Grade 5 Full-Time Advanced Academic Program Progress Report Alignments

Information for Parents and Guardians

This document identifies the Program of Studies (POS) content that aligns to each progress report standard, with noted extensions for students receiving Advanced Academic services. The left-hand column indicates the grade level POS, and the right-hand column notes the intended POS extension. Students receiving advanced math will be instructed at the grade level above POS, which is noted in this document. Health, art, music, physical education, and world languages are instructed using the grade level POS. 

Language Arts

Listens and speaks for specific purposes

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Participate in and contribute to discussions across content areas

  • Lead and contribute to discussions and viewpoints in seminars
  • Ask clarifying questions and take notes when listening to a speaker
  • Engage in a dialogue about the meaning of a selection
  • State the main ideas or themes of the story
  • Develop listening/oral communication skills

Organize information to present in reports of group activities

Summarize information gathered in group activities

Communicate new ideas to others

  • Lead and contribute to discussions and viewpoints in seminars

  • Develop listening/oral communication skills

Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams

Demonstrate the ability to work independently

Maintain eye contact with listeners

Use gestures to support, accentuate and dramatize verbal messages

  • Use effective nonverbal communication skills such as gestures or facial expressions that are suitable to the content and audience
  • Make informative and persuasive oral presentations using purposeful structure and visuals
  • Develop listening/oral communication skills

Use facial expressions to support and dramatize verbal messages

  • Use effective nonverbal communication skills such as gestures or facial expressions that are suitable to the content and audience
  • Make informative and persuasive oral presentations using purposeful structure and visuals
  • Develop listening/oral communication skills

Use posture appropriate for communication setting

Determine appropriate content for audience

  • Organize oral presentations

Organize content sequentially around major ideas

  • Organize oral presentations

Summarize main points as they relate to main idea or supporting detail

  • Develop skills of argument formulation in persuasive communication

  • Articulate understanding of a reading to a partner

Use language and style appropriate to the audience, topic, and purpose

  • Develop skills of argument formulation in persuasive communication
  • Use specific vocabulary to communicate ideas
  • Develop listening/oral communication skills

Differentiate between auditory, visual and written media messages

Identify the characteristics, effectiveness of media messages

Share experiences with others

Locates and uses information from a variety of sources

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Use dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, other word-reference materials

  • Use reference books to determine meaning, pronunciation, and origin of words

Use technology to gather information, produce writing, and collaborate

Construct questions about a topic

  • Define a problem, given ill-structured, complex or technical information

Collect information from multiple sources

  • Combine information from a variety of sources
  • Understanding the necessity for multiple and varied resources in research
  • Provide evidence and data to support a claim, issue, or thesis sentence

Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, communicate

Organize information presented on charts, maps, and graphs

 Develop notes that include important concepts, summaries, etc.

  • Develop specific notes to encapsulate relevant information

Give credit to sources used in research

Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism

Collaborate, organize, and share information related to a topic

Reads with accuracy and fluency

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Read with fluency and accuracy

  • Use a variety of word recognition skills
  • Use the words around an unknown word to figure out its meaning
  • Use expression, rhythm, and phrasing

Reads with understanding

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases

  • Use text, word parts, knowledge of stems and word origins to figure out unfamiliar words

Use context and sentence structure to determine meaning

  • Use text, word parts, knowledge of stems and word origins to figure out unfamiliar words
  • Analyze the form and function of words in a given context

Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones

  • Use text, word parts, knowledge of stems and word origins to figure out unfamiliar words
  • Increase vocabulary development by applying the knowledge of Greek and Latin stems to the English language

Identify the author’s use of figurative language

  • Analyze the form and function of words in a given context

Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts

Study word meanings across content areas

  • Analyze the form and function of words in a given context

Describe relationship between text and previously read materials

Describe character development

  • Understand the concept of change to analyze literature

Describe plot development and explain conflict resolution

Describe characteristics of free verse, rhymed, patterned poetry

  • Identify and analyze poetic devices as appropriate

Discuss how an author’s choice of vocabulary contributes to the style

  • Analyze the form and function of words in a given context

Identify and ask questions that clarify various points of view

  • Use a variety of strategies including: determining importance, making inferences, drawing conclusions and considering multiple perspectives

Identify main idea

  • State the main ideas or themes of the story

  • Engage in a dialogue about the meaning of a selection

  • Develop analytical and interpretive skills in literature

Summarize supporting details

  • Provide a sequence of events, procedures, and/or activities that occur in the text

  • Provide details, examples and illustrations from written text

  • Classify details from the story/text into categories.

  • Identify character traits and qualities for main characters in a story

  • State the setting or context for the story by place and time

Draw conclusions and make inferences from text

  • Use a variety of strategies including: determining importance, making inferences, drawing conclusions and considering multiple perspectives

  • Understand classifications of details to make generalizations within a text

  • Create generalizations about the story/text based on categories

  • Make inferences or provide evidence about the story from given data

  • Develop analytical and interpretive skills in literature

  • Develop reasoning skills in the language arts

Identify cause and effect relationships

  • Understand cause and effect and its relationship to consequences and implications within a text
  • Draw consequences and implications from text for application in the real world
  • Develop analytical and interpretive skills in literature
  • Develop reasoning skills in the language arts

Make, confirm, or revise predictions

Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension

  • Monitor understanding and know what to do when it is not occurring

Use text organizers  to predict and categorize information

  • Use text features including glossaries, graphics, and indices

Use prior knowledge, build background knowledge for new learning

Skim materials to develop overview and to locate specific info

Identify the main idea of nonfiction texts

  • Understand classifications of details to make generalizations within a text

Summarize supporting details in nonfiction texts

  • Understand classifications of details to make generalizations within a text

Identify structural patterns found in nonfiction texts

Locate information to support opinions, predictions, and conclusions

  • Use a variety of strategies including: determining importance, making inferences, drawing conclusions and considering multiple perspectives

Identify cause and effect relationships following transition words

  • Understand cause and effect and its relationship to consequences and implications within a text
  • Develop reasoning skills in the language arts

Differentiate between fact and opinion

Identify, compare, and contrast relationships

  • Develop reasoning skills in the language arts

Identify new information gained from reading

Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension

Writes with purpose, clarity, and expression

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Identify intended audience

  • Select a topic and develop a plan for writing for a variety of purposes and audiences

Use a variety of prewriting strategies

  • Select a topic and develop a plan for writing for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Conduct authentic research by applying skills of questions, information gathering, data analysis and synthesis

Organize information to convey a central idea

  • Select a topic and develop a plan for writing for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Focus, organize, and elaborate to create an effective message 
  • Use the elements of reasoning to develop strong, convincing arguments in persuasive writing

Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea

  • Focus, organize, and elaborate to create an effective message 

Write multi-paragraph compositions

  • Develop persuasive writing skills

Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to create tone and voice

  • Use the elements of reasoning to develop strong, convincing arguments in persuasive writing
  • Reflect individuality through word choice and style
  • Evaluate the effective use of words, sentences, and paragraphs in context
  • Develop persuasive writing skills

Vary sentence structure by using transition words

  • Vary sentence type, length and order to maximize the written message
  • Evaluate the effective use of words, sentences, and paragraphs in context

Revise writing for clarity using specific vocabulary and information

  • Synthesize author techniques to improve or create a new piece of  writing
  • Revise based on peer review, teacher feedback and self-evaluation by adding, deleting, and changing information to improve writing
  • Complete various pieces of writing using a three-phrase revision process based on peer review, teacher feedback, and self-evaluation
  • Evaluate the effective use of words, sentences, and paragraphs in context

Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea

  • Focus, organize, and elaborate to create an effective message 
  • Use description, details, and examples
  • Provide evidence and data to support a claim, issue, or thesis sentence
  • Develop persuasive writing skills

Use technology to gather information, produce writing, and collaborate

Edits for usage and mechanics in own writing

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Use plural possessives

  • Develop linguistic competency

Use adjective and adverb comparisons

  • Develop linguistic competency

Identify and use interjections

  • Develop linguistic competency

Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives

Use quotation marks with dialogue

Use commas with interrupters

Use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line

Edit for fragments and run-on sentences

Eliminate double negatives

  • Develop linguistic competency

Use correct spelling of commonly used words

Identify and use conjunctions

  • Develop linguistic competency

Use underlining, quotation marks, italics to indicate titles of works

Use verb tense correctly

  • Develop linguistic competency

Use technology to edit and publish writing and to collaborate

Edit writing for correct word usage, punctuation, capitalization, etc.

  • Develop linguistic competency

Develop handwriting

Social Studies

Explains how the people and events of the past have influenced the present

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Demonstrate the ability to answer the 8 Global Awareness questions

  • Analyze historical issues using elements of reasoning (purpose, point of view, implications/consequences, evidence/data, inferences, concepts/ides, assumptions

Identify & interpret artifacts/primary & secondary source documents

  • Identify and interpret artifacts, primary and secondary source documents to understand events in history

Determine cause and effect relationships

  • Applies abstract concepts such as systems, cause and effect and how things change over time to understand the impact of the past on the present

Compare and contrast historical events

Draw conclusions and make generalizations

  • Analyze historical issues using elements of reasoning (purpose, point of view, implications/consequences, evidence/data, inferences, concepts/ides, assumptions

Make connections between past and present

  • Apply abstract concepts such as systems, cause and effect and how things change over time to understand the impact of the past on the present

Sequence events in world history

  • Analyze historical situations for cause and effect relationships

Interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives

  • Analyze historical issues using elements of reasoning (purpose, point of view, implications/consequences, evidence/data, inferences, concepts/ides, assumptions

Identify common attributes all cultures share

  • Describe and apply methods used by historians, archeologists and anthropologists to investigate past cultures

Demonstrate how the past has affected the modern world

  • Apply abstract concepts such as systems, cause and effect and how things change over time to understand the impact of the past on the present

Make connections by comparing modern world cultures & United States

Demonstrate the skills needed to create a Global Awareness Project

Define terms relevant to the study of Global Awareness

Sequence events leading to changes for early peoples in Mesopotamia

  • Analyze historical documents and present findings through oral or written communication

Describe contributions of Mesopotamia; make connections to life today

  • Analyze historical documents and present findings through oral or written communication

Describe the origin and basic beliefs of Judaism

  • Compare and contrast religions

Describe the origin and basic beliefs of Hinduism

  • Compare and contrast religions

Describe the origin and basic beliefs of Buddhism

  • Compare and contrast religions

Describe the basic beliefs of Sikhism

  • Compare and contrast religions

Explain achievements of classical India & the affect on modern society

  • Apply abstract concepts such as systems, cause and effect and how things change over time to understand the impact of the past on the present

Analyze the origin and basic beliefs of Confucianism

Explain the achievements of classical China & affect on modern society

  • Identify historical events that influenced modern society

Compare Pre-Columbian civilizations to other civilizations

Describe how myths contributed to the culture & values of Greece

Describe the contributions of classical Greece

  • Describe the contributions of classical Greece and/or Rome and make connections to today

Explain achievements of classical Rome; their affect on modern society

  • Identify historical events that influenced modern society

Describe the origin and basic beliefs of Christianity

  • Compare and contrast religions

Describe the civilization of Great Zimbabwe - Center of Wealthy Empire

Describe the Kingdom of Aksum (Axum), and later, Ethiopia

Describe the origin and basic beliefs of Islam

  • Compare and contrast religions

Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Demonstrate the ability to answer the 8 Global Awareness questions (as related to geography)

Analyze maps to explain relationships between history & geography

Demonstrate the skills needed to create a Global Awareness Project

Interpret maps to explain impact of landforms on the Fertile Crescent

Explain the impact of geography on development & growth of India

  • Explain impact of geography on classical civilizations

Explain the effects of geography & climate on classical China's growth

  • Explain impact of geography on classical civilizations
  • Explain climate’s effects on classical civilizations

Explain the impact of geography on the Pre-Columbian civilizations

  • Explain impact of geography on classical civilizations

Explain the effects of geography on development & growth of Greece

  • Explain impact of geography on classical civilizations

Analyze maps - the effect of geography on development & growth of Rome

  • Explain impact of geography on classical civilizations

Analyze maps to describe the varied geography of the African continent

  • Explain impact of geography on civilizations

Demonstrate understanding of Southwest Asia history & geography

  • Explain how Indian Ocean trade contributed to exchange of ideas

Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship between rules, laws and becoming a good citizen

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Demonstrate the ability to answer the 8 Global Awareness questions (as related to government)

Explain social structure in classical India; make connections to today

  • Apply the concept of systems to social structures within a given country

Describe the governmental structure of classical China

  • Apply the concept of systems to social structures within a given country

Compare Pre-Columbian civilizations to other civilizations

Explain the growth of democracy in Greece

Explain facts about Roman government & its influence on United States

  • Apply the concept of systems to other systems

Describe Feudalism in the Middle Ages in Western Europe

Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Explain how Indian Ocean trade contributed to the exchange of ideas

  • Analyze historical documents and present findings through oral or written communication

Describe the spread of Islam & its effect on trade, art & science

  • Analyze historical documents and present findings through oral or written communication

Explain Crusades/Silk Routes effect on trade, beliefs, arts & sciences

  • Analyze historical documents and present findings through oral or written communication

Describe changes in art, learning, and trade during the Renaissance


Extensions in Mathematics:

• Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving

• Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts

• Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems

• Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematics problem solving

• Make and investigate mathematical conjectures

• Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments

• Organize and consolidate mathematical thinking through communication

• Communicate mathematical thinking coherently to teachers and peers

• Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others

• Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely

• Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas

• Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics

• Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas

• Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems

• Use representations to model and interpret mathematical phenomena

Represents numbers accurately and demonstrates an understanding of number relationships

5 th Grade AAP POS

Describe and compare data using ratios

Investigate & describe fractions, decimals, & percents as ratios

Identify a given fraction, decimal, or percent from a representation

Demonstrate equivalent relationships among fractions/decimals/percents

Compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents

Identify and represent integers

Order and compare integers

Identify and describe absolute value of integers

Represent/model multiplication and division of fractions

Describe concepts of positive exponents and perfect squares

Computes numbers with fluency and makes reasonable estimates

5 th Grade AAP POS

Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers

Estimate solutions & solve problems involving fraction operations

Solve problems involving operations with decimals

Evaluate whole number numerical expressions using order of operations

Measures with accuracy and makes reasonable estimates of measurements

5 th Grade AAP POS

Compare measurements in U.S. customary system & metric system

Define pi as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter

Solve problems involving the circumference and/or area of a circle

Solve practical problems involving area and perimeter

Describe & determine volume and surface area of rectangular prism

Analyzes characteristics and properties of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships

5 th Grade AAP POS

Identify the coordinates of a point in a coordinate plane

Graph ordered pairs in a coordinate plane

Determine congruence of segments, angles, and polygons

Describe and identify properties of quadrilaterals

Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events

5 th Grade AAP POS

Construct circle graphs

Draw conclusions and make predictions using circle graphs

Compare and contrast graphs of the same data set

Describe mean as balance point

Decide which measure of center is appropriate for a given purpose

Compare and contrast dependent and independent events

Determine probabilities for dependent and independent events

Represents situations and mathematical relationships using algebraic symbols

5 th Grade AAP POS

Identify and extend geometric and arithmetic sequences

Solve one-step linear equations in one variable

Investigate & recognize additive & multiplicative identity properties

Investigate and recognize the multiplicative property of zero

Investigate & recognize the inverse property for multiplication

Graph inequalities on a number line

5 th Grade: Science

Investigates & demonstrates understanding of the natural world in a systematic way like a scientist & applies these skills & knowledge to solve problems.

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Identify rocks, minerals & organisms using various classifications keys

Estimate and measure length, mass, volume, temperature in metric units

  • Make accurate measurements using basic tools
  • Select and use appropriate instruments for quantitative observations

Make estimates and accurate measurements of elapsed time

  • Select and use appropriate instruments for quantitative observations

Form hypotheses from testable questions

  • Design, perform, and report on the results of experiments related to a given problem
  • Provide evidence and data to support a claim, issue, or thesis statement

Identify independent and dependent variables

  • Design, perform, and report on the results of experiments related to a given problem
  • Identify manipulated and responding variables

Identify constants in an experimental situation

  • Design, perform, and report on the results of experiments related to a given problem

Use proper graphical representation and metric measurements of data

Make predictions using patterns from data; generate graphical data

  • Provide evidence and data to support a claim, issue, or thesis statement
  • Analyze experimental data as appropriate

Make inferences and draw conclusions

  • Design, perform, and report on the results of experiments related to a given problem
  • Provide evidence and data to support a claim, issue, or thesis statement
  • Make inferences, based on evidence 

Construct models to clarify, demonstrate, and solve

  • Design, perform, and report on the results of experiments related to a given problem

Use current applications to reinforce science concepts

  • Formulate multiple perspectives about a given issue
  • Apply the concept of systems to analyze and solve problems

Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of physical science including matter, force, motion, & energy.

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Investigate and understand compression waves

Understand vibration, compression, wavelength, frequency, amplitude

Understand the ability of different media to transmit sound

Identify uses and applications of sound waves

Investigate and understand transverse waves

Investigate and understand the visible spectrum

  • Understand historical contributions in understanding light

Understand the terms opaque, transparent, and translucent

Investigate the reflection of light from reflective surfaces

Investigate the refraction of light through water and prisms

Understand the distinguishing properties of each phase of matter

Understand the effect of temperature on the phases of matter

Investigate and understand atoms and elements

Investigate and understand molecules and compounds

Investigate and understand mixtures including solutions

Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of life science including life processes and living systems

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Investigate and understand basic cell structures and functions

  • Describe how a cell functions as a system and how its parts function independently and interdependently

Classify organisms using characteristics, body structures, behavior

  • Understand the function and need for classification systems
  • Describe the function of organisms from each kingdom, describe their distinguishing characteristics, and explain relationships among organisms in different kingdoms

Understand the traits of organisms that allow them to survive

  • Assess how systems change over time based on needs, resources, and circumstances
  • Demonstrate how given systems interact with each other

Demonstrates understanding of Earth’s patterns, cycles, changes, & Earth/Space systems

5 th Grade POS

AAP 5 th Grade Extensions

Investigate and understand the geological characteristics of the ocean

  • Acquire significant content knowledge through the course of solving an interdisciplinary, real-world problem

Investigate and understand the physical characteristics of the ocean

  • Acquire significant content knowledge through the course of solving an interdisciplinary, real-world problem

Investigate and understand the ecological characteristics of the ocean

  • Acquire significant content knowledge through the course of solving an interdisciplinary, real-world problem
  • Research and describe the variation in depths associated with ocean features, including the continental shelf, slope, rise, the abyssal plain, and ocean trenches
  • Analyze how the physical characteristics (depth, salinity, and temperature) of the ocean affect where marine organism can live

Investigate and understand the identification of rock types

  • Identify rocks and minerals and explain how they are classified by their physical and chemical properties
  • Explore the interrelated nature of rocks and learn how rocks explain the changes we see on Earth

Understand the rock cycle and how transformations between rocks occur

Investigate and understand Earth history and fossil evidence

Investigate and understand the basic structure of Earth’s interior

Understand changes in Earth’s crust due to plate tectonics

Investigate and understand weathering, erosion, and deposition

Investigate and understand human impact on the Earth’s surface

  • Apply an understanding of Earth’s history to help address environmental concerns