NH Aviation Camp & NH Space Camp Dates Announced.
NH Teen Articles - NH Aviation Camp.
NH Aviation Camp Dates Announced
"Every day my son comes home and tells us about his adventures, fun facts and what he learned."
"Based on our son's attitude after each day at camp, we feel this program (ACE Academy) was overall a positivelearning and social experience."
These quotes were two of the testimonials received from parents following the 2014 ACE Academies where hands-on STEM activities come to life. WinnAero, the non-profit organization which runs ACE Academies, in conjunction with the FAA, is looking to expand enrollment this year along with student activities. One new initiative is Space Camp designed for Middle School children.The full ACE Academy schedule for 2015, with all sessions meeting at the Laconia Airport, is as follows: July 13-17
and repeated July 20-24
. ACE Aviation Camp for Grades 3-5. Meets mornings only from 8:30-Noon. July 13-17
. ACE Aviation Camp for high school students; meets full days. July 13-17
. ACE Space Camp (new in 2015) for middle school students; meets full days. July 20-24
. ACE Aviation Camp for middle school students; meets full days.All camps are co-ed and faculty members are New Hampshire certified teachers under the leadership of WinnAero
Board member and ACE Academy Director Dan Caron. Caron holds numerous awards for teaching excellence in
STEM-related activities. "We're already signing up some early applicants for 2015 so we encourage parents
and students to download an application from our website to get started." Caron stated.
The website is www.winnaero.org
.Tuition for the various camps is also on the website along with financial assistance information and a listing of various hands-on activities planned by age group. Caron encourages families to check out the website to see why ACE Academies have grown in enrollment every year. ►
Aviation Career Education (ACE) Academy Program
RELATED ARTICLE: One-Week Summer Camp Program at Laconia Airport
( Laconia Daily Sun
Mimi Hosmer (Laconia) and Mitch Townsend (Gilford) deplane following their chance to fly an aircraft as part of the 2014 ACE Academy
Flight Orientation Program.
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, 603-491-4340. All Rights Reserved.