学生達は難しい数学問題を解いている。と、そこへ 「 What about *that* problem? あの問題は?」「Oh, that? Don't worry about that. 気にするな」「Wait. Why? なぜです?」「I just put that up as a joke. That's probably the hardest geometry equation in the world. 試しに書いた 幾何で最も難しい問題だ」「何点くれます?Well, how much extra credit is it worth? 」「Well, considering I've never seen anyone get it right, including my mentor Dr. Leaky at MIT, I guess if anyone here can solve that problem, I'd see to it that none of you ever have to open another math book again for the rest of your lives. 君らには解けないよ マサチューセッツ工科大の教授でもな 解けるものがいれば君らは一生数学など勉強しなくていい」「マックス 挑戦するか?」 「誰か呼んだ?」立ち上がるマックス さあ、ここから早いBGM。 「正解だ」拍手で皆に応えるマックス…と思ったら夢オチ。
「Too many extracurricular activities, Max. Not enough studying課外活動ばっかりで勉強はそっちのけだ」 「 Dr. Guggenheim, I don't want to tell you how to do your job. But the fact is, no matter how hard I try, I still might flunk another class. If that means I have to stay on for a post-graduate year, so be it... 僕はどんなに頑張っても落第するでしょうですから留年も仕方ありません」