
日本語に訳すの難しいかも!キリスト教を語るとき、英語にはたくさんシンプルなことばがあるんだけど、日本語はそれをきいただけでは普通の日本人は理解出来ないと思うからから。今度時間がある時に日本語訳がんばってみます!簡単に訳すと、ジョン・パイパーという牧師けん先生の教えが素晴らしくて、たくさん学んでます!っていう内容でした。今回は信仰についてで、私の心に理解していた事を見事に言葉に書かれていたので、すごいって感動してしまったんです。日本語訳、お楽しみに! (2005.11.08 01:41:20)

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Happy Noriko

Happy Noriko

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Today, I have read his article online and it was fabulous. I thought his insight was so true!!

Today's message was from Hebrews 11:29-38, and John Piper made five points out of the verses.

1. John Piper said, "Through our faith God can and does work miracles and acts of providence to bring practical earthly help and deliverance to his people.

This really made me think, "miracles did not happen without faith?"
And I thought of the miracles I experienced in my life. In retrospect, I needed to take a leap of faith "first" BEFORE He did His job. If I did not step out of faith or did not wait for the LORD by faith, there was no miracle.

John Piper concludes: "The point is that God works through faith to do miracles and acts of providence to bring practical, earthly help and deliverance to his people."

2. John Piper said, "God does not always work miracles and acts of providence for our deliverance from suffering; sometimes by faith God sustains his people through sufferings."

Amen! This is so true. Becoming a Christian does not mean life is going to be easy. NO! Look at how godly people died in the Bible!! It was God's will that John the Baptist was born to prepare for the Way, but he was beheaded. Paul, Peter, Isaiah... Some Christians had truly horrific ending. I have peace because suffering in my life could be in the midst of God's will! One died by faith. The other escaped by faith. "To live is Christ, and to die is gain."

Oh this is so true again!!!
John Piper also said, "Ultimately, it is GOD, and not we, who decides when and how we die. He has his purposes. They are hidden from us. And faith means, we believe they are good.

God is sovereign. He has all of me inclulding death. I am so happy!!! :)

4. John Piper said, "The common feature of the faith that escapes suffering and the faith that endures suffering is this: both of them involve believing that God himself is better than what life can give to you now, and better than what death can take from you later."

Yes! Faith says God is better. God is No. 1!!! My faith makes God my first priority in my life. I want to ask why sometimes, but I do not have to. I have everything. I truly have everything because I am His who has everything.

5. John Piper said, "Those who love God more than life and suffer willingly awaiting something better than what this earth can offer, are God's great gifts to the world."

People can see big differences in God's children!!

It is all about God!! God is in control!!
And I have everything because I have God!!

Dear heavenly Father,

But I know You are amazing God.
I trust You and love You
and I am so happy that it is impossible for me to be
out of Your hands. You are always in me.
Even suffering I thank You

Help me to trust you completely
with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength.
Thank you Jesus. I am so blessed
because I was chosen by You. I feel so special.
What a joy.
Love, Noriko :)


Last updated  2005.11.07 13:27:23
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Re:I am learning a lot from John Piper(11/07)  
chu-tan5625  さん
訳がほしいっす! (2005.11.07 19:56:53)

Re[1]:I am learning a lot from John Piper(11/07)  
Happy Noriko  さん

John Piper  
Joey Z さん

Glad to know that you are learning a lot from John Piper. He is my favorite Pastor/Theologian of our day and age. May you continue to drink deeply and grow in His grace and knowledge:)

In Him,
J.Z (2008.01.26 20:44:06)

Re:John Piper(11/07)  
Happy Noriko  さん
Joey Zさん

>Glad to know that you are learning a lot from John Piper. He is my favorite Pastor/Theologian of our day and age. May you continue to drink deeply and grow in His grace and knowledge:)

>In Him,
John Piper is one of my favorite theologians, too.
Thank you for your prayer. I want to go deeper in Him. (2008.01.27 06:10:22)

いいね! -- / --


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