全36件 (36件中 1-36件目)
◎ Tuesday, Jan. 31st This day is the end of January.I had a very dull and bad condition or state of mind this month.It was due to the fact that I had too much stress.If I had been married and blessed with children,my dear family would help me remove such stress.But, being single, I had a very hard time handling my stress. It's been really tough to keep myself as a lone wolf.I want to have a steady girlfriend, but I have much limitationto get it. This day I joined a lunch meeting sponsored by NTT and NishinipponShimbun. Six gentlemen and ladies attended the meeting including me.The theme was "How to activate our local communities though our ownbusiness or voluntary activities."Each of us told what we have done so far for that purpose.I also told about several kinds of my own voluntary activities.They include "teaching English at local schools", "promotinginternational school exchange with other countries","free of charge correction of English expressions in 広告チラシ"etc. This meeting will be reported in the newspaper soon.Please look forward to it. By the way, beer or other liquors were served in this lunch.This was what I feared. It is normal or one ofthese things that some alcohols are served in a lunch meeting.But as for me this day I had to do some work later, so I didn'twant to drink them. But a gentleman and a lady next merecommended me to drink them and so I had to drink them. I backed home around 17:00, feeing something wrong aboutmy throat. I might have got something bad which would makeme have cold. Whenever I have sore throat, I always suffer from a heavycold afterwards. So I took medicine to cure the sore throat. -------------------------------------------------
◎ Monday, Jan. 30th Today I had to go to Tenjin, because I was supposed togive a seminar titled "Let's practice translation skills with me".The seminar started at 1:00 in the afternoon. Today I had a participant from Kumamoto who ran his ownEnglish school in Kumamoto and wanted to start translationbusiness sometime in this year.Around the end of the seminar, I recommended him tovisit Kumamoto International Exchange Center, where one of my clients works, to ask them for any translation job.The center once placed an order for translation of family register(戸籍謄本). The man is based in Kumamoto, and so if he asksthe center for any translation work, he might get some translationwork especially in the field of family register translation. Speaking of Kumamoto, I love this town.People in Kumamoto are stubborn but nice.Ladies are charming and so are men.I would like to move to Kumamoto when I retire.I have found a very nice place in Kumamoto to live.The place is close to a cave named Reigengo(霊厳洞) whereMiyamoto, Musashi wrote his book, 五輪書. Every Monday, I have no lessons.I used to teach English to many people.Until two years ago, I had many students.But I had found that about 80% of them didn't have a real drive to try hardest to learn English, and I lostmy interest in teaching English ALL of them.I recommended the 80% of the students in those daysto go to other English schools or take other English lessons.I told them that they were not suitable for my severe hands-offEnglish lessons. Since then, I have been teaching English to the very much limited people of 10 or so.My lesson fee is surprisingly small, probably the smallest in this country.It might be better for me to secure as many students as possible,but my motto is that students' drive comes first, financial sourcesmust come last. Sometimes I remorse it, though.----------------------------------------------
先日、受講者でもある芸術家ご夫婦を話をしていました。2歳半のお子さんの話題で、その子は、血筋でしょうか、「簡単な絵をよく描く」という話になりました。 それで、その子は「はみ出さないで、画用紙の中にきちんと絵を描く」というお話でした。普通は、そのくらいの年齢のお子さんは、何かを描かせても、枠からはみ出すそうです これを英語ではどう言う風に言いまわせばよいでしょうか?「所定の紙から線などが出ずに、絵を描ける」という事ですね He draws a picture within the paper. ですね普段からそれができており、実際にそうするのですからHe draws ---となります。 或いは、He doesn't draw a picture beyond the paper. ですね この表現形式を応用しまして、「佐藤さんは、スピーチの達人で、いつも所定の時間内にスピーチできます。」という場合、(=制限時間を超えない)Sato-san is an excellent speaker.He makes his speech within the time. ホリエモンの事で例文を作りますと、Mr. Horie failed to manage his business within the law.法律の枠内で事業運営が出来なかった、という意味合いですね或いは、The way he did was beyond the law.ですね
◎ Sunday, Jan.29th I have several dreams to achieve sometime in the future:Business:1) To take almost 100% share in the translation market in Kyushu.2) To improve my simultaneous interpretation skill.3) To reinforce the current profit-providing system.4) To improve the business management system.5) To prepare myself for hiring the deshi.6) To work together with the deshi as pro-translators and help her establish her own business.English Skills1) To write at least one or two books on English training.Sambo & Wrestling:1) To join major and minor championships as a wrestler.2) To start to coach younger wrestlers.Shogi:1) To get san-dan in shogi.2) To start a shogi course for children and business people.3) To put shogi strategies into business.This morning, I had an English lesson with a localelementary school teacher.He kindly brought a video titled "Back to the Future#2".We watched it for improving our listening comprehension.It was the first time for me to watch this movie.This evening, I had a lecturer with my deshi.I gave her a special lesson on how to write essayor report. To write an opinion logically is a very importantand significant English training. Today I shared with her severalknacks and methods to write with.
日本語ではよく使う言葉遣いであっても仲々、英語にしにくい、というか、英語ではサッと言いづらい表現があります。 先日も業務で出てきましたが「中途半端」というのは、私見では、英語にさっと訳しにくいと思います。 とかく、日本人というのは「中途半端」ということをよくおっしゃいます。「中途半端」というのは、1)目的や行為が最後まで果たされていない、という意味合い2)行為の目的が明確でない 3)工程・道程が道半ば という意味合いがあると思います。 さらに、発話者個人の感覚で、「中途半端」という場合があります。「中途半端な芸風」「中途半端な裁判」などなど 他には、「中途半端な人生」「中途半端な計画」 「中途半端な学校」「中途半端に声を出すき、相手に聞こえんったい!」 などなど枚挙に暇がありません (too many to name all of them) 例1) 中途退学私は、大学の時に自ら中途退学しそうになりましたが、I almost left my college before I finished it. といえば良いでしょう。 悪い事をして退学になったという場合と異なり、自らの意思で途中で退学した場合は、上の様に言えば良いでしょう。つまり、卒業する前に辞めた、といえば良いですね。 例2)「中途半端な観光施設はいずれ破綻する」 Obscurely-purposed tourist facilities soon or laterend in failure. この場合の中途半端というのは、「その目的がはっきりしない」という風に言い回せば良いですね。Vaguely-purposed としても良いですね。 ご参照ください。Kenーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー◎無償添削課題:以下に問題を出しますので ご興味のある方は英語訳を送付ください 無償で添削します。よくできた方には抽選で 映画のDVDを差し上げます ★ビジネス英語の翻訳練習 以下は、某大手飲料会社の広告です。上手く、英語にしてみてください。広告ですので、簡潔にスパッと言いたいですね「ライフサイクルの視点で(飲料の)容器を見直し、 リサイクルを促進します」送付は、fuku@eos.ocn.ne.jpまでーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーken
This morning I watched a news show.A strange 56-year old guy got arrested for an allegedthreat he gave to a young lady who turned downhis offer to live with him.Reportedly he has lived with about 10 ladies, what's worse,repeating marriage and divorce with some of them in a shortperiod. Why??? Why did the Heaven give such a terrible guy manyopportunities to marry young ladies? Leading a honest life, I have never had such a chance before.I cannot blame anyone else for this. I am too shy & delicateto get things done in love. Anyway, since the beginning of this week, a certain lady,who is 28 and cheerful, has been asking me to go out and spend a time with her.I am very happy to have this offer.This opportunity will hopefully lead to my fourth Golden Days(第4期黄金時代) after my third Golden Days (第3期黄金時代)which ended about 10 years ago. Then, I have a lady I love best now, but I think this lovewill be impossible at this stage.So I think I will have a date with the cheerful ladysoon in the future. However, this never meansthat I have given up the first lady!!I am ready to make an approach with a very long-termstrategy. This evening, a part-timer of mine named "Hiromi-chan"came to my apartment to do some work.She is supposed to have a job interview on Jan.29th.She loves babies and infants and so wants to be a nurseryschool teacher. She's very wonderful and a unique lady.I love her so much that I cannot help keeping my fingers crossedfor her. Good Luck, Hiromi-chan!!-------------------------------------------------Ken Suetsugu
ワザと、日本語とチャンポンで書きます:ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー◎ Wed. Jan.25th I have to start my diary with my sincere gratitude tosome of those who take my correspondence course.They really worry over my slump and advise mehow to get over it. I really thank them.------------------------------------ Speaking English before other people is the mostinspiring experience and gives us one of the bestopportunities which get us inspired to practice Englishharder ever. Speaking English before others: This is the name of the gamein our English learning. That's why I introduced several elementary schoolersto my deshi as her own tutoring students.That's why I have invited my students to IizukaToastmasters Club.That's why I used to and sometimes pretend to be a Canadianwho don't understand Japanese and talk in English with flight attendantsand other English-speaking Japanese workers as [勝負].(If they believe I am a Canadian, I will. If they don't, I lose.) 人前で英語を話すのは、実に良い練習になります。人前で話す以上、下手な英語はしゃべれません、ネイティブの様な発音で、流れる様に話して、お手本をお手本を見せたいモノですね。弟子の方に家庭教師を勧めたのもそのためです。トーストマスターズへのご案内も同様です。生徒やその他英語自慢の人たちの前で英語を話す:多少の失敗もあるでしょうが、自分の力で、より良い発音を見せてあげなければ成りません。その気持ちや闘志、それに向けての練習が、良い英語の練習になります。 ですから、上記に該当する方は是非、頑張って下さい。私も応援したり、支援します。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーThis day I had a regular English lesson with the deshi.It usually starts at 18:00.But this day I proposed a little change to our lesson.First, we went to Masaji Art, a local work shop of an ironartist and his wife, both of whom are my students, too.For your reference, my deshi tutors their sons.They are holding an exhibit titled "Light Show"now.We dropped in on them to enjoy the show and havea talk with them. We stayed there about three quarters.Then, we got back to my apartment to have the Englishlessons. We had talked about many things with the couple,and then we put into English the questions, talk, comment we have with them. I think it was a very good and practical English training for the deshi and me. Recently I have been less inspired to work,but when I come to think of my dream that I will worktogether with the deshi as translators, I get myself inspired.So, I want to remember this dream when I have a hard time.--------------------------------------------------------
◎Tuesday, Jan.24thThings could be a lot better.As I said to you all through this diary before,I have been caught in a slump.I have been less inspired to work these days.So I have to get over this problem as quickly as possible.My friends advised me to take a rest and foget everythingfor at least a couple of days.They meant that I was tired very much mentallyand physically. I think they are right.Then, I planned to have a trip somewhere between this weekend and the beginning of next week, but later I found that I have already had several appointments to do in the beginning of next week.Today I was doubting my determination to stay here for years.To make a fresh start in other city might be a very good idea for me. But it is almost impossible now for me with current limitedfinancial resources. I have to try harder to make up for the lossI was forced to make due to the former assistant case.I have to remember that I do follow the way of Musashi Miyamoto.So I think I will read 五輪書, The Book of Five Rings to find any clues to get out of this glooming feeling for the time being.On the other other hand, I have been thinking that I have to give upa certain female I love best now. It will be really tough for meto do so. Therefore, I need more courage to make this decision.Musashi wrote in his book, [恋慕の道、思いこよる事なし].The English translation: "Have no heart for approaching the pathof love."This means that once we have devoted ourselves to the way of武道(or 修行), we should not fall in love with any ladies.I think I have to follow his teachings, but I need more courage.-----------------------------------------------------------Ken Suetsugu
私はやはりかなり疲れているようです。数日、通翻訳のミスを連続して出してしまいました。表現などのミスでなく、書式の体裁を統一させていませんでした。 余計に落ち込んでいます。実質正月休みなく作業をしておりますのでそのために疲れていると思いますので近く、数日休みを取りたいと思います。 日記にも若干語法の間違いをしていますので、訂正しますーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー★昨日の日記(Jan.22nd)の次の部分ですが、 以下の通りに英語を訂正します 話は面白いです:<「愛してる」と認めるには、男のプライドは高すぎた。「愛してる」と応えるには、女の偏見が邪魔をする>但し、話の展開に少し盛り上がりが欲しかったですね。The story is very interesting:The man has too much pride when he has to admits he lovesthe lady. The lady has too much prejudice when she admits she loves him. (The lady has too much prejudice when she has toadmits she replies "I love you" to him.)としておりましたが、とんでもない間違いです すみません。However, the development of the story could've beenmore exciting.ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー★Jan.13付け日記で、以下の箇所がありました。 以下の私の英語では、Besides, judging from how she translates English into Japaneseand her grammatical knowledge she's got through English classesat her high school, the content of their English classes at the schoolseems to be much improved.嘉穂高校に通っていらっしゃる受講者の英語訳を見ていると嘉穂高校の英語授業の内容が改善されている様だ、となっていますが、これは、私の間違いでした。「英語授業の内容はもっと改善すべきだ」と、逆の事を言いたかったのですがとんでもない間違いをしております。お詫びして訂正しますthe content of their English classes at the schoolshould be much improved. ですねーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◎日記講義:Jan.23rd. In the morning, I worked on the translation ofthe family register of an individual customer.But I had a very hard time in getting myself concentratedon this work. Maybe I was very tired mentally. I must or should do something to improve this situationas quickly as possible.Make a trip to somewhere or take a few days offto make myself off from the daily routine. In the afternoon, I changed my planned scheduleand went to Daimyo, Fukuoka.I had to visit the occupational school to submitthe scores of my students in the second term.After submitting the scores, I finished my responsibilityat this school. I am responsible for 10 students in my class.In the second term, over half of them did not show upin the class, because they started working at theircompanies for the purpose of on-the-job-training.So, I did not ever see them after the end of the first term.I might attend the graduation ceremony in February tomeet such OJT-students after months. Came home around 18:00.I got an e-mail from the above individual whoasked me to correct some errors in my Englishtranslation of his family register.I got shocked very much at this fact.Strongly shocked and less inspired.---------------------------------------------------Ken
お世話になります。This e-mail finds you are fine.ついに堀江社長が逮捕されましたね。At last, Mr. Horie has got arrested.強制捜査以降、同社長は逮捕されると思っていました。I thought that he would get arrested sometimesoon after his company got the compulsory investigationby the authority.フジテレビ買収交渉の際、その資金調達方法がFor example, I had a strong doubt about theirfinancial procurement when the company tried to buy Fuji TV last year.おかしいと思っていました。数日も掛らずに、億のお金が手配できるのはおかしい為です:It was very strange and unusual that the companymanaged to procure 9-digits financial resourceswithin a couple of days.------------------------------------------------◎ Sunday, Jan. 22nd今日は昼から映画を観に行きました。弟子とその大学のお友達(配信講義の受信者)と3名で観に行きました。何を観たかというと、『プライドと偏見』という映画です。このタイトルは、韻を踏んでいます:This day I, together with my deshi and her college friend,went to a local theater and watched a newly released movie.Its title is "Pride and Prejudice".Do you notice that this title has an alliteration(頭韻)?The friend receives my e-mail lectures for your reference.プライドと偏見は、原作名が『高慢と偏見』でジェーン・オースティン作で、リメークですねイギリス英語でしたので、独特のリズムやイントネーションに慣れるまで時間が掛りました。"Pride and Prejudice" we enjoyed this today is a remade versionof a film based on "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.It was British English, and so I need a longer time to get used toits unique intonation and rhythm.I really love American accent, intonation and rhythm.英語の表現については別途講義します。As for useful English expressions, I will send you lectures later.今回は、私は字幕を殆ど見ておりませんので字幕との対比はあまりできません。英語の表現をあとから取り上げますThis time, I saw few superimpose in Japanese and soI don't compare English lines to Japanese subtitles.I will focus on English expressions which I marked.話は面白いです:<「愛してる」と認めるには、男のプライドは高すぎた。「愛してる」と応えるには、女の偏見が邪魔をする>但し、話の展開に少し盛り上がりが欲しかったですね。The story is very interesting:The man has too much pride when he has to admits he lovesthe lady. The lady has too much prejudice when she admits she loves him.However, the development of the story could've beenmore exciting.でも主演のKeira Knightleyは、美しいです。驚きました。21歳くらいらしいですが、きれいな女優さんです。はまりました。There is one thing I got hooked.The heroin, Ms. Keira Knightley is very beautiful.She is a really knockout. I GOT STUNNED.She is 21 and a very beautiful actress, I think.I am now into her.この映画では、最後に、ダーシーという見栄えが良くないのですが本当の誠意の固まりの様な貴族男性がこの女優さん演じるエリザベスに求愛するのですが、その場面では、涙がどんどんあふれました。Around the end of this story, a man named ダーシーwith a miserable look (he's a guy of sincerity) confessed thathe loved Elizabeth(played by Knightley) at last.This scene made me shed lots of tears.Because I have a similar situation to his.映画後に、皆で恋愛などについて語り合いました。楽しかったです。After the movie, we dropped in Star Bucksand talked a lot about love.I had a really great time with them.Thanks for your time, guys.また、来月一緒に映画を観に行きたいと思います。I think I will go to the movie with them again next month.
今日は、受講者の方と映画を観てきました。『プライドと偏見』です。先月、Mr. & Mrs. Smith を観に行ったときに予告で紹介されていましたが、何か面白そうでしたので、楽しみにしておりました。思ったより、静かな映画でした。この映画の表現については別途講義しますが、典型的なイギリス文学(ジェーン・オースティン原作)の映画作品という感じでした。エリザベス役のキーナナイトレイはかわいいですねタイプかも。映画に一緒に観に行ってくれた方々には御礼申し上げますken
◎ Saturday, Jan. 21st★Toastmasters★We had a regular meeting of Iizuka Toastmasters today.I WAS very happy that four of my students in Chikuho Districtjoined this meeting today. One of them has been a regularmember already, though. I wish all my students here could havebeen present at the meeting!!!!In fact, I think other local students of mine should try and join the meeting at least once, if they wouldlike to improve their own English command.When I was young, or even still now, I used to or dotry to find or create any situation available where I can speak or use English. As I said to you before in my previous e-mails,I do want to keep myself staying better than those who stayed in English-speaking countries just for English study.This is what makes me as I am.(私の意地なんです).Some of my correspondence students are members ofToastmasters Club in their own regions.Good luck!!きちんとした英語クラブに入って、活動すると少なくとも、(将棋の)角1枚は強くなりますIf you join any good and well-organized English speaking society,you will be able to get your English command higher at leastby a bishop(角1枚くらい強くなる).I always compare anything to the principles of shogiwhen expressing my ideas.(将棋に例える癖がありますが、今年は全面に、それを出します) As for Toastmasters Iizuka, I don't think this club is notfully well-organized, but I am going to help the club get well- 100%良くまとまっているorganized and increase the number of members.★Ad for New Students★この日は、弊社は生徒募集の広告を出しました。何人申し出があるかわかりませんが、少し受講者を増やそうと思います。On Jan. 21st, I put an ad for English class students on a local weekly publication. I would like to have more students.At this stage, I haven't received any inquiries.翻訳業務⇒通訳業務へのシフトは数ヶ月要しますがその間に生徒を増やしておこうと思います。Why "more students" now??I just want to have more students to make extra financialresources for several months during which I am going toshift my main business line from 翻訳 into 通訳.私は、まだ決して、教える事でご飯を食べる積りはありません。対面授業の受講者の方は、およそ10名いらっしゃいます。Unlike juku-teachers, I have NO intention tomake my bread'n' butter mainly through teaching.I do have to/want to spread my career as a greatinterpreter as I did so far and from now on.Teaching job can wait.I teach directly just roughly 10 pupils.尚、私の教室は料金はとても低いです。本当はボランティアで無償にしたいと思っておりますいずれそうしたいと考えているのです:For your reference, my tuition fee is surprisingly low.I wish I could give them English lessons free of charge now.I will do that sometime in the future. 誰でも教えるわけではありませんやる気の無い人には絶対に教えません。また、私の方針ですが、中学高校生には教える積りはありません。Also, just for your reference, I don't teach Englishwhoever wants to. I set certain limitations:1)If a person wants to learn English with me but doesn't have as strong drive as I expect, he/she cannot take my class.2)In principle,I don't teach English to junior or high schoolers.但し、どうしても通翻訳者になりたいという方は別です。この例外的な受講者はこれまで数名で、内1人は、弟子として熱心に取り組まれておりますので頑張って欲しいです。But I have some exceptions as any rules have ones.If a junior/high schooler has very strong guts or motivationto become a pro-translator in the future and wants to take mylessons, I teach them willingly.I have had such exceptional students so far.One of them now lives in Kobe, studying hard to become a pro-translator.The current deshi is also one of them.I just hope that she will be a good pro-translator andstart her own business in the future.Good Luck!!私の経験上、中学高校生は、突然休んだり、連絡もなく休む人がいて、本当に困ります。若いから教える側の都合も考え切れないのでしょうが、私のスケジュールが崩れるので堪ったもんじゃありません。Let me talk about the reason I basically don't teachEnglish to junior/high schoolers from my actual experiences:They sometimes don't show up in their appointed classesall of a sudden or don't let me know beforehand whenthey are absent. So, my own daily schedule is ruined.This is a real serious problem for me.I cannot bear that I am forced to have my schedule ruined due tosudden absence without beforehand notification.They are too young to think of the schedule on theteacher's part, I guess.しかし、ここの地域の中学高校生は発音が悪いし英語の読み方が出来ておりませんので、数ヶ月だけ徹底して発音などを教えても良いやろかなあと思っております。But these days I have been thinking of changing my principle.I came to know local schoolers here have poor English pronunciation and a poor ability to read and understand English, even though they are forced to study English hard in school. Something must be wrong.The problem may be in their English teachers who are quitedifferent from us, pro-interpreters.So, I am thinking that I will have a term-limited, saya couple of months, English course for schoolersto try to make them improve their English pronunciationand other practical abilities.ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーKen Suetsugu
◎ Jan. 18th & 19th★ A Certain Slump ★I think I have been in a slight slump for a couple ofweeks. These days I have been less inspired to work ontranslation. I have to get rid of this condition as rapidlyas possible and get back to normal.This condition might be just because I have been tired.In fact, I have been on duty since the end of December.I am mentally tired, actually, to a certain degree.I have received new orders or inquiries from customerssuccessively everyday and I am very happy about this, but when I read the Japanese-written drafts, which I should translate into English, I feeldeeply depressed and sometimes upset.These Japanese drafts are written without logic.In other words, they are not well-organized.Far from logical structure. How many times must I tell my customersto have a logical way of thinking and write theircomment logically even in Japanese? If I show you some of their drafts, I am sure thatyou will feel the same way.This problem must be a reason I've got tired of my translation work these days.I need some days off, I suppose, and so I will have a trip to onsen somewhere in Kyushu for relaxation soon or later.Probably I will go to one of the famous onsen resortswhere I take a good rest and review my annual businessplan of this year.But, guys and friends, please don't take me wrong.I feel happy whenever I teach English to you throughface-to-face lessons or the Internet.-------------------------------------------------------
一部の方はご存知ですが、私の好きな趣味活動に将棋があります。2月9日には、地元の中学校(飯塚一中)にボランティアで将棋を教えに行きます。とっても楽しみにしております。ちなみに、私の得意な先方は、「Ken流・筋違い角向かい飛車」です。将棋される方が配信先の方にいらっしゃいましたら、将棋24やその他で、ネットでお手合わせ願いたいですね。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー将棋を指したり、囲碁を打ったりしているときに、相手や回りの観戦雀が、「それ良い手やね!」などと言いますが、これは、英語で言いますと、Good move!! ですねmove は、「動く」という意味合いの動詞でもありますが、「手・手段・措置」という意味合いもあります。私が受講者の方に配布している『英語練習帖』に次の相談があります。(これは、米国の小学生や中学生が読む雑誌の後ろにある「読者相談コーナー」をノートに貼り付けたものです):それに次の相談がありますI like this girl, but I don't know if she likes me.We talk on the phone a lot.I don't know how to make the first move orwhat move to make.make the first move は、最初の1手が判らない、 (⇒最初の動き方がわからない)what move to make. 「どんな手を打ってよいか判らない」、ですね◎これは次の様な感じで使えます:Mr. Horie says that he's all right.But actually he may not know what movehe should move.「堀江社長は大丈夫といっていますが、 実際は、どうしていいかわからないかもしれません]この講義は続きますご参照ください。ご質問は何なりとどうぞ。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー◎無償添削問題次のセリフを英語に通訳しましょう:優秀回答者の方には、DVD(映画)を差し上げます:-1)この度、弊社では、新規製品「セキュリティA」を開発しました。-2)この件、ご理解頂けません場合は、ご連絡をお願い致します。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーken
◎ Monday, Jan. 17thMy memory on Hanshin Big EarthquakeIt's January 17th.11 years ago, I lived in Nishinari-ku, Osaka, workingfor Tenhiko-Sangyo as its translator.In the morning on Jan. 17th 1995, a few minutesafter I woke up and turned on TV to watch めざましテレビ,I heard a strange sound and immediately after this,things on my apartment began to turn around and jolt.This jolt went on for a long time.It was 阪神大震災 which I cannot forget even now orforever.Time flies!!! It has already past 11 years since then.There is one thing I remembered clearly about the earthquake.In the previous night, say Jan. 16th, when I was walkingon the street near my apartment house, I happenedto look up at the moon and then the moon was unusuallybigger and brighter than usual. I felt something would happensoon in the future.阪神大震災では、大阪でもかなりゆれました。We experienced a very strong jolt even in Osaka.ゆれるというか、メリーゴーラウンドの様にIt was not "jolt" but things shook and turned around just like merry-go-around.アパートやモノが回る様にゆれて、怖かったです。It made me feel frightened very much.---------------------------------------This morning I had a guest from Oita.She's one of my correspondence students.We practiced English skills through special training methods.At 15:00 I had an English lesson with the deshi.For the first 5 or 10 minutes, I asked the student from Oitafor help and I got her to talk about herself in Japaneseand let the deshi interpret this self-introduction.Then, we had English pronunciation training with the deshiup to 16:30.I had other two English lesson after this.-----------------------------------------------I have something to tell you in this diary, but next time.Ken
◎ Monday, Jan. 16th ★How should a company be? Let me start today's diary with my impressionon this news: Livedoor is now receiving the compulsory investigation by police under suspicion of illegal manipulationof share price of a publishing company Livedoor acquiredlast year. Please refer to the details of the newsfor yourself. I have a strange impression about Livedoor oror other rapidly-grown IT companies.Such companies might be good companies, butthey don't seem to be well-disciplined ones.I mean that such companies seemingly don't haveany morality-based corporate policies.It is worth respecting that they have grown wellin a short period of time. But they have grown too muchfor too short time. Their efforts to grow too much too fasthave disenabled them to foster corporate morality. I worked for two excellent Osaka-based companies which are both over 130 years old.Both of them are very good companies.For them, corporate morality comes first before makingprofits. This is the most important principle and universal for any kinds of businesses.Morality or sincerity makes us survive in the long run. What do you think?-----------------------------------★Misunderstanding As for the explosion at Sega Mine in the States,the first informal message came along two-way radio communicationsystem was "All buddies, one alive." The rescue team arrived the site where they found11 miners were dead and one was struggling for life.So, the team sent the above message.In this case, "All buddies," means a sort of greeting, say "皆さん"addressed to the families, friends or relatives of the victimswho gathered at the office of the mine. But this first message were twisted somewhereand turned into "All buddies were alive."That's why the misunderstanding occurred.The message which went "All buddies were alive" madethe families, relatives and friends very happy.But twenty minutes later, the actual and correct messagewas conveyed to them.Anyway, communication in any form should be performedvery carefully. ----------------------------------------------Ken
○日曜講義最近の授業で気になった事をご連絡します1) been は、「ビーン」? 「ビン」?How long have you been in Japan? 「日本に来てどんくらい?」 このセリフの been は、「ビーン」でなくてビンと言います。丁度、「牛乳瓶」「ビール瓶」の「瓶」という感じで言います。絶対に伸ばして言いません。つまり<ハウロング ハヴュービンニン ジャパン?>となりますーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー2)be 動詞の音と意味合いbe 動詞は、音が弱くなります英語のお芝居で、He is Japanese. というセリフがあったとします。が、仮に He is ~と書かれてあっても実際のセリフは、He's (ヒズ)となります。メリーさんの羊に、次のラインがあります:The lamb was sure to go. このwasは、ワズ、微小音となります-----------------------------------------3) take care of takes care of の時間的長さtake care of --- ですが一言で言います。まるでこの3単語が1語であるかの様に。care of は、ケアロブ となりますr の音と of のoの音がくっ付くためです。4) I don't know what I should do.の音上のセリフの what I は、必ず、<ワライ>となりますbut I-- は バライthat I-- は、ザライ となりますーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー○日記講義 Sat & Sun, Jan. 14th & 15thOn both days, I was originally planning to have a businesstrip to Oita to say "A happy new year" to some of my customersthere. But I was forced to cancel this trip due to some reasonsof them just before the weekend.Every Saturday is packed with English lessonsfrom the morning to the evening.The same thing goes for the morning of Every Sunday.Now there is one thing I should tell to my face-to-face students.I don't care if they are absent from or fail to join my lessonsdue to their own reasons. Every one has his/her own reasons.But I do want them to make a call or send an e-mail about absence. Some people don't let me know when they want to be absent.It's sort of a problem for me.This might become a reason to turn down any English lessonwith such a students.In the lesson with an elementary school teacher, we watched"Anderson Cooper 360°", a kind of news show.The host looks like Hiroshi Kume.In our lesson, we watched the news about the explosion whichoccurred in Sego Mine in West Virginia, USA.(I would like to mention the details of this accident later.)I am pleased and happy now because I was able to havea three-hours-long English lesson with one of my pupils just ago.----------------------------------------------------Ken Suetsugu
◎Fri. Jan. 13th ★Kaho Higashi High School and Kaho High School ★ Finally this day came.This day I went to Daimyo, Fukuoka to have the last classat Fukuoka Institute of Tourism and Foreign Languages(福岡観光外語専門学校) to give my studentsthe second terminal test(後期試験). In the last spring, I got a phone call from this schoolwhich asked me to work there as a part-time English lecturer,and I received their offer. At first, I was very pleased and honored to teach there,but later I found out that it was too tough(しんどい) for meto have two jobs together: translation business andteaching at the school, even though I was responsiblefor only one class a week. I have wanted to spend all my timeand energy only in translation business. That's why I decided not to renew my contact for another yearand to give this opportunity to my fellow interpreter who lives inand have two English courses both in Kotake and Minami-ku, Fukuoka.Plus, I wanted him to build up his career for his future,because he deserves it. This school has a good atmosphereand good students. So my successor will be satisfied atthis school. My test this day included 1)Pronunciation Test,2) Japanese⇒English Translation Test and 3) Reading Test. After the test, I left the school and went home by bus.On my way home, I dropped by a book store where I founda new @\500 DVD. It's animated Superman which I used to watchin Japanese version as a kid. I will buy it for you all. Please give me a time. After coming home, I had an English lesson with a high school studentwho is in the second year at Kaho High School (嘉穂高校).I finished 嘉穂東高校 about 21 years ago for your reference.These two schools sometimes compete each other in their regularbaseball games. This student said that she DID NOT have a good feeling about her own high school.Seems to me that 嘉穂高校 respects its tradition and history which I think is a great thing, but this high school has been putting too much energy in making their students passing entrance exams.Besides, judging from how she translates English into Japaneseand her grammatical knowledge she's got through English classesat her high school, the content of their English classes at the schoolseemingly should be much improved. English grammer is not formula used inthe math. English grammer or expression patterns are symbols offeeling and heart of speakers. Don't you agree with me, guys? On other hand, 嘉穂東高校 is not what it used to be at all.I have been disappointed at this fact.My high school used to be just like 早稲田 UnivBecause it enjoyed a wide variety of students with varioustalents. But now the quality of students at this high schoolhas been deteriorated.My high school has English course now, but the studentsat this course speak very poor English and their Englishis not practical at all. Their English course should be abolished,if I am allowed to make any comment on the course. In my opinion, many of high school here in Chikuho District areturning themselves into 予備校 (a preschool) for entrance exam to universities. So, I don't like the current high schools, even thoughI finished one of them. Interestingly, over 80% of my face-to-face English course studentsfinished 嘉穂高校. (Guys, please forgive me for evaluating yourhigh school in a bitter way in the above.)My students who finished 嘉穂高校 have survived my class forat least two years.I used to have students who finished my high school.But all of them quit at an early stage or showed lack ofmotivation for English training, except one good lady. The above is my personal opinion.Please don't take me personally.---------------------------------------------- Ken Suetsugu
数年にヒットした大作『タイタニック』を授業で使っております。ご覧になった方も多いのではないでしょうか? ローズという上流社会の女性が何もかもイヤになって、ある夜、タイタニック号から身投げをしようとします。偶然に、その光景をジャック(ディカプリオ)がみて止めに入ります。 その際に、次のやり取りがありますーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーRose: You're distracting me. Go away!! (邪魔せんでよ!あっちへ行ってよ)Jack: I can't. I'm involved now. (できんばい。もう引くに引けんが!)ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この "I'm involved."は、よく使いますね 「引くに引けない、状況に関与している」覚えていて損はありません。 be (get) involved in~「(物事・事件など)に巻き込まれる・関与している」と言う意味ですが、上の言い方も同様で「(状況や相手に)関わっている」という意味合いですね ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー「関与している」という意味合いでは、例えば The president of that company must have got deeply involved inthe false designing.「その会社の○○社長は偽装設計問題に深く関与しとうやろ!」 という風に使えます。尚、良い意味でも使います。 「奴は知りすぎた!」 と英語で言う場合は、意訳して、He's got involved too much. としてみても良いですね。 「ケンは、弟子には無償で英語教えているよね。どうして?」 Ken, you teach English to your deshis free of charge. Why? 「弟子に賭けているからね」Because I'm involved (in them/in their future). という感じで使えるかと思います。如何でしょうか?? I'm involved. は、乗りかかった船、という意味にも相当しますね。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー以上、ご参照ください。ご質問は何なりとどうぞ。 I with you all are deeply involved in the way of English learning. ------------------------<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝Phone/Fax:0948-28-4035fuku@eos.ocn.ne.jphttp://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/niten/http://www.fukunet.or.jp/member/tsuuyaku/☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ★★お知らせ★★以下の要領で、弊所がセミナーを開催します。もちろん、無償です。◎☆☆第11回◎「通翻訳技術向上のための英語練習会(無料)」のご案内☆☆◎ ◎開催日:2006年 1月 30日(月) 13-15時★内容:1)通翻訳業での起業方法や顧客開拓の方法の紹介2)身近(手ぶら)で出来る英語練習方法の紹介と実践3) Sound of Music を使っての翻訳練習4)コレポン翻訳の練習【日程】・・・2006年1月30日(月)【時間】・・・13:00~15:00【会場】・・・福岡SOHOサポートセンター ※福岡市中央区天神2丁目8番49号 福岡富士ビル4F TEL 092-781-2011 FAX 092-781-2099 場所についてご不明の場合は、上記にお電話下さい【主催】・・・末次通訳事務所【定員】・・・先着10名程度【対象】・・・SOHOで英語通翻訳事業者、志望者、英語専攻学生ほか【申込方法】末次通訳事務所宛てのメール fuku@eos.ocn.ne.jpでお申し込み下さい。無償ですが、実りのある講座を展開しますのでふるってご参加下さい!!今回は、参加者全員に、名作DVDをプレゼントします。 末次通訳事務所 英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝
<英語・二刀一流>通信 Vol. 17. Jan. 9h, 2006 発行者:末次通訳事務所「守(シュ)・離(リ)・破(ハ)」という言葉をご存知でしょうか?これは、人間の精進・進歩の例えで、武道ではよく使われる表現です。「守」とは、師匠から習う技をその通りに反復練習する事です。「離」とは、反復練習するうちに、自ずと師匠の動きが 自分自身本来の動きに成ってしまう事。「破」とは、自分自身の動きに成った後、それを踏まえてオリジナルの 技術を作り上げる事です。これは、英語の練習にも当てはまります:早速、練習しましょう。次の情報を暗唱できる位に覚えてみましょう:“Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers” is a national project launched in 1965 to help nation-building in developing countries by personal contacts. Young volunteers are selected from among those who have knowledge and skills in particular vocational fields. They will live and work together with local people, and help them acquire vocational skills to sustain themselves.この暗唱文を丸暗記できるほど、覚えておくと、英語でモノを説明する場合などにはこれの表現形式を使って、応用すれば手短に、かつ、要領を得た説明が言えます。特に、次の箇所です:必要な情報を散りばめた良い表現形式です:“Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers” is a national project ⇒「定義」「『海外青年協力隊』は、日本の国として取り組みです」 launched in 1965 ⇒「沿革、歴史」「開始は1965年で」to help nation-building in developing countries 「目的は発展途上国に於ける国家建設支援です」 ⇒「目的」by personal contacts. ⇒「方法、手段」「(方法は)人的交流による支援です」上記の文章形式は、情報を発信する際に必要な視点を含んだ名文と私は感じます。この文章をソラで言えるほどに毎日音読して、そして、暗唱しましょう。一旦覚えてしまうと、応用して、自分の学校や会社、所属のチームなどの紹介を英語でしてみましょう:例)Ken’s Interpreting Office(末次通訳事務所) is a private company founded in 1998 to help domestic enterprises trade with foreign businesses by (providing them) high quality translation service. という風に、組織の紹介の際に応用できます。これが「破」の段階です。ご参照ください。ken suetsugu
<英語・二刀一流>通信 #16 発行者:末次通訳事務所「英語会話・通翻訳」は、長期間、地道に練習しないと身に付きません。日の稽古が必要です。その意味で、英語の習得は武道・兵法の1つとして捉えて、自分に厳しい姿勢で取り組むべきと私は考えております。私には沢山の師がいます。その1人は宮本武蔵先生です。宮本武蔵先生は、朝鍛夕錬を実践した先達です。武蔵先生が如何に練習を重ねたのか?は、『五輪書』を読めば実によくわかります。武蔵先生が遺した『兵法35ケ条』に、次の一節があります。「常に兵法の道を離れず」(=如何なる時でも兵法(剣道・練習)の道から離れるべきでない) =Never depart from the Way of the martial arts(= from your daily practice). 毎日の日常生活に英語学習・練習の題材があります。仮に留学をせずとも英語を練習できる環境は既に私たちの生活に出来ております。自分で工夫して如何にそれを活用していくか?を考えて日々実践しましょう。『五輪書』「地の巻」には、「我、兵法を学ばんと思う人は道を行う法あり」と修業の心得を下記の通り、挙げています:1)よこしまになき事を思う所(邪まな事を思わぬ事)⇒Think without any dishonesty.2)道の鍛錬する事(練習を行う事)⇒Commit yourself in the Way.3)諸芸に触る事(広く色々な芸道に触れる事)⇒Touch upon all of the arts.4)諸職の道を知る事(広く多くの職業の道を知る事)⇒Know the Ways of all occupations.5)物事の損得と弁える事(物事の利害損得を弁える事)⇒Know the advantages and disadvantages of everything.6)諸事、目利きを仕覚える事(あらゆる事に鑑識眼を養う事)⇒Develop a discerning eye in all matters.7)目に見えぬ所を悟って知る事(目に見えない事を悟って知る事)⇒Understand what cannot be seen by the eye.8)わずかな事にも気を付ける事(小さな事にも気を配る事)⇒Pay careful attention to even small things.9)役に立たぬ事をせざる事(役に立たない事はしない事)⇒Don’t involve yourself with the impractical.★上記の事を念頭において、英語(のみならず諸事)の練習を日々行い、 技量向上に務めましょう!★英語は、仮にネイティブに習っていても、 自分で積極的に工夫を行い、努力する様にしませんと 伸びません。自力が大切であると思います。Ken Suetsugu
○ Thu, Jan. 12th It was high time that I had got back to translation work.Today I translated 11 pages of Japanese information into English.My English translation will be on the web site of this company soon. I would like to restart 通訳業務 this year.It will take me about 6months at most to shift the mainbusiness of mine from 翻訳業務 into 通訳業務.I have to do business promotion for 通訳業務. Now I think I will have to focus more on teaching jobwith more students while I devote my energy to the businesspromotion.But there is a big problem for me.I am not confident that I can keep new students for a long time.Once I find that they have less guts in learning English,I tend to make them leave. That's why I have little confidence andworry if I should put my ad for students in a local news paper. If they are full of motivation, I will be able to keep them and feelhappy about them.But I know from my own experience that only limited numberof people have a really strong motivation.Most of people seem to have a strong motivation, but actuallythey don't. By the way, I had placed an order for two copies of a booktitled "マザーグースとリズム". I received them today.I sent one copy to my young student today.The young student will be surprised to receive this book tomorrow.----------------------------------------------------------------ken
○Wed. Jan. 11th Today, I had a visit of a friend of mine.This friend lives several hours' drive from Iizuka. Since this friend came to see me all the way froma certain town in other prefecture, I (had to) spentall day with this friend until evening. This friend came to see me to learn some Judotechniques from me, so I practiced with this friendfor hours. Got very tired. But it was lots of fun teachingthis friend many skills. In the evening, I had an English lesson with the deshi.This was our regular lesson.I started the lesson with 九九 in English.Then, we sang some Jazz vocals including a Sandwich song.Other Jazz vocals we sang included "Come-on a my house"and "Just One of Those Things"We sang these songs for pronunciation and rhythm practice.Besides, these songs have useful expressions like"paint the town(派手に振舞う、はしゃぐ)", "ring the bell(ピンと来る)"and "one of those things(よくある事です)".So I explained these expressions to her and practiced how to use them in our daily English conversation. I gave her a book written by Mr. Onishi who hostedthe three months-long TV program named ハートで感じる英文法.I hope she'll read the book again and again to learn and developthe picture of English words and expression patterns.--------------------------------------------------------Ken
○Tue, Jan. 10thThis day was my first business day this year.Of course, as you may know, I started workingon the first day of this month.But I regard this day as the first business dayand I began to contact all my customers.This year I would like to focus more on通訳 than on 翻訳. Hopefully in the latterhalf of this year. I will need at least three monthsor six months to shift from 翻訳 into 通訳業務.I need to visit as many customers as possibleincluding consulates based in Fukuoka andEmbassies in Tokyo to re-explore the demandsfor interpretation.So I am now planning to fly to Tokyothis March on business to meet as many staffmembers at Embassies there to remind them of me.Last weekend I got a new translation orderfrom English to Chinese. This order is fromHakata Doll Distributor which is supposed toship a Hakata Doll to China and then they want toput an instruction manual on how to assemblea doll case for the customer in China.I have an outside staff member who is a Korean-Chinese. She's also an excellent Japanese speaker.She lives in Tokyo now.I asked her to do the translation from the documentinto Chinese.-----------------------------------------Today I had three English lessons:One in this morning and two in the afternoon.In the morning lesson I had with my fellow translator,we learned how to translate a technical documentfrom Japanese into English.This Japanese expression became one of the topics.「内定」: I said to him that I would translate this wordinto "unofficial agreement on one's employment" .My dictionary says 内定 is "informally promisedemployment." What do you think?I sent DMs to all the sections or departments of a localelectronic parts manufacturer last weekend,aiming to make them place translation orders tothis fellow translator in stead of me.This company is one of my customers.Actually this company was the first customers whoplaced me a translation order among the localcompanies in Chikuho. So I have a certain good feelingabout this company. But around the end of the last year,I had an argument with Switch Engineering Sectionof this company. I just advised them to place us an orderin more efficient way for mutual convenience.They didn't listen to me and got angry at me,saying that they would not give me any order fromthen on. So I decided to stop dealing with them.But instead of this, I hit upon an idea that I would introducemy fellow translator to this section as my successor.I am also going to send other 20 DMs to trading companies inChikuho District for the same purpose.I would like him to make enough money through translation business.I do want to make all my students, deshis or pupils happierwith me.------------------------------------------------In the afternoon English training, I started with this famous songtitled "Mary Had a Little Lamb".It goes :Mary had a little lambLittle lamb, Little lamb.Mary had a little lamb.Its fleece was white as snow.Its fleece was white as snow This line has a beautiful English rhythm.So we practiced this line many times.Just for your reference.-------------------------------------------------Ken Suetsugu
○ Mon, Jan. 9th.It's Coming-of-the-Age Day today.This national holiday next year will mark the 20th anniversarysince I turned 20. So, I will have experienced two decadestwice since I was born. Comparing to the first two decades,I feel the second two decades have been passing more quickly.Never did I expect that I would keep myself single with nochildren at the age of 39 when I was 20.I have had four ladies I strongly wanted to marry in the past20 years: The first one was a young lady living in Tokyo.She was a young artist with big round eyes.She and I worked in the same building.One day we met and I fell in love with her at the first sight.We had dating several times. My boss helped me a lotin this love matter. But she already had hersteady boyfriend when I had a dating with her.I once attempted to take her from her boyfriend,but she became pregnant later and I had to give it up.The second lady was a student-nurse.She was and is now very famous among my students.When I saw her for the first time in 1997,I was astonished at her beauty!!!She was a student of mine at that time.We had a very good relationship with each other.However, six months later, I had to put an urgent end to the relationship between her and me for several reasons.Even still now, I regret that I shouldn't havejumped to the conclusion.The third lady was younger than I.When I saw her for the first time in my life,I was stunned, wondering how cute she was.She was a extremely cheerful cute young lady.she was a good pianist. She and I had a very goodrelationship. She took my English lesson because shewas supposed to study in the States.We enjoyed four months long lessons.I remember that we had a great time when I droveher to Hakata to buy Hakata dolls for her future host family.The story about the 4th lady can wait. Sorry for this.Now, as some of you might notice, I have a lady I love.But I have to give her up. This is certainly an impossible case,even though I want to try my best.----------------------------------------------In the morning today, I dropped by my parents' house.Then, a shocking news caught my ears.I didn't know this, but according to my mothera new convenience store, which is seven-elevenwill be built and open mid-February.The new shop is just close to my mom's store.It will be about 100 meters off from our storeon the opposite side of the street.There is another old shop near ours, about 30 metersaway from us. It's a liquor shop. The new shop is just acrossthe street from the liquor shop.My mother looked to be unhappy.Even though we haven't got as many customersas before now, the new shop to be open soon willsurely attract our existing customers.On the other hand, I think that this fact will be a goodopportunity for her to decide to close our shop.(I will talk about the history of 末次商店 someday. The history of 末次商店 can be traced back to pre-world war the second.)Honestly speaking, I do want my mother to closeher shop. She had seriously bad knees and has big troublewalking now. I would like her and her husband to spendthe rest of their life in more relaxing manner.After dropping by my parents' house,I went to our grave to pray for good business in this year.Our grave has one big problem.There are several trees around our grave.The trees have many long branches and they hangover the grave. making it dark even in the daytimeand preventing it from getting the sun.So, I decided to cut the trees down within this dayin order to give the sunlight to the whole graveafter going to the grave. I returned home to get a sawand other tools. Came back to the grave and began tocut the trees. Luckily the trees have few leaves nowdue to the winter season. So all I had to do is to cutjust the branches without leaves.It was a very simple, but heavy work.I needed over one hour to finish my job.I've heard that if our grave is dark, the atmospherein the house is also dark. On the other hand, if our graveis exposed to bright sunlight, our house is also blessed withbright atmosphere. That's why I decided to cut the trees down.Winter is a good timing for me since the trees have few leaves.It is easier for me to work on it.After this job, I had an English lesson with my deshi.In this lesson today, we watched some scenesof TITANIC, one of ex-popular movies and learneduseful expressions together.I am strongly hoping that she had a good timeand get inspired to study more.I will send you all useful expressions later by e-mail.--------------------------------------------Ken Suetsugu
◎ Sun, Jan. 8thThis day I had four English lessons: three in the morningand one in the afternoon.I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and then read a newspaperfor any interesting news.I felt slightly sick when I woke up. This was due tomy overeating at the yesterday's small party.My first English lesson started at 8:00.With a college student who wants to be a grade school teacherin the future. We practiced using useful English expressions.Followed by the second English lesson at 9:00.In this lesson, the student and I read a cover storyof a Time Magazine. It was about avian flu(鳥インフルエンザ)which has become one of the hottest topics people inthe world have concerned.My third lesson started at 10:00.In this lesson, the student(a gentleman) and I listened to an Englishtape. This tape is the one I sent or gave you all.It's a 45 min.-long explanation about Jazz by late レナード・バーンスタイン. I love his professionalexplanation about jazz. It's a really good explanation,don't you think so?This gentleman kindly lent me a video tape ofa drama titled 古畑任三郎, which I missed the other day.I am very happy now. I said a lot of thank to him forhis discretion.My fourth lesson was the one I was really looking forwardto. It was the lesson with my deshi.In the two-hour lesson, we practiced English pronunciation,intonation and rhythm, did an English-Japanese translationof a technical document (drawing) and listening comprehensiontraining by use of CNN news, which one of my students kindlylent to me.After the lessons, I feel very tired and hungry.Then, I made two kinds of 二刀流新聞, #16 and 17.Went to bed earlier.-------------------------------------------------Ken
◎ Sat, Jan. 7thI was looking forward to this day.Because I had a small new year party with some of my students in the evening.They include my young deshi, her sisters and a college studentwho goes to a university in Nagasaki.On my way to the pub, I dropped in at a fancy good shopto buy a pair of pierces and three broaches as presents tothem. I just wanted to show my gratitude toward the threesisters who did help me prepare 年賀状 and write down the mailing address and the name of my customers and students each. I went to the pub at 18:30.The pub served us too much amount of foodsat a very reasonable price. I got surprised at thisbut enjoyed the served dishes. I brought homesome of the dishes after the party.The college student kinda painted the town redand became too familiar with me.I didn't get angry at her at all, knowing she justshowed the friendship she had toward me.After the party, I talked a lot with some of my friendsover the phone.Very tired and went to bed without doing some work I had to do in the night.------------------------------------------------------Ken Suetsugu
◎ Fri. Jan. 6thI spent this whole day in doing 添削.I had lots of translations from my pupils which wereleft unchecked.Too many translations were left.I needed over eight hours to check and correct them all today.I really hope that every student agrees to send me a set oftranslation per day. Some of them send me too many translationsin a day. I am very happy about them but sometimes this give mea trouble in doing my translation work.A set of translation per day is ideal for me.By the way, I started a new type of English lesson usingmobile phone from today.I sometimes exchange e-mails with my students and deshis.They email their replies sometimes in Japanese and sometimesin English. I decided yesterday to send them English translationof their own Japanese replies for their reference and study so that they would be able to know how to express themselves in English.I received two e-mails from a student of mine in Japanese this morningand so I sent the English translation to the student.I am sure that the student was able to know how to expressher messages in English.If you need this kind of English lessons using mobile phone,please tell me.ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーKen Suetsugu
◎ Thu. Jan. 5thThis day I had an English lesson with the deshi at 10:00.In this lesson, we watched a certain scene of Titanic.This scene shows us various unique but common Englishexpression patterns and differences in nuance of thesame repeated sentences with different intonations.For example, Jack (デカプリオ) asks Rose:1) Do you love him? 上昇口調 and again2) Do you love him? 下降口調Plus, I taught her the very ABCs on how to expressour feelings or comments in English.In the afternoon, I had another English lesson with a studentwho now studies at 活水女子大学 in Nagasaki.She was among the members I took to Kyoto last summer.We had several hours' lesson with her and I got very tired.That was why I missed the last story of 古畑任三郎,the third night of the special drama.I shouldn't have drunk two cups of shochu, which really mademe feel sleepy.
会合への出席を請われて、「その日は用事があるので参加出来ません」と言う場合は、どの様に言えば良いでしょうか?この様な場合の「用事がある」を取り上げます。色々と言い方がありますが"(I'm afraid I can't.) I have something to do on that day."との言い方が出来ます。或いは、内容で訳して、"(I'm afraid I can't.)I will be busy on that day." としても良いですね。仕事帰りに、一杯のみませんか?と同僚から誘われました。が、用事があります。そこで、"I wish I could, but I have something to do with my family today. Next time." という言い方などが出来ます。I have something to do with my family. で、家族で用事がある、という感じの意味になります。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
◎ Wed. Jan. 4thThis day I had two English lessons at 9:00 and 10:00.In the 10:00 English lesson with a deshi of mine, I taught hersubtle difference(微妙な違い) in nuance of many pairs of similar expressions:For example,1) Did the party go well ? 上昇口調 2) The party went well? 下降口調Now, guys, please think the difference in nuance between thisabove pair. I'll get you a few days.This night is the second night for 古畑任三郎.Ichiro plays the role of a criminal and so I was excited towatch this drama. But I missed this drama again and fell into sleep while watching the drama.
1)「どこの学校行きよると?」相手が中学生でも、小学生でも高校生でも大学生でも、「どこの学校に行っているか?」を尋ねる場合は、Where do you study? で良いですねA: What do you do?B: I'm a student?A: Where do you study? となります逆に、佛教大です と応える場合はI study at Bukkyo Univ. で良いですねーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー高校の話になって、「ケンはどこの高校行きよったと?」 はWhere did you study? ですねI studied at Kaho Higashi High School. ですねーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー2) 卒業と finish 「どこの高校行きよったと?」「どこの高校でりんしゃたと?」What high school did you finish? ですね応える場合もI finished 嘉穂東 High School. ですね★逆にいえば、タモリ didn't finish 早稲田. とかTakeshi didn't finish 明治大. という風にnot finish でしたら、中退となります卒業してない、と言う事ですからねーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー3)貴方のお名前は? と尋ねる場合これは、May I have your name? といった類の言い方を使う必要はありません。次の言い方を覚えましょうHi, I'm Ken and you're ----. と言い掛ければ相手は必ず名前を言います。これが自然な流れでの言い方です。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー4)鎌をかける(良い意味で)方法「日本にはどうしていらっしゃんですか?」と尋ねる場合Are you here in Japan on business? とかAre you in Tokyo for study? などと敢えて具体的な例を出して、それが相手に当てはまらない場合でもこれを使います。もし違っていれば、相手は必ず訂正してきます。同様に、「相手に)学生さんですか?それともおつとめ?」と聞く場合も Are you a student? で良いですねそれで違っていれば相手は必ず訂正します。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー5)もうかる、の言い方モールツアルトを描いた、映画「アマデウス」でモーツアルトの父ちゃんが次の様に言いますComposition doesn't pay. ですね作曲ちゃ、金にならんめーも。pay は、仕事が儲かる、お金になる という意味合いですねShare-trading pays.株売買は、儲かる、という意味合いですねこのpayの使い方は覚えておいて下さいPlain Englishの基本ですーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー6)新築祝い ですが、「うちの弟の家で新築祝いがある」と言う場合は、We'll have a party at my brother's new house. とかMy brother'll give a party at his new house. で良いですねこれが末次流の根源です。言いたい内容を訳する、英語で言うということです。つまり、文字にとらわれない ということですねご参照ください。ご質問は何なりとどうぞ。末次通訳事務所 英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝
◎ Tue. Jan. 3rdThis day I had two English lessons at 8:00 andat 11:00 in the morning.In the 11:00 lesson, we used a CNN newsto check the student's listening comprehension leveland make her tell me the meaning of what she listened to.I did want to teach her how to take notes(メモ),but I will do this next time for her due to my poor preparation.Sorry for this!I was looking forward to a detective TV drama,古畑任三郎, which was to be broadcast this night. But unfortunately, I fell asleep earlier than thisdrama started. Moreover, I was not able to video thisdrama.But don't worry! I am sure that this special dramawill be rebroadcast someday in the future.I LOVE this drama. I know this drama is sort of a copy of Colombo(刑事コロンボ), an Americanfamous and popular detective story.This drama or 刑事コロンボ always makes us thinklogically about the case which happens in the story,leading us to the clue of the case, why the criminalkilled the victim and so on.I am sure that 古畑任三郎 and 刑事コロンボ aregood dramas as a textbook for logical thinking.------------------------------------------
◎ Diary on Monday, Jan.2nd-------------------------Today I was supposed to have an English lesson with one ofmy correspondence students. This young lady now lives in Tokyo(I envy her a lot about that), and is originally from Fukuoka.Taking the opportunity of her coming back to her hometown,we had an English lesson.I took a 9:35 bus bound for Tenjin.I had though that the bus would not be so crowded, but actually the bus was so crowded. Every seat was occupiedso other passengers and I who got on the bus at 新飯塚 Stop had to use an auxiliary seat(jump seat=補助イス).The bus was also caught in a heavy traffic jam on the roads inFukuoka City, and this made me arrive at the designated placeto meet her very late.In the lesson, 1) first, we practiced saying numbers inEnglish using 九九 and 割り算(over-expression).2) Next, we used fliers of agricultural products and did a role-playing conversation.I asked the student to pick out three kinds of fliers offruits. She picked out Kaki, melon and peach.I told her to play a role of Kaki supplier and I said that I wouldtake the part as a buyer at a supermarket who would like topurchase kaki from a famous brand kaki grower.We developed a business conversation impromptu.This was the first trial that I had done this kind of role playing.Next, we used a flier of melon.This time, I set up a situation where the student came tosee me after a long time with these melons in a hospital where I have been for several months because of disease.We tried to have a conversation also impromptu.This role-playing may be difficult even in Japanese.So it must be a good training for us to use English.We did it in English3) Then, we practiced Japanese⇒English translationin an oral method.We had about two hours lesson.At the end of the lesson, she kindly gave me a box ofsweets. They are very delicious.After the lesson, I went to Sony Plaza to buy somepresents for my precious friend.Came home around 15:00 in the afternoon.I had another English lesson at 17:00.The student is a college student (not deshi).She goes to Nakamura Univ. in Fukuoka, majoring inEducation. She wants to be an elementary school teacherin the future. She is very keen in learning English, in factmore enthusiastic than I had expected.As an elementary school teacher, she hopes thatshe will be able to teach her future students English.We practiced reading out Mother Goose and otheressay as a pronunciation, intonation and rhythm training.Very tired in the evening and went to bed very early.-----------------------------------------------KEN
年初めには、新年の抱負として、「今年こそは英会話を始めよう」「英語の上達に頑張ろう」と思う方が多いです。ですが、仲々と努力が続きません。そこで、>末次流<の稽古方法をご紹介します。 以前、掛け算の九九を英語で言う練習をお勧めしました。1 x 1 ~ 9 x 9 までを全部言っても5分位で済みます。是非、日々してみて下さい。九九を英語で言う事は、物事を英語で考える入り口になります。 例えば、 7 x 5 = 35 は、 seven times five is thirty five. ですね では、 81 ÷ 3 = 27 は、どういうでしょうか?⇒九九の逆練習です: ○割り算割り算についても色々な言い方がありますが、over を使えば簡単です。 例えば、10 ÷ 5 = 2 は、 ten over five is two. ですね 割り算は、裏を返せば分数ですから分数も overを使えば簡単です。 1/3(3分の1)は、one over three. となります。 分数の ―(棒) が over で、上から<数字 over 数字>と言えば良いですね。 81 ÷ 9= 54÷9= 27 ÷ 9=72 ÷ 9= 45÷9= 18 ÷ 9=63 ÷ 9= 36÷9= 108 ÷ 9= overを使って、上の式を使って、英語で式と答えを言う練習しましょう。なるべく答えもサッと言える様にしましょう。-----------------------------------------------------------以上、ご参照ください ○以下、新春業務サービスのご案内です: ◎以下、お知らせです:詳細は、URLをクリックして内容をご参照下さい:★1) 「各種英語実用講義配信サービス」のご案内★http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/niten/25003★2) 年末年始セールスキャンペーンを実施中です。 http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/niten/28001◎弊所では、企業向けの日本語研修と英語研修を始めました。お気軽にご検討、お申込下さい:3)◎企業向け英語研修案内:http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/niten/250014)◎企業向け論理的日本語研修案内http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/niten/25002末次通訳事務所 英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝
◎ Diary: Sunday, Jan 1st.I think I had a quite day today.Got up 5 in the morning.Cleaned the entrance to my apartment and wipedthe door. Prepared two plates of salt(盛り塩) and put themat each side of the entrance.Then, I prepared for two English lessons called "初稽古".This custom comes from "武道". Usually a traditionaljudo or kendo club starts a new year with the 初稽古.This is the first 初稽古 of English I tried for the first timein my life. I did 初稽古 with two of my students separately.In the 初稽古, I focused on pronunciation, rhythm, and intonationof English and practiced with them. Then, I shared with them how to speak Englishmore efficiently so that native speakers of English couldunderstand us very smoothly.I am thinking of doing 初稽古 again next Jan.1st,if I am available on that day next year. But next time,I will invite as many students as possible to have an Englishlesson with them at the same time.After 初稽古, I sent many e-mails to my friends andmy students.Around 14:00, I walked out to one of the local shrinesto pray my success in business and private matters.Came home around 15:30, then started to make a report.I had been asked to make a report on the education I had takenso far. It took me about a couple of hours to get it finished.------------------------------------------------------------Ken
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