Drive manifest resource

The resource configuration that is used to define Google Workspace Add-on content and behavior within Google Drive. Google Workspace Add-on manifests must have all the components marked as Requiredif they extend Drive.


The Google Workspace Add-on manifest configuration for Google Drive extensions. See Extending Drive with Google Workspace Add-ons for more information.

JSON representation
  "homepageTrigger": {
    object ( HomepageTrigger 
  "onItemsSelectedTrigger": {
    object ( OnItemsSelectedTrigger 

object ( HomepageTrigger )

The trigger function specification for creating the add-on homepage in the Drive host. This overrides addOns.common.homepageTrigger .


object ( OnItemsSelectedTrigger )

Required to provide add-on behavior triggered by user selection of items in Drive. The contextual trigger function specification for item selections in Google Drive.


A configuration for a contextual trigger that fires when a user selects one or more files or folders in Google Drive. See Drive contextual interface for items selected for more information.

JSON representation
  "runFunction": string


The name of the function to run when files or folders are selected in Google Drive. If specified, you must implement this function to build and return an array of Card objects for display in the add-on UI.