Index.
The extra yield investors demand to own corporate bonds rather than government debentures rose to 179 basis points yesterday, the highest level since March, the index data show.
The benchmark 10-year Treasury note declined 6 basis points, or 0.06 percentage point, to 2.41 percent at 4:59 p.m. in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader data. That’s the lowest closing level since June 19, 2013, when it yielded 2.35 percent.
By Adam Janofsky Aug 8, 2014 7:34 AM GMT+0900
Sales of corporate bonds in the U.S. exceeded $10 billion today for the first time since June 30 as investment-grade companies take advantage of a decline in borrowing costs to refinance debt and fund stock buybacks.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/B) and its finance unit sold a total $1.15 billion of notes, contributing to more than $11 billion of corporate debt that was sold today, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Union Pacific Corp. (UNP) sold $700 million of bonds, boosted from a previously marketed $600 million, Bloomberg data show, with the proceeds to help fund share repurchases according to a regulatory filing.
Companies are seizing the opportunity to sell bonds as yields fall from a three-month high. Investors are fleeing towards safer assets such as Treasuries amid the crisis in Ukraine.
“There’s a calming of the market,” Jody Lurie, a corporate-credit analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC in Philadelphia said in a telephone interview. “Companies would be better positioned now to come to market than a few days ago.”
Berkshire Hathaway today sold $750 million of 2.1 percent securities due 2019 that yielded 50 basis points more than similar-maturity Treasuries, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Its finance unit offered $400 million of floating-rate bonds, the data show. Both will be used to help refinance debt, according to company statements.
Investor Appetite
In one sign of improving investor demand this week Synchrony Financial, the consumer-lending arm being spun off from General Electric Co., raised $3.6 billion of debt yesterday, boosted from a previously marketed $3 billion.
“A lot of investment-grade companies could see it as a sign that investors still have an appetite for corporate bond issuance,” said Lurie. Synchrony’s $1.25 billion of 4.25 percent notes due 2024 rose 1.6 cents since the sale to 101.4 cents on the dollar, according to Trace, the bond-price reporting system of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
Yields declined to 3.72 percent yesterday from a three-month high of 3.75 percent on July 31, according to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate & High Yield Index.
The extra yield investors demand to own corporate bonds rather than government debentures rose to 179 basis points yesterday, the highest level since March, the index data show.
The benchmark 10-year Treasury note declined 6 basis points, or 0.06 percentage point, to 2.41 percent at 4:59 p.m. in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader data. That’s the lowest closing level since June 19, 2013, when it yielded 2.35 percent.
バフェットの手紙 2014 (23)
Berkshire’s attractive insurance economics exist only because we have some terrific managers running disciplined operations that possess strong, hard-to-replicate business models.
Let me tell you about the major units.First by float size is the Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group, managed by Ajit Jain.
Ajit insures risks that no one else has the desire or the capital to take on. His operation combines capacity, speed, decisiveness and, most important, brains in a manner unique in the insurance business.
Yet he never exposes Berkshire to risks that are inappropriate in relation to our resources.
Indeed, we are far more conservative in avoiding risk than most large insurers.
For example, if the insurance industry should experience a $250 billion loss from some megacatastrophe – a loss about triple anything it has ever experienced – Berkshire as a whole would likely record a significant profit for the year because of its many streams of earnings.
And we would remain awash in cash, looking for large opportunities if the catastrophe caused markets to go into shock.
All other major insurers and reinsurers would meanwhile be far in the red, with some facing insolvency.
From a standing start in 1985, Ajit has created an insurance business with float of $37 billion and a large cumulative underwriting profit, a feat no other insurance CEO has come close to matching.
Ajit’s mind is an idea factory that is always looking for more lines of business he can add to his current assortment.
バークシャーの魅力的な保険経済学にはただひとつの理由があります。我々は模倣し難いビジネスモデルを強く鍛え上げられた業務で回す、数人の恐るべきマネージャーを擁しています。 主要ユニットをご紹介します。
フロートサイズの筆頭はバークシャー・ハサウェイ再保険グループで、Ajit Jainが管理しています。
Let me tell you about the major units.First by float size is the Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group, managed by Ajit Jain.
Ajit insures risks that no one else has the desire or the capital to take on. His operation combines capacity, speed, decisiveness and, most important, brains in a manner unique in the insurance business.
Yet he never exposes Berkshire to risks that are inappropriate in relation to our resources.
Indeed, we are far more conservative in avoiding risk than most large insurers.
For example, if the insurance industry should experience a $250 billion loss from some megacatastrophe – a loss about triple anything it has ever experienced – Berkshire as a whole would likely record a significant profit for the year because of its many streams of earnings.
And we would remain awash in cash, looking for large opportunities if the catastrophe caused markets to go into shock.
All other major insurers and reinsurers would meanwhile be far in the red, with some facing insolvency.
From a standing start in 1985, Ajit has created an insurance business with float of $37 billion and a large cumulative underwriting profit, a feat no other insurance CEO has come close to matching.
Ajit’s mind is an idea factory that is always looking for more lines of business he can add to his current assortment.
バークシャーの魅力的な保険経済学にはただひとつの理由があります。我々は模倣し難いビジネスモデルを強く鍛え上げられた業務で回す、数人の恐るべきマネージャーを擁しています。 主要ユニットをご紹介します。
フロートサイズの筆頭はバークシャー・ハサウェイ再保険グループで、Ajit Jainが管理しています。
バフェットの手紙 2014 (22) (8ページ 6段落目〜)
Fortunately, that does not describe Berkshire. Charlie and I believe the true economic value of our insurance goodwill – what we would happily pay to purchase an insurance operation possessing float of similar quality to that we have – to be far in excess of its historic carrying value. The value of our float is one reason – a huge reason – why we believe Berkshire’s intrinsic business value substantially exceeds its book value.
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タグ: 和訳
バフェットの手紙 2014 (21)
So how does our float affect intrinsic value? When Berkshire’s book value is calculated, the full amount of our float is deducted as a liability, just as if we had to pay it out tomorrow and could not replenish it. But to think of float as strictly a liability is incorrect; it should instead be viewed as a revolving fund. Daily, we pay old claims – some $17 billion to more than five million claimants in 2013 – and that reduces float.
Just as surely, we each day write new business and thereby generate new claims that add to float. If our revolving float is both costless and long-enduring, which I believe it will be, the true value of this liability is dramatically less than the accounting liability.
A counterpart to this overstated liability is $15.5 billion of “goodwill” that is attributable to our insurance companies and included in book value as an asset. In very large part, this goodwill represents the price we paid for the float-generating capabilities of our insurance operations. The cost of the goodwill, however, has no bearing on
its true value. For example, if an insurance business sustains large and prolonged underwriting losses, any goodwill asset carried on the books should be deemed valueless, whatever its original cost.
この誇張された負債に対応するものとしては155億ドルの『のれん』で、それは我々の保険会社に由来するもので資産として簿価に含まれています。とても大きな部分を占めるこの『のれん』は、我々の保険業務のフロート生産能力に対して支払うべき価格を意味しています。『のれん』のコストは、しかしその本当の価値には関係がありません。例えば、もし保険ビジネスが 大きく、そして引き伸ばされた保証損失を支えられるならば、帳簿上で繰越されたどののれん資産についても、そのオリジナルコストについてはどれも無価値であると見るべきです。
Just as surely, we each day write new business and thereby generate new claims that add to float. If our revolving float is both costless and long-enduring, which I believe it will be, the true value of this liability is dramatically less than the accounting liability.
A counterpart to this overstated liability is $15.5 billion of “goodwill” that is attributable to our insurance companies and included in book value as an asset. In very large part, this goodwill represents the price we paid for the float-generating capabilities of our insurance operations. The cost of the goodwill, however, has no bearing on
its true value. For example, if an insurance business sustains large and prolonged underwriting losses, any goodwill asset carried on the books should be deemed valueless, whatever its original cost.
この誇張された負債に対応するものとしては155億ドルの『のれん』で、それは我々の保険会社に由来するもので資産として簿価に含まれています。とても大きな部分を占めるこの『のれん』は、我々の保険業務のフロート生産能力に対して支払うべき価格を意味しています。『のれん』のコストは、しかしその本当の価値には関係がありません。例えば、もし保険ビジネスが 大きく、そして引き伸ばされた保証損失を支えられるならば、帳簿上で繰越されたどののれん資産についても、そのオリジナルコストについてはどれも無価値であると見るべきです。
バフェットの手紙 2014 (20)
If our premiums exceed the total of our expenses and eventual losses, we register an underwriting profit that adds to the investment income our float produces. When such a profit is earned, we enjoy the use of free money – and, better yet, get paid for holding it.
Unfortunately, the wish of all insurers to achieve this happy result creates intense competition, so vigorous in most years that it causes the P/C industry as a whole to operate at a significant underwriting loss.
This loss, in effect, is what the industry pays to hold its float. For example, State Farm, by far the country’s largest insurer and a well-managed company besides, incurred an underwriting loss in nine of the twelve years ending in 2012 (the latest year for which their financials are available, as I write this). Competitive dynamics almost guarantee that the insurance industry – despite the float income all companies enjoy – will continue its dismal record of earning subnormal returns as compared to other businesses.
As noted in the first section of this report, we have now operated at an underwriting profit for eleven consecutive years, our pre-tax gain for the period having totaled $22 billion. Looking ahead, I believe we will continue to underwrite profitably in most years. Doing so is the daily focus of all of our insurance managers who know that while float is valuable, it can be drowned by poor underwriting results.
それはフロートの価値のある期間についてよく把握している我々の全ての保険マネージャーによる日常的なフォーカスで、安い保証結果によって溺れさせることができます。 (なんのこっちゃ)
Unfortunately, the wish of all insurers to achieve this happy result creates intense competition, so vigorous in most years that it causes the P/C industry as a whole to operate at a significant underwriting loss.
This loss, in effect, is what the industry pays to hold its float. For example, State Farm, by far the country’s largest insurer and a well-managed company besides, incurred an underwriting loss in nine of the twelve years ending in 2012 (the latest year for which their financials are available, as I write this). Competitive dynamics almost guarantee that the insurance industry – despite the float income all companies enjoy – will continue its dismal record of earning subnormal returns as compared to other businesses.
As noted in the first section of this report, we have now operated at an underwriting profit for eleven consecutive years, our pre-tax gain for the period having totaled $22 billion. Looking ahead, I believe we will continue to underwrite profitably in most years. Doing so is the daily focus of all of our insurance managers who know that while float is valuable, it can be drowned by poor underwriting results.
それはフロートの価値のある期間についてよく把握している我々の全ての保険マネージャーによる日常的なフォーカスで、安い保証結果によって溺れさせることができます。 (なんのこっちゃ)
バフェットの手紙 2014 (19)
Further gains in float will be tough to achieve. On the plus side, GEICO’s float will almost certainly grow. In National Indemnity’s reinsurance division, however, we have a number of run-off contracts whose float drifts downward. If we do experience a decline in float at some future time, it will be very gradual – at the outside no more than 3% in any year. The nature of our insurance contracts is such that we can never be subject to immediate demands for sums that are large compared to our cash resources. (In this respect, property-casualty insurance differs in an important way from certain forms of life insurance.)
バフェットの手紙 2014 (18)
Insurance 保険
“Our investment in the insurance companies reflects a first major step in our efforts to achieve a more diversified base of earning power.”
− 1967 Annual Report
我々の保険会社での投資は 我々のより多様性に富んだ収益基盤形成のための努力の中で 最初の主要なステップを残した。
Let’s look first at insurance, Berkshire’s core operation and the engine that has consistently propelled our expansion since that 1967 report was published.
Property-casualty (“P/C”) insurers receive premiums upfront and pay claims later. In extreme cases, such as those arising from certain workers’ compensation accidents, payments can stretch over decades. This collect now, pay-later model leaves P/C companies holding large sums – money we call “float” – that will eventually go to others.
Meanwhile, insurers get to invest this float for their benefit. Though individual policies and claims come and go, the amount of float an insurer holds usually remains fairly stable in relation to premium volume.
Consequently, as our business grows, so does our float. And how we have grown, as the following table shows:
Year Float (in $ millions)
1970 $ 39
1980 237
1990 1,632
2000 27,871
2010 65,832
2013 77,240
“Our investment in the insurance companies reflects a first major step in our efforts to achieve a more diversified base of earning power.”
− 1967 Annual Report
我々の保険会社での投資は 我々のより多様性に富んだ収益基盤形成のための努力の中で 最初の主要なステップを残した。
Let’s look first at insurance, Berkshire’s core operation and the engine that has consistently propelled our expansion since that 1967 report was published.
Property-casualty (“P/C”) insurers receive premiums upfront and pay claims later. In extreme cases, such as those arising from certain workers’ compensation accidents, payments can stretch over decades. This collect now, pay-later model leaves P/C companies holding large sums – money we call “float” – that will eventually go to others.
Meanwhile, insurers get to invest this float for their benefit. Though individual policies and claims come and go, the amount of float an insurer holds usually remains fairly stable in relation to premium volume.
Consequently, as our business grows, so does our float. And how we have grown, as the following table shows:
Year Float (in $ millions)
1970 $ 39
1980 237
1990 1,632
2000 27,871
2010 65,832
2013 77,240
バフェットの手紙 2014 (17)
Now, let’s examine the four major sectors of our operations. Each has vastly different balance sheet and income characteristics from the others. So we’ll present them as four separate businesses, which is how Charlie and I view them (though there are important and enduring advantages to having them all under one roof). Our goal is to provide you with the information we would wish to have if our positions were reversed, with you being the reporting manager and we the absentee shareholders. (But don’t get any ideas!)
それでは、我々の主要部門の運営について試験してみましょう。どれも非常に異なったバランスシートと他からの特有の収入を持っています。なので、それらが私とチャーリーにどう映っているか、ビジネスを4つに分けて説明します(従ってそれらは、一つ屋根の下でそれら全部持つことが重要で永続的なアドバンテージだということです。)。 我々のゴールは、仮に我々が、あなたが報告すべきマネージャーで、我々が会社に不在の株主であるという、逆の立場であったとしても、当然望むだろうと想像されることをあなたに伝えることです。(但し、それはやめてください。)
その通勤時間、使いませんか? 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
それでは、我々の主要部門の運営について試験してみましょう。どれも非常に異なったバランスシートと他からの特有の収入を持っています。なので、それらが私とチャーリーにどう映っているか、ビジネスを4つに分けて説明します(従ってそれらは、一つ屋根の下でそれら全部持つことが重要で永続的なアドバンテージだということです。)。 我々のゴールは、仮に我々が、あなたが報告すべきマネージャーで、我々が会社に不在の株主であるという、逆の立場であったとしても、当然望むだろうと想像されることをあなたに伝えることです。(但し、それはやめてください。)
その通勤時間、使いませんか? 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
バフェットの手紙 2014 (16)
Intrinsic Business Value 本質的ビジネス価値
As much as Charlie and I talk about intrinsic business value, we cannot tell you precisely what that number is for Berkshire shares (nor, in fact, for any other stock). In our 2010 annual report, however, we laid out the three elements – one of them qualitative – that we believe are the keys to a sensible estimate of Berkshire’s intrinsic value. That discussion is reproduced in full on pages 109 - 110.
Here is an update of the two quantitative factors: In 2013 our per-share investments increased 13.6% to $129,253 and our pre-tax earnings from businesses other than insurance and investments increased 12.8% to $9,116 per share.
Since 1970, our per-share investments have increased at a rate of 19.3% compounded annually, and our earnings figure has grown at a 20.6% clip. It is no coincidence that the price of Berkshire stock over the 43-year period has increased at a rate very similar to that of our two measures of value. Charlie and I like to see gains in both sectors, but we will most strongly focus on building operating earnings.
As much as Charlie and I talk about intrinsic business value, we cannot tell you precisely what that number is for Berkshire shares (nor, in fact, for any other stock). In our 2010 annual report, however, we laid out the three elements – one of them qualitative – that we believe are the keys to a sensible estimate of Berkshire’s intrinsic value. That discussion is reproduced in full on pages 109 - 110.
Here is an update of the two quantitative factors: In 2013 our per-share investments increased 13.6% to $129,253 and our pre-tax earnings from businesses other than insurance and investments increased 12.8% to $9,116 per share.
Since 1970, our per-share investments have increased at a rate of 19.3% compounded annually, and our earnings figure has grown at a 20.6% clip. It is no coincidence that the price of Berkshire stock over the 43-year period has increased at a rate very similar to that of our two measures of value. Charlie and I like to see gains in both sectors, but we will most strongly focus on building operating earnings.
タグ: 和訳
バフェットの手紙 2014 (15)
皆様、今日も暑いですね。 今回は簡単な部分だったので、結構長く訳せました。
Late in 2009, amidst the gloom of the Great Recession, we agreed to buy BNSF, the largest purchase in Berkshire’s history. At the time, I called the transaction an “all-in wager on the economic future of the United States.”
That kind of commitment was nothing new for us: We’ve been making similar wagers ever since Buffett Partnership Ltd. acquired control of Berkshire in 1965. For good reason, too. Charlie and I have always considered a “bet” on ever-rising U.S. prosperity to be very close to a sure thing.
Indeed, who has ever benefited during the past 237 years by betting against America? If you compare our country’s present condition to that existing in 1776, you have to rub your eyes in wonder. And the dynamism embedded in our market economy will continue to work its magic. America’s best days lie ahead.
With this tailwind working for us, Charlie and I hope to build Berkshire’s per-share intrinsic value by (1) constantly improving the basic earning power of our many subsidiaries; (2) further increasing their earnings through bolt-on acquisitions; (3) benefiting from the growth of our investees; (4) repurchasing Berkshire shares when they are available at a meaningful discount from intrinsic value; and (5) making an occasional large acquisition. We will also try to maximize results for you by rarely, if ever, issuing Berkshire shares.
Those building blocks rest on a rock-solid foundation. A century hence, BNSF and MidAmerican Energy will still be playing major roles in our economy. Insurance will concomitantly be essential for both businesses and individuals – and no company brings greater human and financial resources to that business than Berkshire.
Moreover, we will always maintain supreme financial strength, operating with at least $20 billion of cash equivalents and never incurring material amounts of short-term obligations. As we view these and other strengths, Charlie and I like your company’s prospects. We feel fortunate to be entrusted with its management.
バークシャーの一株辺りの本質的価値を (1)我々の数多くの子会社について、ベースとなる収益力をコンスタントに高めること (2)ボルトオン買収を通じたそれらの利益の更なる増加 (3)我々の投資先からの収益 (4)本質的価値から十分ディスカウントされた時点で可能となるバークシャー株の自社株買戻し (5)大きな買収チャンス創出 我々はまた最大化に挑戦し、結果をあなた方にもたらします。稀に。もしも今後もバークシャー株が発行されるとして。
あと、英語はヒアリングからが楽です。ほんとです。 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
Late in 2009, amidst the gloom of the Great Recession, we agreed to buy BNSF, the largest purchase in Berkshire’s history. At the time, I called the transaction an “all-in wager on the economic future of the United States.”
That kind of commitment was nothing new for us: We’ve been making similar wagers ever since Buffett Partnership Ltd. acquired control of Berkshire in 1965. For good reason, too. Charlie and I have always considered a “bet” on ever-rising U.S. prosperity to be very close to a sure thing.
Indeed, who has ever benefited during the past 237 years by betting against America? If you compare our country’s present condition to that existing in 1776, you have to rub your eyes in wonder. And the dynamism embedded in our market economy will continue to work its magic. America’s best days lie ahead.
With this tailwind working for us, Charlie and I hope to build Berkshire’s per-share intrinsic value by (1) constantly improving the basic earning power of our many subsidiaries; (2) further increasing their earnings through bolt-on acquisitions; (3) benefiting from the growth of our investees; (4) repurchasing Berkshire shares when they are available at a meaningful discount from intrinsic value; and (5) making an occasional large acquisition. We will also try to maximize results for you by rarely, if ever, issuing Berkshire shares.
Those building blocks rest on a rock-solid foundation. A century hence, BNSF and MidAmerican Energy will still be playing major roles in our economy. Insurance will concomitantly be essential for both businesses and individuals – and no company brings greater human and financial resources to that business than Berkshire.
Moreover, we will always maintain supreme financial strength, operating with at least $20 billion of cash equivalents and never incurring material amounts of short-term obligations. As we view these and other strengths, Charlie and I like your company’s prospects. We feel fortunate to be entrusted with its management.
バークシャーの一株辺りの本質的価値を (1)我々の数多くの子会社について、ベースとなる収益力をコンスタントに高めること (2)ボルトオン買収を通じたそれらの利益の更なる増加 (3)我々の投資先からの収益 (4)本質的価値から十分ディスカウントされた時点で可能となるバークシャー株の自社株買戻し (5)大きな買収チャンス創出 我々はまた最大化に挑戦し、結果をあなた方にもたらします。稀に。もしも今後もバークシャー株が発行されるとして。
あと、英語はヒアリングからが楽です。ほんとです。 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
バフェットの手紙 2014 (14)
Our flexibility in capital allocation – our willingness to invest large sums passively in non-controlled businesses – gives us a significant advantage over companies that limit themselves to acquisitions they can operate. Woody Allen stated the general idea when he said: “The advantage of being bi-sexual is that it doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.” Similarly, our appetite for either operating businesses or passive investments doubles our chances of finding sensible uses for our endless gusher of cash.
我々の資本アロケーションにおける柔軟性 – 我々がコントロール下にないビジネスに受動的に大きな額をすすんで投資すること – は我々に、彼ら自身に縛りのある買収を彼らができるようにするという大幅なアドバンテージを与えます。ウッディー・アレンは一般的なアイデアについてこう言いました:『バイセクシャルは土曜夜のデートのチャンスを2倍にする』と。
英語習得に興味がある方は、一度見てみることをおすすめします。 アルクの通信講座の中身を見る・聞く
我々の資本アロケーションにおける柔軟性 – 我々がコントロール下にないビジネスに受動的に大きな額をすすんで投資すること – は我々に、彼ら自身に縛りのある買収を彼らができるようにするという大幅なアドバンテージを与えます。ウッディー・アレンは一般的なアイデアについてこう言いました:『バイセクシャルは土曜夜のデートのチャンスを2倍にする』と。
英語習得に興味がある方は、一度見てみることをおすすめします。 アルクの通信講座の中身を見る・聞く
タグ: 和訳
バフェットの手紙 2014 (13)
The earnings that these four companies retain are often used for repurchases of their own stock – a move that enhances our share of future earnings – as well as for funding business opportunities that usually turn out to be advantageous.
All that leads us to expect that the per-share earnings of these four investees will grow substantially over time. If they do, dividends to Berkshire will increase and, even more important, our unrealized capital gains will, too. (For the four, unrealized gains already totaled $39 billion at yearend.)
英語はリスニングから。(楽だから) 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
All that leads us to expect that the per-share earnings of these four investees will grow substantially over time. If they do, dividends to Berkshire will increase and, even more important, our unrealized capital gains will, too. (For the four, unrealized gains already totaled $39 billion at yearend.)
英語はリスニングから。(楽だから) 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
バフェットの手紙 2014 (12)
The four companies possess excellent businesses and are run by managers who are both talented and shareholder-oriented. At Berkshire, we much prefer owning a non-controlling but substantial portion of a wonderful company to owning 100% of a so-so business; it’s better to have a partial interest in the Hope diamond than to own all of a rhinestone.
4つの会社は素晴らしいビジネスを所有しており、両方の才能があり、株主を正しい方向に導くマネージャーによって経営されています。バークシャーにおいては、 むしろあれこれ操作することなく、ただ所有することを望みます。しかし、素晴らしい会社の大幅な部分をso-soビジネスとして100%所有することは『全ての水晶を持つよりも、希望の持てるダイヤモンドの一部分でも持つ方がよい』ということなのです。
Going by our yearend holdings, our portion of the “Big Four’s” 2013 earnings amounted to $4.4 billion. In the earnings we report to you, however, we include only the dividends we receive – about $1.4 billion last year. But make no mistake: The $3 billion of their earnings we don’t report is every bit as valuable to us as the portion Berkshire records.
英語はリスニングからやると一番覚えます。 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
4つの会社は素晴らしいビジネスを所有しており、両方の才能があり、株主を正しい方向に導くマネージャーによって経営されています。バークシャーにおいては、 むしろあれこれ操作することなく、ただ所有することを望みます。しかし、素晴らしい会社の大幅な部分をso-soビジネスとして100%所有することは『全ての水晶を持つよりも、希望の持てるダイヤモンドの一部分でも持つ方がよい』ということなのです。
Going by our yearend holdings, our portion of the “Big Four’s” 2013 earnings amounted to $4.4 billion. In the earnings we report to you, however, we include only the dividends we receive – about $1.4 billion last year. But make no mistake: The $3 billion of their earnings we don’t report is every bit as valuable to us as the portion Berkshire records.
英語はリスニングからやると一番覚えます。 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
バフェットの手紙 2014 (11)
・ Berkshire’s yearend employment – counting Heinz – totaled a record 330,745, up 42,283 from last year.
The increase, I must admit, included one person at our Omaha home office. (Don’t panic: The
headquarters gang still fits comfortably on one floor.)
バークシャーの年末の雇用者は - ハイツについて数えると - 合計330,745人で昨年から42,283人増えています。
・ Berkshire increased its ownership interest last year in each of its “Big Four” investments – American
Express, Coca-Cola, IBM and Wells Fargo. We purchased additional shares of Wells Fargo (increasing
our ownership to 9.2% versus 8.7% at yearend 2012) and IBM (6.3% versus 6.0%). Meanwhile, stock
repurchases at Coca-Cola and American Express raised our percentage ownership. Our equity in Coca-
Cola grew from 8.9% to 9.1% and our interest in American Express from 13.7% to 14.2%. And, if you
think tenths of a percent aren’t important, ponder this math: For the four companies in aggregate, each
increase of one-tenth of a percent in our share of their equity raises Berkshire’s share of their annual
earnings by $50 million.
バークシャーは昨年「4大投資」について等しくそのオーナー利権を増やしました。 - アメリカン・エキスプレス , コカ・コーラ , IBM , ウェルズ・ファーゴ です。 我々はウェルズ・ファーゴとIBMの株式を買ってはいません。(オーナー持分は増加しウェルズ・ファーゴは2012年末の8.7%に比べ9.2%、IBMは6.0%に比べ6.3%です) 同時にコカ・コーラとアメリカン・エキスプレスの株式買入れは我々のオーナー持分を増やしました。 我々のコカ・コーラの資産は8.9%から9.1%に増え、我々のアメリカン・エキスプレスの権益は13.7%から14.2%になりました。 そしてもしもあなたがパーセンテージの10分の一が重要でないと考えるなら:4社の会社すべてが、それぞれそれらの会社資本における我々のシェアを10分の一ずつ増やして、それらの会社の年間利益5,000万ドルがバークシャーの株価を押し上げた。と考えてみてください。
-5- (p.5)
英語はリスニングからですなぁ。 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
The increase, I must admit, included one person at our Omaha home office. (Don’t panic: The
headquarters gang still fits comfortably on one floor.)
バークシャーの年末の雇用者は - ハイツについて数えると - 合計330,745人で昨年から42,283人増えています。
・ Berkshire increased its ownership interest last year in each of its “Big Four” investments – American
Express, Coca-Cola, IBM and Wells Fargo. We purchased additional shares of Wells Fargo (increasing
our ownership to 9.2% versus 8.7% at yearend 2012) and IBM (6.3% versus 6.0%). Meanwhile, stock
repurchases at Coca-Cola and American Express raised our percentage ownership. Our equity in Coca-
Cola grew from 8.9% to 9.1% and our interest in American Express from 13.7% to 14.2%. And, if you
think tenths of a percent aren’t important, ponder this math: For the four companies in aggregate, each
increase of one-tenth of a percent in our share of their equity raises Berkshire’s share of their annual
earnings by $50 million.
バークシャーは昨年「4大投資」について等しくそのオーナー利権を増やしました。 - アメリカン・エキスプレス , コカ・コーラ , IBM , ウェルズ・ファーゴ です。 我々はウェルズ・ファーゴとIBMの株式を買ってはいません。(オーナー持分は増加しウェルズ・ファーゴは2012年末の8.7%に比べ9.2%、IBMは6.0%に比べ6.3%です) 同時にコカ・コーラとアメリカン・エキスプレスの株式買入れは我々のオーナー持分を増やしました。 我々のコカ・コーラの資産は8.9%から9.1%に増え、我々のアメリカン・エキスプレスの権益は13.7%から14.2%になりました。 そしてもしもあなたがパーセンテージの10分の一が重要でないと考えるなら:4社の会社すべてが、それぞれそれらの会社資本における我々のシェアを10分の一ずつ増やして、それらの会社の年間利益5,000万ドルがバークシャーの株価を押し上げた。と考えてみてください。
-5- (p.5)
英語はリスニングからですなぁ。 1000時間ヒアリングマラソン
バフェットの手紙 2014 (10)
・ Our subsidiaries spent a record $11 billion on plant and equipment during 2013, roughly twice our depreciation charge. About 89% of that money was spent in the United States. Though we invest abroad as well, the mother lode of opportunity resides in America.
・ In a year in which most equity managers found it impossible to outperform the S&P500, both Todd Combs and Ted Weschler handily did so. Each now runs a portfolio exceeding $7 billion. They’ve earned it.
殆どのマネージャーがS&P500を上回るパフォーマンスは不可能だと叫ぶ年にあって、Todd Combs と Ted Weschler はそれを実現しました。両社共に70億ドルを超えるポートフォリオを運用しており、それらは収益を上げてきました。
I must again confess that their investments outperformed mine. (Charlie says I should add “by a lot.”) If such humiliating comparisons continue, I’ll have no choice but to cease talking about them.
Todd and Ted have also created significant value for you in several matters unrelated to their portfolio
activities. Their contributions are just beginning: Both men have Berkshire blood in their veins.
・ In a year in which most equity managers found it impossible to outperform the S&P500, both Todd Combs and Ted Weschler handily did so. Each now runs a portfolio exceeding $7 billion. They’ve earned it.
殆どのマネージャーがS&P500を上回るパフォーマンスは不可能だと叫ぶ年にあって、Todd Combs と Ted Weschler はそれを実現しました。両社共に70億ドルを超えるポートフォリオを運用しており、それらは収益を上げてきました。
I must again confess that their investments outperformed mine. (Charlie says I should add “by a lot.”) If such humiliating comparisons continue, I’ll have no choice but to cease talking about them.
Todd and Ted have also created significant value for you in several matters unrelated to their portfolio
activities. Their contributions are just beginning: Both men have Berkshire blood in their veins.