Is It Time To Consider Cable TV Advertising?
Cable TV Advertising
Is it time for your business to consider advertising on Cable TV?
Do you feel that your business can do more? Do you often feel that the return on your advertising dollars is insufficient? Do you wonder if there is a better way?I often ask clients if they have considered Cable TV and their usually immediate reply is, "I don't have that kind of money." The truth is, that if you can afford $500 monthly, you can afford Cable TV. First Things First
Before you consider cable tv, is your web site up to date,are you leveraging your existing client base with email, do your have a quality social media presence? If not, remedy your marketing fundamentals first. You should also determine whether alternative (and less expensive) options may work for you: White Mountains Attractions Map, Best Read Guide, restaurant place mats, etc. While pricey, these publications approach people who are already looking and/or are taking the time to digest your offer.
Picking A Strategy
Cable TV does work, but you have to creatively engage your target demographic with an appealing idea or offer. You also have to select the geography where the ad will run. Your offer or story is crucial. I recommend you advertise the product(s) that gets you the most traction with word-of-mouth. If people are taking about it, others will enjoy hearing about it.
Preparing For Battle
Take some significant time to think about what you need / want consumers to know. Then decide how many of those things can be communicated with visuals and write a script to communicate the rest. Figure about 60-70 words for a 30 second commercial, 125-135 words for a 60 second spot. Of course you can do more, but quality suffers. Write a list of the shots you want the videographer to capture. Anticipate about 6-9 shots per 30 seconds, fewer if the camera is panning.
Don't treat this planning/preparation lightly. The message is far more important than the number of times the ad runs.
Working With The Cable TV Salesman
Speak to (him) on the phone at least twice prior to meeting him, preferably 4-8 weeks before you wish to start the ads. Help him understand your business, your preferred demographics, what you want to accomplish, and in broad strokes, the kind of budget you have to work with. Solicit his recommendations for a videographer and the TV programs best suited for your demographics.
Working With The Videographer
Schedule a phone conference with your selected videographer and email the script and shot list to him as far in advance of the shooting day as possible. His or her awareness may influence the crew or equipment brought for the shoot, or even scheduling or the price quotation. If you plan on using client testimonials, make sure your videographer knows this. Straightforward commercial costs should run in the $500-975 range for creating a simple standard commercial, (more if you need a voice-over artist
) but can add up quickly if you have special needs. They generally take 5-10 business days to be edited. It's always a good idea to have a friend (or two) on hand during the shoot, to help carry or hold things for the videographer (boom mikes, reflectors, hair lamps, props, etc.).
Important Considerations
Stay the Course
- Determine your budget and commit to 6 months. 'Tweaking' is fine (changing the shows, etc.) but don't get involved unless you plan to stay on air for the entire period.
Less is More
- Better to make 20 impressions on 1 person than 1 impression on 20. You are asking consumers to change their buying habits. It takes time and repetition. Getting on 3 shows consistently, in one area, is better than 6 shows halfheartedly in in multiple zones.
Insert A Call To Action
- Visit our website, call today, stop by, etc.
Mention Your Web Address
- It can be just text at the end but make sure it's there!
About the Author
George C. Jobel does web development and SEO consulting and has been helping clients develop successful
online & multimedia marketing since 1995. The author of numerous articles and publications, George taught
web development and marketing classes for over 10 years. You can reach him at his web site
, or 603.491.4340
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, 603-491-4340. All Rights Reserved.