Class CacheService


CacheService allows you to access a cache for short term storage of data.

This class lets you get a specific cache instance. Public caches are for things that are not dependent on which user is accessing your script. Private caches are for things which are user-specific, like settings or recent activity.

The data you write to the cache is not guaranteed to persist until its expiration time. You must be prepared to get back null from all reads.


Method Return type Brief description
Cache Gets the cache instance scoped to the current document and script.
Cache Gets the cache instance scoped to the script.
Cache Gets the cache instance scoped to the current user and script.

Detailed documentation


Gets the cache instance scoped to the current document and script. Document caches are specific to the current document which contains the script. Use these to store script information that is specific to the current document. If this method is called outside of the context of a containing document (such as from a standalone script or web app), this method returns null .

// Gets a cache that is specific to the current document containing the script
var cache = CacheService.getDocumentCache();


Cache — a document cache instance, or null if there is no containing document


Gets the cache instance scoped to the script. Script caches are common to all users of the script. Use these to store information that is not specific to the current user.

// Gets a cache that is common to all users of the script
var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();


Cache — a script cache instance


Gets the cache instance scoped to the current user and script. User caches are specific to the current user of the script. Use these to store script information that is specific to the current user.

// Gets a cache that is specific to the current user of the script
var cache = CacheService.getUserCache();


Cache — a user cache instance