アメリカに帰国中 (7)
父へのクリスマスプレゼントChristmas tree兼、我が家の新車!
Our Christmas gift ( my brothers and I shared ) to our dad!! This year we got him Tesla!
This car is pretty cool!
It’s beautiful. Quite different from normal car. The control is from the touch screen. It makes driving less stressful especially for our dad. Also there is summon feature where I can tell the car to come.
Impressive technology!! Did we ever imagined this would happen 20 years ago!? Maybe SF movies did!!
We usually got Mercedes or BMW so this is our first electrical vehicle.
The only thing that makes it a little inconvenient is that it is electrical car instead of gas, and charging the car full at a super charge station will take around 45mins. But it’s worth it in long run.
I know some people have that charging station fixed at home but we still haven't gone that far yet because we think there will be more charging stations in the future with less time.
First drive of our dad’s Tesla to a family friend’s home for Christmas.
It’s a huge gated house.
We spent such an amazing Christmas there.
posted by fanblog