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Library Concierge

  1. Library Concierge Form Header
  2. Need something new to read, watch, or listen to? Let us help you with our expert suggestions!
    Fill out the form below and our librarians will provide you with a list of 5 personalized suggestions within a week.
  3. Preferred Delivery Method *
  4. Type of Recommendations *
    Select all that apply.
  5. Book Genres
    Select all that apply.
  6. Movie/TV Genres
    Select all that apply.
  7. Music Genres
    Select all that apply.
  8. The more details, the better your suggestions will be.
  9. Again, details are very helpful.
  10. Almost done.
  11. Would you like to be signed up for MPL Book Happenings e-newsletter?
    This monthly newsletter is meant to keep library patrons informed of new and interesting reads available at the library.
  12. That's it! Thank you for contacting your Library Concierge. We look forward to assisting you.
  13. Leave This Blank: