I'll Sleep When I'm Dead!

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead!



塩見賢人@ 【アンケート調査結果】TOEICに必要な学習時間について 突然の問い合わせ失礼します。 英語学習ひ…
106mamasan @ お疲れ様です!! りーやんさん、こんにちは(^^)  日本…
カテゴリ: Movies!
Nicholas Sparksのこの物語は、以前洋書で読んだことがあったのですが、英語を必死で勉強中のtani*Cさんにお勧めしたからには自分も復習しておこうということで、映画版を見てみました。

以下、ネタバレありなので、tani*Cさんにはわからないように英語で書きます(^^; 多分読み飛ばすでしょうから~(笑)


First, I watched a movie called "The Notebook". I read the book in English a few years ago, and I was impressed with the story. But the books written by Nicholas Sparks are always too sweet for me. When I read his second book, I was almost throwing up. :D That's enough, I thought. :D

But this book is very easy to read, so I recommended the book to tani*C, who started to study English very hard since she fell in love with Tico Torres, a drummer of Bon Jovi, after I invited her to their concert. When I saw her reading the book very hard, I decided to watch the DVD.

And... I was impressed with the story again.

The story is...

Ally and Noah were teenagers and they met each other one summer. They fell in love, but Ally, the rich girl, had to leave the town to go to college. Noah wrote letters every day, but Ally's parents hide them, because they decided Noah was not suitable for Ally. Several years passed and Ally got engaged. Before she got married, she decided to see Noah, and then they fell in love again....

An old man tells this story to an old woman, who is his wife, but the woman has dementia and she can't even remember who the old man is... As the story goes, she finally remember who they are! They are Ally and Noah, who loved each other so deep.

Now I am in the mood of..."I want to love someone like this!" :D



Wii Fitにブートキャンプ。


今日はずっと机に向かっていたので、ウォーキングの代わりにWii Fitとブートキャンプをしました♪

12月に始めたWii Fitですが、全然減らなかった体重がウォーキングとの相乗効果からか、2キロ減!

って言っても、2キロ減ったぐらいでは何も変わりません(^^; まだまだ頑張らなくては~!


最終更新日  2008.02.08 06:28:32
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