Eagle Scout Recognition.

Eagle Scout or Gold Awardee Recognition by NASA

Eagle Scout or Gold Awardee Recognition by NASA
NASA wants to congratulate your child.

NASA would like to recognize Scouts achieving the prestigious Eagle Scout or Gold Awardee status. Upon receipt of your child's information, they will respond with a Congratulatory Letter and Certificate of Recognition.

To receive a certificate of recognition from NASA, the Scout Master, parent(s), or legal guardian(s) needs to provide the following information.

  • Full name of the award recipient.
  • Full name, mailing address and email address, and phone number of the requester.

  • Street addresses must be spelled out completely with no abbreviations: don't use St. for Street for example. You'll get an email confirmation upon receipt of your entry.

    Parents are encouraged to only submit one request: duplicate requests are not honored.

    Mail your request to:

    Public Communications Office
    Suite 2R40
    NASA Headquarters
    Washington, DC 20546-0001
    You are also welcome to submit the information with an online form at https://bsgsra.hq.nasa.gov/public/ .

    Scheduled Events

    Seussical    (9/6-15)
    2001 Space Odyssey    (9/7)
    Muster in the Mountains    (9/7-9)
    Wingzilla    (9/8)
    Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino    (9/9)
    Things [Mom] Taught Me    (9/13-23)
    Reach the Beach    (9/14-15)
    WM Storytelling Festival    (9/14-16)
    Metallak Race    (9/15)
    Mandeville & Richards    (9/15)
    Cohase Film Slam    (9/16)
    Tricycle Grand Prix   (9/16)
    Rodney Crowell    (9/21)
    NH Highland Games    (9/21-23)
    Don Who    (9/22)
    Harvest Celebration    (9/22)
    Health & Wellness Fair    (9/22)
    Jeep Invasion   (9/22)
    Lakes Region Tri Festival    (9/22-23)
    Pat Metheny    (9/26)
    Driving Miss Daisy    (9/27 - 10/6)
    Neko Case    (9/27)
    Shot of JD    (9/28)
    Dixville Half Marathon    (9/29)
    New Hampshire Marathon    (9/29)
    Matthew Odell    (9/30)
    Lincoln Fall Craft Festival    (10/6&7)
    Sparrow Blue & Crowes Pasture    (10/6)
    Oktoberfest   (10/6-7)
    White Mountain Oktoberfest    (10/6-7)
    Fall Foliage Celebration    (10/6-8)
    Sandwich Fair    (10/6-8)
    Paddle the Border    (10/7)
    Lincoln Fall Craft Festival    (10/7-9)
    Shadow Play    (10/10)
    Killer Joe    (10/11-21)
    Greg Brown    (10/12)
    Camping & RV Show    (10/12-14)
    Riverfire & Horrorfest    (10/13)
    Jay Stollman Band    (10/19)
    Murder Dinner Train    (10/19-20)
    Pumpkin Patch Express    (10/19-21)
    All Things Pumpkin    (10/20)
    Ethan Setiawan Band    (10/20)
    Bettye LaVette    (10/26)
    Murder Dinner Train    (10/26-27)
    Pumpkin Patch Express    (10/26-28)
    Berlin Jazz    (10/27)

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    Miss Berlin-Gorham Competition 2012 New England Brewfest 2014 RiverFire, Berlin, NH 2012 Sugar Hill Lupine Festival Gallery 2012 Bristol-Gorham Foliage
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