Class console


This class allows the developer to write logs to the Google Cloud Platform's Stackdriver Logging service. The following shows some logging examples:

function measuringExecutionTime() {
  // A simple INFO log message, using sprintf() formatting.'Timing the %s function (%d arguments)', 'myFunction', 1);

  // Log a JSON object at a DEBUG level. If the object contains a property called "message",
  // that is used as the summary in the log viewer, otherwise a stringified version of
  // the object is used as the summary.
  var parameters = {
    isValid: true,
    content: 'some string',
    timestamp: new Date()

  var label = 'myFunction() time';  // Labels the timing log entry.
  console.time(label);              // Starts the timer.
  try {
    myFunction(parameters);         // Function to time.
  } catch (e) {
    // Logs an ERROR message.
    console.error('myFunction() yielded an error: ' + e);
  console.timeEnd(label);      // Stops the timer, logs execution duration.


Method Return type Brief description
void Outputs a blank ERROR level message to Stackdriver Logging.
void Outputs an ERROR level message to Stackdriver Logging.
void Outputs blank INFO level message to Stackdriver Logging.
void Outputs an INFO level message to Stackdriver Logging.
void Outputs a blank DEBUG level message to Stackdriver Logging.
void Outputs a DEBUG level message to Stackdriver Logging.
void Starts a timer you can use to track how long an operation takes.
void Stops a timer that was previously started by calling console.time() .
void Outputs a blank WARNING level message to Stackdriver Logging.
void Outputs a WARNING level message to Stackdriver Logging.

Detailed documentation


Outputs a blank ERROR level message to Stackdriver Logging.

error(formatOrObject, values)

Outputs an ERROR level message to Stackdriver Logging.


Name Type Description
Object a string containing zero or more substitution strings, or a JavaScript object to be logged as a JavaScript object if no other parameters.
Object... objects with which to replace substitution strings within the message. This gives you additional control over the format of the output.


Outputs blank INFO level message to Stackdriver Logging.

info(formatOrObject, values)

Outputs an INFO level message to Stackdriver Logging.


Name Type Description
Object a string containing zero or more substitution strings, or a JavaScript object to be logged as a JavaScript object if no other parameters.
Object... objects with which to replace substitution strings within the message. This gives you additional control over the format of the output.


Outputs a blank DEBUG level message to Stackdriver Logging.

log(formatOrObject, values)

Outputs a DEBUG level message to Stackdriver Logging.


Name Type Description
Object a string containing zero or more substitution strings, or a JavaScript object to be logged as a JavaScript object if no other parameters.
Object... objects with which to replace substitution strings within the message. This gives you additional control over the format of the output.


Starts a timer you can use to track how long an operation takes.


Name Type Description
String The name to give the new timer.


Stops a timer that was previously started by calling console.time() . The time duration is logged in Stackdriver.


Name Type Description
String the name of the timer to stop.


Outputs a blank WARNING level message to Stackdriver Logging.

warn(formatOrObject, values)

Outputs a WARNING level message to Stackdriver Logging.


Name Type Description
Object a string containing zero or more substitution strings, or a JavaScript object to be logged as a JavaScript object if no other parameters.
Object... objects with which to replace substitution strings within the message. This gives you additional control over the format of the output.