Enum ListPreset


Preset patterns of glyphs for lists in text.

These presets use these glyphs:

  • ARROW: An arrow, ➔, corresponding to a Unicode U+2794 code point
  • ARROW3D: An arrow with 3D shading, ➢, corresponding to a Unicode U+27a2 code point
  • CHECKBOX: A hollow square, ❏, corresponding to a Unicode U+274f code point
  • CIRCLE: A hollow circle, ○, corresponding to a Unicode U+25cb code point
  • DIAMOND: A solid diamond, ◆, corresponding to a Unicode U+25c6 code point
  • `DIAMONDX: A diamond with an 'x', ❖, corresponding to a Unicode U+2756 code point
  • HOLLOWDIAMOND: A hollow diamond, ◇, corresponding to a Unicode U+25c7 code point
  • DISC: A solid circle, ●, corresponding to a Unicode U+25cf code point
  • SQUARE: A solid square, ■, corresponding to a Unicode U+25a0 code point
  • STAR: A star, ★, corresponding to a Unicode U+2605 code point
  • ALPHA: A lowercase letter, like 'a', 'b', or 'c'.
  • UPPERALPHA: An uppercase letter, like 'A', 'B', or 'C'.
  • DIGIT: A number, like '1', '2', or '3'.
  • ZERODIGIT: A number where single digit numbers are prefixed with a zero, like '01', '02', or '03'. Numbers with more than one digit are not prefixed a zero.
  • ROMAN: A lowercase roman numeral, like 'i', 'ii', or 'iii'.
  • UPPERROMAN: A uppercase roman numeral, like 'I', 'II', or 'III'.
  • LEFTTRIANGLE: A triangle pointing left, ◄, corresponding to a Unicode U+25c4 code point

To call an enum, you call its parent class, name, and property. For example, SlidesApp.ListPreset.DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE .


Property Type Description
Enum A list with a `DISC`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with a `DIAMONDX`, `ARROW3D` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with `CHECKBOX` glyphs for all list nesting levels.
Enum A list with a `ARROW`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with a `STAR`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with a `ARROW3D`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with a `LEFTTRIANGLE`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with a `DIAMONDX`, `HOLLOWDIAMOND` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with a `DIAMOND`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels.
Enum A list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.
Enum A list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by parenthesis.
Enum A list with `DIGIT` glyphs separated by periods, where each nesting level uses the previous nesting level's glyph as a prefix. For example: '1.', '1.1.', '2.', '2.2.'.
Enum A list with `UPPERALPHA`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.
Enum A list with `UPPERROMAN`, `UPPERALPHA` and `DIGIT` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.
Enum A list with `ZERODIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods.