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『Vienna Blood (2019)』★Movies & TV series 2021(71)★

『Vienna Blood (2019)』


<個人的な評価: 10点中6.5点


6 epipods so I binge-watch everything in 2 days. I don't like TV series that are too long that go on and on and one for 5 or 6 seasons (unless the show is super great like GoT. GoT should do like 10 seasons though. It was rushed in the end... but anyways... at least it ended)
So this TV series, in terms of length, it's perfect for me. 1 season 6 episodes.
There might be season 2 but then each murder case is separated .

I personally thought it was not bad, but not very exciting too.
Just an ordinary suspense drama. It's British-Austrian psychological thriller.
The setting is in Vienna, Austria in the 1900s.
The series is based on the Liebermann novels by Frank Tallis.
The main character is Max Liebermann, a doctor and student of Sigmund Freud.
Yes, that famous Sigmund Freud! It's fictional drama though.
The story goes on as Max assists Police Detective Oskar Rheinhardt.
By providing psychological insights into the subjects’ motives, together, they investigate disturbing murders that haunt the beautiful city of Vienna.
As the two unique men investigate murders, their friendship grows as well.

I personally like the unique friendship between them though neither of them are my favorite characters.
I really like Clara. She's so beautiful and brave. She really deserves better than Max.
It was dumb for Max to go for that Amelia when he already had Clara.
He should not have ask her to marry him if his mind was not set!!
Well, good thing they broke up the engagement before that Amelia becomes a homewrecker.
Still, the impression to me was very bad when the pair was already engaged.
Amelia did not really seduce or try to break the pair so it was plainly Max's fault but if I were Clara, I would not bring myself to like Amelia too.
I don't have good impression of her too.
So what was her mental problem anyway? What trauma did she have?
Max barely knew her. I don't understand why he falls in love with her.
I do not hope for their happiness at all. I do not support that kind of love. Wish them unhappiness.

As for the murder cases, there are 3 stories. I don't have any favorites. All are good but none are that exciting.
All 3 murders were committed men, which made the whole thing a bit boring.
I wanted to see woman murderer too.
How they solved the cases by psychological insights of the suspects were funthough.

Also although I'm not a big fan of Max, I like his family especially his dad.
The dad is a strict father but very caring and I like how he actually trusts his son.
That part where he decided not to get the investment because of his son's advise.
He stood by his son and his workers!! That was very brave.
Fun to watch Max's mother and sister too.
Clara has been her friend and I really feel for her.
As much as I like my best friend to date my brother, I would be reluctant too.
That's another reason why I don't like to introduce my brothers or cousins to my friends!
If things go wrong, friendship can become awkward too. I would feel guilty too just like Max's sister.
Would feel worse if the fault is on my brother.

Another interesting part of that drama is that Max's family is Jewish.
I'm not familiar to Jewish culture and tradition but I believe their family bond and bond between their own Jewish people are very strong.
That somehow reminds me of Chinese family's family bond too.
My mother's side is Singaporean Chinese and our family bond, relative bond is pretty strong.

I love to look in to other's culture which I'm not familiar with.
By looking in to that even through fictional shows, sometimes I can gain knowledge and familiarity too.
So it was good that Max is from Jewish background.

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