Cache Service


This service allows a script to temporarily cache results that take time to fetch/compute. Public caches are for things that are not dependent on which user is accessing your script. Private caches are for things which are user-specific, like settings or recent activity.


Name Brief description
Cache A reference to a particular cache.
CacheService CacheService allows you to access a cache for short term storage of data.



Method Return type Brief description
String Gets the cached value for the given key, or null if none is found.
Object Returns a JavaScript Object containing all key/value pairs found in the cache for an array of keys.
void Adds a key/value pair to the cache.
void Adds a key/value pair to the cache, with an expiration time (in seconds).
void Adds a set of key/value pairs to the cache.
void Adds a set of key/value pairs to the cache, with an expiration time (in seconds).
void Removes an entry from the cache using the given key.
void Removes a set of entries from the cache.



Method Return type Brief description
Cache Gets the cache instance scoped to the current document and script.
Cache Gets the cache instance scoped to the script.
Cache Gets the cache instance scoped to the current user and script.