はじめまして。このサイトは、自己満足目的の気まぐれなブログです。英語NATIVE、日本語検定1級、バイリンガル。日本在住12年のアメリカ人。(日系 1/2、華人 1/4、ポルトガル系1/8、イギリス系1/8 の混血) 日本在住12年目。1年のうち、25%は出張か実家か旅行で海外。ブログは趣味記録&日本語上達の為に開設。自己満足ブログですので自分の書きたい事を素直に書いてます。辛口の時もあります。好きな事を書いているだけなので文法も誤字もチェックしてません。 私は多趣味です。グルメ、読書、旅行、スポーツ、謎解き&リアル脱出ゲーム、映画やドラマ観賞、漫画、ゴシックファンタジー等が大好き。スポーツは特に水泳とバスケットボールが好き。尊敬する人は、英国のエリザベス女王&フィリップ殿下、両親、兄、弟、彼、親友。 ブログでは、旅先の事、美味しい食べ物の事、リアル脱出ゲーム、漫画、本、ドラマや映画の事などランダムに書いています。 漫画に関しては、アニメ派とコミック派にはネタバレなので自己責任で!ワンピースに関しては最近は貯めてからいっきに読んで感想を書く事が多いです。 映画やドラマ感想も全部ネタバレあるので、自己責任で。観てない人は要注意!! ワンピース以外にも『ハンターxハンター』など色々な漫画を読んでいます(少年漫画メイン)。 欧米のドラマや映画もよく観ます。ジャンルは色々観ます。 『GAME OF THRONES』が大好きです。 Lannister家の双子、Cersei & Jaime を愛しています。 『GOSSIP GIRL』も好きで特に、Blair Waldorf & Nate Archibald が大好き。Blair関連のカップルも、全部好き。(Chuck, Prince Louis, Dan ) Twitter : @golden8twins
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The Demise of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II:The QUEEN of my heart

The Demise of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
〜 The QUEEN of my heart


My sincerest condolences to the Royal Family and the Nation.
Wishing those who loved the Queen,
peace, comfort, courage and lots of love at this time of sorrow.
My Heart goes with you all.

IMG_2746.JPG IMG_2845.JPG

(The last picture on the right was just taken 2 days before she passed away....)

I'm not from UK but I have admired, respected and loved Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for my entire my life.
I’m deeply saddened by the sudden passing of her Majesty, I'm already missing her very much.

However, I would like to believe that Her Majesty has finally reunited with the Love of her life, Prince Philip.

The Queen's adorable great grand-son, Prince Louis of Wales told his mother,

“At least Grannie is with Great grand-pa now...”

May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Rest In Peace


There was a massive change in the Queen after Prince Philip died last year.
I myself thought it wouldn’t be long before she herself passed...(Although I'm still shocked she passed away so quickly...)

She loved her Nation so much and had a great sense of Duty that she tried her best to work until the end of her day; but I think inside she really missed her husband and was completely lost with out the Love of her life.

She was only 8 years old when she first met him in 1934,and later she met him again at the age of 13 in 1939 and fell in love.
They had known each other for 87 yrs; more 73 yrs of those as his wife.
When you are part of someone’s life for so long, your soul is connected.
When the person dies, a piece of you dies right along with them...


“May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest”
- His Majesty King Charles III to his darling mama the late Queen Elizabeth II...


“May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest” … ?
Famous quote from “Hamlet” (Act 5 Scene 2 )
Hamlet is one of my my favorite play from Shakespeare… when I heard this, I just thought it was perfect.
The New King Charles's first speech to the Nation was beautiful.

Long Live the King ! May God Bless King Charles III

I believe the Queen is with her father, her mother and her daring husband now...




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