Script Service


This service provides access to script triggers and script publishing.


Name Brief description
AuthMode An enumeration that identifies which categories of authorized services Apps Script is able to execute through a triggered function.
AuthorizationInfo An object used to determine whether the user needs to authorize this script to use one or more services, and to provide the URL for an authorization dialog.
AuthorizationStatus An enumeration denoting the authorization status of a script.
CalendarTriggerBuilder Builder for calendar triggers.
ClockTriggerBuilder A builder for clock triggers.
DocumentTriggerBuilder A builder for document triggers.
EventType An enumeration denoting the type of triggered event.
FormTriggerBuilder A builder for form triggers.
InstallationSource An enumeration that indicates how the script came to be installed as an add-on for the current user.
ScriptApp Access and manipulate script publishing and triggers.
Service Access and manipulate script publishing.
SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder Builder for spreadsheet triggers.
StateTokenBuilder Allows scripts to create state tokens that can be used in callback APIs (like OAuth flows).
Trigger A script trigger.
TriggerBuilder A generic builder for script triggers.
TriggerSource An enumeration denoting the source of the event that causes the trigger to fire.



Property Type Description
Enum A mode that does not allow access to any services that require authorization.
Enum A mode that allows access to a limited subset of services for use in custom spreadsheet functions.
Enum A mode that allows access to a limited subset of services.
Enum A mode that allows access to all services that require authorization.



Method Return type Brief description
AuthorizationStatus Gets a value that indicates whether the user needs to authorize this script to use one or more services (for example, ScriptApp.AuthorizationStatus.REQUIRED ).
String Gets the authorization URL that can be used to grant access to the script.



Property Type Description
Enum The user needs to authorize this script to use one or more services.
Enum The user has granted this script all the authorization it currently requires.



Method Return type Brief description
Trigger Creates the trigger and returns it.
CalendarTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that fires when a calendar entry is created, updated, or deleted.



Method Return type Brief description
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies the minimum duration (in milliseconds) after the current time that the trigger runs.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies when the trigger runs.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies that the trigger fires on the given date, by default near midnight (+/- 15 minutes).
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies the hour the trigger at which the trigger runs.
Trigger Creates the trigger.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies to run the trigger every n days.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies to run the trigger every n hours.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies to run the trigger every n minutes.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies to run the trigger every n weeks.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies the timezone for the specified dates/time when the trigger runs.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies the minute at which the trigger runs (plus or minus 15 minutes).
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies the date in the month that the trigger runs.
ClockTriggerBuilder Specifies the day of the week that the trigger runs.



Method Return type Brief description
Trigger Creates and returns the new trigger.
DocumentTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that will fire when the document is opened.



Property Type Description
Enum The trigger fires once the time-driven event reaches a specific time.
Enum The trigger fires once the user opens the Google Docs, Sheets, or Forms file.
Enum The trigger fires once the user edits the Google Sheets file (for example, by entering a new value into a cell, which counts as an edit instead of a change).
Enum The trigger fires once the user responds to a Google Form.
Enum The trigger fires once the user changes the Google Sheets file (for example, by adding a row, which counts as a change instead of an edit).
Enum The trigger fires once an event gets created, updated, or deleted on the specified Google Calendar.



Method Return type Brief description
Trigger Creates and returns the new trigger.
FormTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that will fire when a response is submitted to the form.
FormTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that will fire when the form's edit view is opened.



Property Type Description
Enum Add-on was installed by the administrator for the user's domain.
Enum Script is not running as an add-on.
Enum Add-on was installed by the user from the Chrome Web Store.



Property Type Description
AuthMode An enumeration that identifies which categories of authorized services Apps Script is able to execute through a triggered function.
AuthorizationStatus An enumeration denoting the authorization status of a script.
EventType An enumeration denoting the type of triggered event.
InstallationSource An enumeration denoting how the script was installed to the user as an add-on.
TriggerSource An enumeration denoting the source of the event that causes the trigger to fire.
Weekday An enumeration representing the days of the week.


Method Return type Brief description
void Removes the given trigger so it no longer runs.
AuthorizationInfo Gets an object used to determine whether the user needs to authorize this script to use one or more services, and to provide the URL for an authorization dialog.
String Gets an OpenID Connect identity token for the effective user, if the openid scope has been granted.
InstallationSource Returns an enum value that indicates how the script came to be installed as an add-on for the current user (for example, whether the user installed it personally through the Chrome Web Store, or whether a domain administrator installed it for all users).
String Gets the OAuth 2.0 access token for the effective user.
Trigger[] Gets all installable triggers associated with the current project and current user.
String Gets the script project's unique ID.
Service Gets an object used to control publishing the script as a web app.
Trigger[] Gets all installable triggers owned by this user in the given document, for this script or add-on only.
Trigger[] Gets all installable triggers owned by this user in the given form, for this script or add-on only.
Trigger[] Gets all installable triggers owned by this user in the given spreadsheet, for this script or add-on only.
void Invalidates the authorization the effective user has to execute the current script.
StateTokenBuilder Creates a builder for a state token that can be used in a callback API (like an OAuth flow).
TriggerBuilder Begins the process of creating an installable trigger that, when fired, calls a given function.



Method Return type Brief description
String Returns the URL of the web app, if it has been deployed; otherwise returns null .
Boolean Returns true if the script is accessible as a web app.



Method Return type Brief description
Trigger Creates the trigger and returns it.
SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that will fire when the spreadsheet's content or structure is changed.
SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that will fire when the spreadsheet is edited.
SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that will fire when the spreadsheet has a form submitted to it.
SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder Specifies a trigger that will fire when the spreadsheet is opened.



Method Return type Brief description
String Constructs an encrypted string representation of the state token.
StateTokenBuilder Adds an argument to the token.
StateTokenBuilder Sets a callback function.
StateTokenBuilder Sets the duration (in seconds) for which the token is valid.



Method Return type Brief description
EventType Returns the event type that the trigger fires on.
String Returns the function that will be called when the trigger fires.
TriggerSource Returns the source of events that will cause the trigger to fire.
String Returns the id specific to the source.
String Returns a unique identifier that can be used to distinguish triggers from each other.



Method Return type Brief description
DocumentTriggerBuilder Creates and returns a DocumentTriggerBuilder tied to the given document.
DocumentTriggerBuilder Creates and returns a DocumentTriggerBuilder tied to the document with the given ID.
FormTriggerBuilder Creates and returns a FormTriggerBuilder tied to the given form.
FormTriggerBuilder Creates and returns a FormTriggerBuilder tied to the form with the given ID.
SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder Creates and returns a SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder tied to the given spreadsheet.
SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder Creates and returns a SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder tied to the spreadsheet with the given ID.
CalendarTriggerBuilder Returns a builder for building calendar triggers.
ClockTriggerBuilder Creates and returns a ClockTriggerBuilder for building time-based triggers.



Property Type Description
Enum Google Sheets causes the trigger to fire.
Enum A time-driven event causes the trigger to fire.
Enum Google Forms causes the trigger to fire.
Enum Google Docs causes the trigger to fire.
Enum Google Calendar causes the trigger to fire.