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タグ / I'm clueless
I'm clueless
[2021/09/27 17:41]
今日のお題は、「I'm clueless」です。「clue」の意味は、手がかり、ヒント、糸口などですから、それがない、つまり「全然わからないよ」、「全然知りません」、「(理解するのに)何の手がかりもないね」などなどです。
以前にご紹介した I'm positive. は、逆の意味になりますね。
Keep your fingers crossed
After you
As far as I know …
Better ask him
By any chance
By chance,
Come again?
Do me a favor.
Don't take it to heart
Drop it!
For real
I insist
I'm clueless
I'm positive.
In your dreams
It’s time we went.
I’ll have the same.
I’ll think about it.
Keep in touch
Let me sleep on it.
Let's try something new .
Long story short
Long time no see!
Look who's talking!
Make up one's mind!
Mouth watering
No Problem
No sweat
No way, Jose!
Not again
Not sure though
Nothing doing
Oh my God
Sorry to bother you, but ....
Speak up
Take a guess
That's baloney.
That's not a laughing matter
That's it
That's life!
Time flies.
Time to go
To be honest
What's that?
You're a lifesaver.