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途中から少し見たドキュメンタリー番組で 10%解決法というのを聞いた。 アメリカの一部の地域で採用している 'problem solving using mapping' というものだ。 レポートはまだ読み終わっていない。 Spelman and Eck (1989) observe that about 60 percent of crime occurs in 10 percent of the places, 10 percent of offenders account for about 50 percent of offenses, and 10 percent of victimized people are involved in about 40 percent of the crimes. These repeat address incidents dominate police work. Identifying where crime concentrates is a logical application of spatial analysis techniques to crime mapping. ('Problem Solving using Crime Mapping: Concentration and Context' Kennedy, Poulsen and Hodgson)